Thursday, May 30, 2019

Intimate relationship

Once, I was going in a bus to my relative's house. As, I was a bit late to get in the bus I, had a bad experience. I didn't get a seat. I had to stand for quite a long time, more and more people started to get in, and I was, now at the last with pushing and stamping over my feet. I, remembered reading an article in which it was written if you are riding in a bus and if you choose to sit or stand, in the last seat, then you will be having a bad experience of pushing and stamping, but if you choose to sit or stand in the front then there will be less hustle and bustle, less commotion, and less stampede. Same is the case when you travel in life's journey bus, when you are far away from His presence you will have to face problems in your family life, personnel life, health life in every other corners of life. But if you are, near to the driver and close to him, your life will be smooth. The relation, which you maintain with God should be an intimate relationship. Like, an intimate friend, your relationship with God should also be in that deep level.

 Who is a true friend? He, is someone who knows all you faults, and still remains your friend. We cannot be intimate, with a person we don’t trust. The more we trust someone, the closer we let them get to us. The degree to which trust is present, in a relationship express the degree of intimacy. It is hard to have a true friendship. Someone said, "With money you can buy all the friends you want, but they are never worth the price." Another said, "Having money and friends is easy. Having friends and no money is an accomplishment." " A true friend will always  strengthen you with prayers, help when you fall, bless you with love, and encourage your hope.
There is a beautiful verse in the bible which says in James 4:8 - "Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double minded". Drawing near to God was very difficult during Old testament time. As  people had to go to the temple to see him and to offer sacrifice. But in the new testament you don't need vehicle, no need financial set up no need of anything, He is an omnipresent God, He is present everywhere, once you  cry out, repent from your sin, have clean heart and seek His presence for help their He is near you. Drawing near to God is an invisible act. We  can be near to Him by spending time with Him, worshiping Him, praying and talking to Him, inviting Him into every aspect of our lives. God is a real, He will never fail. He will satisfy your soul. I like a beautiful song it's like this "What a friend we have…….
I’m just writing a blog post, for your encouragement which tells us to have an intimate relationship. If you think this article would help someone or encourage them, please do share with them. I’d also love to hear from you. Please do leave a comment.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Overcome darkness by light

Opening the newspaper daily in the morning, with horrific articles of cry, pain, and death, causes our heart to sink. Recently due to short circuit from AC duct, a building was on fire. Mourning the loss of death, of about 16 teenage students, who were attending coaching class were charred to death with the injured ones causes grief in many of our lives. The news of murder ,of  accidents, rape, terrorist attacks, earthquakes, landslides are very common nowadays. Darkness keeps prevailing in the news papers. Sometimes, I wonder why there is so much  darkness all around happening. These darkness and grieving situations, and cruelty comes from the evil one. It rather becomes difficult to answer all the questions, when we think of the situations as to why it happened. When I, read and hear all the things going around in the world, I have heartache and grief. Whenever we experience this darkness in the world, the command of Christ to let the light inside us to shine before men, comes in front. In whatever manner we can, we should relieve the suffering of others, and shun away the darkness and overcome it. We, cannot stop the natural calamities, but the darkness which is in the life of people around us, can be removed by giving hope, and encouragement to others. The verse " I have come as light into the world, that everyone who believes in Me may not remain in darkness". John 12:46. This verse relieves my grief and sadness.  Jesus, has the power to take out those who are in darkness. He, is able to overcome it as He is the light of the world that shines. He, came to be a light in our lives.
We are the light of the world. As said in Matt 5:14 A city that is build on a hill cannot be hidden. We, have to be like that city which will shine as light on this dark world of hatred, greed, selfishness, anger, jealousy, lying, killing which are the acts of evil one. There are people who, prefer to spend their life in darkness so, they continue to live a life with prince of darkness. Our main goal, is to pray for the people around, to live a life with peace, love and joy.
Pray to be close to God, and have an intimate relationship with Him. Pray, for the eradication of the power of darkness. We have to believe that a loving God, is their to take away all our darkness, and troubles. We shall overcome, we shall overcome, we shall overcome someday....


Sunday, May 19, 2019

Leap of faith.

Have, you ever felt from inside that your faith is weak, and sometimes you waver in two boats of "Can I" "I can't." If this is you, then the following blog is perfectly for you.

A few days back, my niece and nephew were playing in the sand. In front of our house, work of a building construction was going on.  Heaps of sand was in a place. The children started playing on it. Now I, saw my nephew climbing on the small heap of sand and taking a leap from, there to the ground. Seeing this my niece came to me and said Aunt, I think, "I can't" isn't it ?"Can I"? No, I can't. I told her if you doubt, then you won't be able to jump from the sand, my dear.
Without any doubt in your mind, can we take a leap of faith or run through a troop? When faith diminishes, courage vanishes and fear surrounds. All things are possible, to him who believes. God has given us, enough faith in ourselves. Only thing is we have to believe, that God will do the work for us. We have to practice this faith.
We can see in Matt 14: 22-23 in the story of Peter, how he took a leap out of the boat to the water on seeing Jesus. That, was a leap of faith he did, same thing happens with us nowadays, we might be enjoying a luxurious, comfortable life with soundness and a danger free life. But, problems happen when the focus wavers, we start to sink in deep waters. Like Peter, we too can fail if our focus weakens..Even though Peter's faith, tossed in the start but at the end, when he fixed onto his focus, we can see he made the crippled man walk, he raised a dead woman, he cast out demons ,healed the sick; All these he performed by the spirit of God , in the name of Jesus with a strong faith.
Faith is never constant, it comes and goes in different situations. You might sometimes; have a valley dark and deep in your life, sometimes a calm water, sometimes a rough storm, and someday you might be on a mountain top. But, in all these situations, the word of God says, "by my God I can" do many things that would be possible only through the will of, God and with a strong faith. Climbing a mountain, leaping a wall, running through a troop all these are impossible with man because of his limitations but with God all things are possible.
The word of God says in Heb 12:2 " Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand at the throne of God".
One, most important thing to be kept in mind is you have to practice faith, as it does not comes by hearing, we have to experience it in or daily life. 

