Sunday, December 26, 2021

True Christmas

Life is good, and we are bestowed with numerous mercies by Him. But, the people don't get time to thank God. Especially during the season, busyness about cooking, decorating, shopping makes one tired.

God's plan for humanity. It, is a crucial moment in the history that; God in the form of human came and dwelled among us. The way God signaled this act was through; a star, 3 wise men and shepherds that a Saviour, will deliver the people from sins. All this was kept secret except for few shepherds.

The actual date, and the month of Jesus birth, is not recorded in the bible. Every other stories and happenings are recorded in the Bible even a widow who gave a penny is recorded but; how come this great event was not written. What is important is that Jesus was born, and people need to accept this truth.

Different prophets in old testament told about the birth of a Saviour. In the bible, we come to know the truth that if, Christ would not be born and raised from the dead then; we would not attain salvation, in the same way His resurrection, was a pathway to heaven for the human.

We can see in Isaiah 7:14 "Therefore the Lord himself shall  give you a sign: Behold a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son and call his name "Immanuel." 

Another prophet Micah in 5:2 has written "But thou, Beth-lehem, Ephratah  though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me  that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth  have been from of old, from everlasting".

Christmas is the story of God's love, which came down for us. A love that showed peace, A love that was willing to sacrifice His life, A love that wanted to save the dying world from sin. The love of God the Father who gave His beloved son Jesus to die on the cross and, to save the mankind. Here is 'Jesus,' the King, who made a bridge between God and the people.

The importance of Jesus born is shown in the life of each individual, Jesus being born inside us by having His characters in our life.  By loving others , by sharing, by encouraging others. Today we celebrate the truth that God is with us the meaning of Immanuel. He loves you and me and, has not forgotten us. This is the greatest love the world has ever or will ever know. This is the true message of Christmas which Lord wants us to have in our hearts.

Friends, Hope this blog will throw, some light on True Christmas. The important message to be spread is to have Jesus in us. A place in our heart with His characters which will be filled with hope, joy and peace once He is inside. Please do share, and comment your views. God bless you.






Sunday, November 28, 2021

Power To Be Happy Practice it......


Some days our thoughts crowd in our mind as, we begin our day. Each day is a challenge for us, to make it best by the end as, we retire on to our beds.

We are a social human being. So, it is good thing to know others and talk to them but, wise and better if you know yourself. Nature, has given the power to each and every living thing; to get adapted and change your attitude, behavior, life style and ways of living, to the current situation. It can change your disappointment, your gloominess ,your hatred, your loneliness into encouragement, happiness, love, friendship in your life and environment.

The thing is to, identify your own weakness, and find out the ways to overcome it. The power is, already inside you which is a gift, from the Almighty. All are bestowed; with the gift of kindness, love, joy, peace, truth, gentleness, meekness, longsuffering, temperance within yourself. Despite the turmoil's the difficulties faced, there is abundant source of happiness in each. See, the birds in the sky they are filled with joy, and vigor singing around.

 So, if you have the power to be happy you can remain happy and make others happy. Only thing is to practice this gift which is inside you, so that it can be spread around and multiplied. Whatever you practice in your life the most, that will be seen in your life. If, you are angry always this shows that you've been, practicing it the most. Whatever, you sow that you will reap. As, written in Gal 6:7 "Be not deceived; God is not mocked : for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." The seed, you sow in this soil of your life; that fruit will be produced in the garden of your life. Same, is with your focus in life, if you think of problems and focus on it night and day you will heap up with problems, if your ship sinks in the water it shows  water has got inside it.  If, your focus is on surrounding you, can easily sink. So, keep your focus on the author.

If you want to be happy you should be thankful for all things in your life. When we face trials of different sort we should be happy resting on to God's promises. As written in James 1:2," Count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; knowing this, that the trying of your faith works patience." . We can see Daniel even in the lion's den he was not afraid but, was fully filled with the joyous presence of victory. His faith did not waver he trusted Lord.

Thank God and trust Him. In the midst of your hardship and trials once you are submitted to Him, see His, amazing work in your life.

I’m just writing a blog post, for your encouragement so as to have power of happiness in you. If, you know this article would help someone or encourage them, please do share with them. I’d also love to hear from you. Please do leave a comment.




Sunday, November 7, 2021

Enduring Suffering


In the so called trials God, often makes the sweetest discoveries of Himself.

" God sometimes shuts the door and shuts us in,

That He may speak, perchance through grief or pain,

And softly, heart to heart, above the din,

May tell some precious thought to us again"                                         

Sufferings are endured, for each person in one way or other. May it be a rich man, or a poor man, it comes to everyone in one way or other. That, is the time thousand question arises in mind. Why, God had  to endure such a trial in my life?? 

Suffering, comes because He, allowed it to happen in our lives. To walk one step closer to Him, to attain His perfection, and to experience His presence. The sufferings, come in our life to make us worthy of the joy that will be revealed, on that day. It, can come in any form, size or shape, in different forms may; be physical, mental, emotional, economical, familial etc.

 When, a suffering is faced to a loved one, it cause more distressing. God's people are called to suffer. By enduring, the pain and suffering, we get the crown which God, has promised to the one who will receive it.

If, we see in the life of Joseph, and in the life of Jesus, they suffered pain which; was all according to the plan of 'Heavenly Father'. To  grow, in the likeness of 'Jesus Christ' with example of; endurance, love, gentleness, peace, goodness, faithfulness, purity, self control, joy, success, even during the time of sorrow.

As we read in Heb 12:2,3 "Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for joy set before Him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God." Thus our focus should be fixed. In the same way we have to set Jesus as our example in our painful situations, conforming us into His image. We all, have different cross to carry, and we must learn to deny ourselves and carry the cross.

God, has called each of us uniquely according to our; circumstance, education, fellowship, background, family etc.

Past few month back I was down with some problem. That's the time, Lord revealed me many insights; during my personal meditation. I thank my Lord who guides me and is always my help as, I feel the move off Holy Spirit often.

The time I had to go through the pain, Lord, told me to read James 5: 7-11.

Ø Firstly, we have to be patient in the face of suffering like, many prophets who spoke in the name of Lord. In which; we can see Job's perseverance in which God blessed him.

Ø Next, if a person is suffering, we as a church should pray.

Ø Confess, your sins one to another and forgive.

Ø Inform the elders, pastors , overseers, as the prayer of righteous man is powerful, and effective.

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So, that I might not exalt myself; a thorn in my flesh was given, that is when suffering comes in our life. But, His grace is sufficient in life for His power is perfected in our life. Whole creation, groans with some or other type of pain in their lives. In the life of Job, we see how he suffered, he did cry and questioned God

Instead of crying or keeping a gloomy face, we should try to overcome it and look unto 'Jesus' who is the author and finisher of our story. He, will bring a good end according to His will. As, He knows from the beginning to the end of our life story. He will chirp, and chisel the rough edges, and make us a perfect diamond.

 ’I'm just writing a blog post, for your encouragement. Don't let the peace, and joy depart from you these days. Keep smiling like the flowers and overcome all your difficulties. If, you know this article would help someone or encourage them, please do share with them. I’d, also love to hear from you. Please do leave a comment.




True Christmas

Life is good, and we are bestowed with numerous mercies by Him. But, the people don't get time to thank God. Especially during the seaso...