Saturday, March 16, 2019

The Two letter word "MY"

I, was excited and very happy to see, a sight today morning, while taking a walk in my backyard. A mother bird, was feeding her young, by putting the feed to each one’s mouth, and not one was left out.
 I, suddenly pondered on a two-letter word from Psalms 23:1, my most favorite psalm. The Lord is MY shepherd. The word, “MY” has an intimacy, or a personalized feeling in it. It tells, the Lord is not your shepherd, not their shepherd, not his or her shepherd but, MY shepherd. For example, this is my mother, my pen, my dress, my house etc. Whatever, is dear to us becomes “MY”. When you say, “The Lord is my shepherd”; you have the confidence in yourself, that He will tenderly care for you, He will guard you, He will protect you. When Lord my God becomes, a shepherd for me then their; will be no want with me. He will provide for me. He will make me to lie in green pastures where, I will have to just lie down peacefully, with no worries as to what will happen next.

I, remember teaching my niece, the first psalms in her life, when she was 4yr old. She used to ask me the meaning, and was happy on seeing the beautiful picture of a sheep, lying in green pastures. But, when I made her to memorize, “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,”; made her a little scared, and she asked me, if MY shepherd is with me always, why does the shadow of death come behind me? I, gently answered her, my dear, if the sheep lying in the pasture, by mistake in a playful atmosphere, falls in a pit of darkness; it need not worry as the shepherd keeps a watch over it and even a feeble cry is enough for the shepherd, to rescue it as He is MY shepherd. My niece, was very happy with this beautiful psalm and she mugged it. Now, even in her sleep if I, tell her to recite the Psalm, she will do it.

In this world, everything created by God is under the care of Almighty God. Not only does He, arranges the supplies of food, clothing, and all the basic necessities, but cares for our future needs. He arranges, everything so that we can have a peaceful life. Even though, we may be tensed and burdened, by the things happening to us, but; at the right time He will work for us, and for our tinniest needs. If, God provides for the birds, when they cry out to Him, how much more; will He provide for your and my needs. He does everything for His own glory.
I’m just writing a blog post, for your encouragement. If you know this article would help someone or encourage them, please do share with them. I’d also love to hear from you. Please do leave a comment.

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