Tuesday, March 12, 2019


In the evening, when I was having a sip of coffee, on the terrace and was enjoying, the beautiful sunset when; I noticed a squirrel, in an act of showing performance like an acrobat. God’s creation is indeed splendid with, creatures like squirrel and birds, who daily run about in front of our eyes. It is the way God, has made them, splendid indeed!
 We, have heard people saying, “you should eat a well-balanced diet” to keep yourself healthy. If you eat food; only rich in carbohydrate, you will gain weight but; your bones and muscles will not be strong. So, eating a well-balanced diet, having carbohydrate, protein, fat, minerals and vitamins should, be taken to have a healthy life. Most of us strive to live such healthy life. We have also heard a common saying that “Life is a balance of body, mind, and spirit.” But to live such, a life is rather difficult, and can be lived with a continuous practice and effort; just like an acrobat, a gymnast or a trapeze performer.

In the day to day, life we may face different challenges. Even, in times of struggle, your life will continue to be balanced if your focus; remains on Him. Just, have a look on the picture; I, took of the squirrel, it has its full focus, on the cable wires look at its paws, they are grasped tightly to the wires. Such, should our focus be, on Him; grasping on the word of God, or having a strong hold on Him, with full faith.
 Once we have the fear of God, we will try to avoid all extremes; that is live a simple and a well pleasing life with holiness and godliness. Even, King Solomon have written, in the book of Ecclesiastes 7: 18 New international version “It is good to grasp the one and not let go of the other. The man who fears God will avoid all extremes”. If the knowledge of a balanced life, is there, we can even teach our kids when to speak and when not, or when to play and when to study, when to be responsible and when to be free. Teach the children to live a balanced life.
During the act of balancing, God will give you blessings and hardships in your life. He will observe us, as to how we manage those situations. God will see, whether the two-sided scale is balanced. With the blessings whether we have a contend life or overwhelmed due to hardships. Sometimes with good things, He will give us bad things also, which we should readily accept from Him; as both are a gift of God’s grace. All, He gives in our life is to refine us and prepare us for the eternity.

This is my blog, for everyone who wants to live a balanced life, wondering which step to take forward and where to lay our strong hold on. This article, is for your encouragement. If you know this article would help someone or encourage them, please do share with them. I’d also love to hear from you. Please, do leave a comment.

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