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Rooted deep

We all might have seen a tree with deep roots which grows tall and stands strong and firm.
Yesterday morning, My nephew and I, went to a small park in front of our house. The park is a sign of greenery. Not much flowers and swings but lot of green trees are present which is really a splendid creation of God. Chirping of varied birds, is heard in the background combined with the vehicles horn. In the park we, saw a tree which had many branches standing tall and even in this summer time the tree; was green and beautifully growing.
My, 7 yr old nephew asked "Why does the tree looked so, green and flourishing, even in such a hot weather"? I, told him the tree has deep roots, from where it takes its nourishment and water. It is difficult for us to see, from the top layer of earth, as to how deep are the roots but the tree to get it well nourished, the roots goes deeper, and deeper in search of water. If, the roots are deep and strong the tree will stand straight and firm. I asked him "have you not seen small plants swaying in strong winds? whereas a tree which is strong and big will withstand the wind". Late in the evening, when I sat in God's presence my eyes fell on, Col 2:7 "rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness".
Rooted and built up in Him, means to have a deep and strong foundation of faith in God.  Roots, are the part of a tree. If you look on the roots, you can easily identify, whether the tree was strong or weak. The roots go deep inside the soil, to get nourishment. When, strong winds or storm comes if the root of the tree or plant is deep then it will not be easily uprooted. Storms can happen anytime. “Storms make trees take deeper roots”. How true, in our daily life we may experience various storms and tornadoes but; a godly child will not lose hope. At times, when life gets you down and everything seems drowning in life, if the roots of your tree are deep within you then you will surely withstand all storms of life. Sometimes, during my life when the storm takes a turmoil, I myself have asked will I be able to stand in this hurricane. But, as it is written in Ps 18:33, "He makes my feet like hinds feet, and sets me upon high places. I, pray to God that my faith may grow up, and built in Him. So, that the storms may make my roots, grow deeper and when worry grips me, and winds come ragging in then to hold on to God my strength and buckler. However, by His grace all these can be achieved, only thing is to have a close relationship with Him so that the roots are firmly established.
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I’m just writing a blog post, for your encouragement to increase your faith and stay firm in God to be deep rooted in scriptures. If you know this article would help someone or encourage them, please do share with them. I’d also love to hear from you. Please do leave a comment.

Friday, May 3, 2019


Have, you ever experienced any type of loss in your life?
There are people, who sometimes lose their near and dear ones, lose their job, lose other material things, lose their health and so on. Loss is the experience of missing someone or something, which was valuable or had a close bond, or had a great attachment; their arises an emotional response to the one who lost the thing or person, in the form of grief.
Something like this happened, one of my friends who had a close bond with her pet, a tiny squirrel which she had taken care since baby for 3 long years was lost. She was very attached to it, she would spend her time talking, playing, giving her food. Few days before, in the morning the pet as usual went out at 10 am but; didn’t return in the afternoon. My friend was so attached to it that she was broken down; anxiously she searched for it but could not find. She had a close bond with the squirrel, the loss of the squirrel brought a momentary grief to her heart. Grief is a natural response to loss. It is the emotional suffering one feels when something or someone the individual loves is taken away. All, these things that happened, opened my insight to a verse, God is faithful, who has called you into fellowship with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.
If, my friend became so much upset with the loss of her squirrel, how much more will our God be sad, if you lose His fellowship. God created this earth only because He loves you and me and wants us to have fellowship with Him. He created Adam and Eve, so that every day at the cool of the day, He would have a fellowship, a communion, an intimacy with them. They used to walk close to God daily. But, when they did the sin of not obeying God’s command, their glory was destroyed, and they were driven out from the Eden garden. God, longs for our presence as He loves us. When we fall into sin, we get away from His presence. The worldly sin brings a detachment with God in our lives. The people who keep on doing wrong, do not walk in His will, keep on sinning; all this makes our God sad. If we daily read his scriptures, talk to Him, take time to hear His voice, be close to Him, love Him, worship Him and glorify Him; you will indeed have a fellowship with Him.
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I’m just writing a blog post, to let everyone know the love of God. To let everyone, understand to have a fellowship and closeness with God.  If you know this article would help someone or encourage them, please do share with them. I’d also love to hear from you. Please do leave a comment.

True Christmas

Life is good, and we are bestowed with numerous mercies by Him. But, the people don't get time to thank God. Especially during the seaso...