Monday, May 25, 2020

Living Humbly..

Life, is a short stay here. The time, spent here should be used cautiously because, whatever we do here will be counted. Live a life which, is pleasing to God, and others. If, we submit to others all; our actions, our doings, thinking, our thought, to others, then only we can be humble. You, should be clothed with humility, or humbleness. Quit focusing on yourselves, and look on to the things of others, especially; during this lockdown time we should find, ways to help the  people in need. Pride, is a sin which; was committed by Adam and Eve, by Lucifer. Their eyes were focused on; themselves, their beauty, their mind, their strength, and not on God. So, they fell from humility and grace.

It is even written in 1 pet 5:5,"God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble". You should be humble under God's  mighty hand so, that He may lift you in the correct time. It, is a sign of strength not of weakness. There, is a Chinese proverb which says, 'the higher you grow the deeper you bow'.

I, was reading my portion from scriptures, in 2  Chronicles 12: 5-12, when the character of Rehoboam, came into my mind. He, was an arrogant, and high thinking king, who rejected the advice of the elders. He, was not like his forefathers. A ruler, by name Shishak captured the cities of Judah, and Jerusalem. Then, a prophet by name Shemiah, came and said to Rehoboam, and those assembled. "This is what the Lord says,' You have abandoned me; therefore I now abandon you to Shishak'." The leaders of Israel, and the king humbled themselves and said, "The Lord is just". 2 Chr 12:12 "Because Rehobam humbled himself, the LORD's anger turned from him, and he was not totally destroyed." God, likes those who humble themselves, as; pride always leads to destruction. If, you are humble God, will use you. If, you remain arrogant, He knows how to break you. The next moment is not yours, your health, wealth, position, status, family everything is temporary.

 God, has equipped each one of us with unique talents and gifts. These gift, should be used appropriately, and pride shouldn't take control, when you are praised. Your,  mind set should not be higher but; bring it into subjection so, that when someone corrects you, or exhort you, you should be able to correct yourself. This, does not mean that you have to bow down to other people. Have, a gentle, and a quiet spirit, this will' bring peace and unity where you dwell.
Jesus, shows us the best example of humility, He, existed in the form of God. But; did not consider Him, to be high in position. Instead, He took on the form of a servant. As, written in Phil 2:8 " And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to death- even the death of the cross!" We, should have a humble mindset, and a desire to; do His will. He, even washed the feet of His disciples, to show them to be humble to each other.

Song.. Humble thyself in the sight of the Lord...
I’m just writing a blog post, for your encouragement and new insight towards living a life with Humility. Hope, it will create some changes in your way. If, you find value to it please do share with your family and friends. I’d also love to hear from you. Please do leave a comment.

Monday, May 18, 2020

Sailing to a new harbor....

"What nobler decoration of honor can any godly man seek after than his scars of service, his reproaches for Christ's sake, his being worn out in his Master's service".
Many, people step into battle field with great enthusiasm but; when they start fighting on, getting an injury, they start to slow down, or show a white flag, and finish of. Same thing happens, in Lord's army when; problems, difficulties, and hardships enter the life it is thus; important to fight like a good soldier, rather than surrendering over to enemy.

As, we talk about good soldier they, will have a lot to tell about their scars, and battles  won, in the same way when one goes, to heaven to the other shore, he will receive a crown from the hands of Saviour, and will be rewarded with, medals such as those hung on the soldier's uniform those; will be stars of righteousness, faithfulness, goodness, gentleness and so on.
Once someone had quoted, "Life is a dream, and death a reality." It is so true. If a person is born, he has death also, which is written for him. While, we live in this evil world with all sorts of tempting pleasures brought by Satan, let us turn around, and try living a life with; righteousness, wisdom,  and characters of Jesus. The kingdom of Heaven is at hand.
I, want to share a recent incident. A man of mission, who lived his life to the fullest, and lived for the gospel to be preached to the thousands. He helped everyone, loved all irrespective of age, prayed for all, and practiced what he preached. He cried for the perishing souls to be saved, and sailed of to a new harbor. He breathed his last on 7th May 2020, and now is resting in peace. He is no one else; than my spiritual father, my Pastor. He accomplished his mission.

2 Tim 4:6-8 " For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing."
Life, is an opportunity given by God, it is you who, have to program it. We, all have to sail to a new harbor one day. God, has given each of us a talent, a unique gift, a special assignment, which; should be discerned by you, and worked accordingly as God, has called you. It is, the responsibility of each one, to bring out the talent, do not dig it in the earth so; that when the Master comes you may not be ashamed and thrown outside. But, receive the title, of 'good and faithful servant'. As written in Matt 25:21" Well done, good and faithful  servant! You have been faithful with  few things; I will put you in charge of many things."
Famous Quote: "Death is not the end; It is only a beginning. Death is not the master of the house; he is only the porter at the King's lodge, appointed to open the gate and the King's guest into the realm of eternal day. And, so shall we ever be with the Lord."- J.W. jowett

Friends,  Life is a matter of choices. It is up to you, to make a choice and be called a good and faithful servant or to be thrown out.  Be closer to him. and sail your boat. As, one day you will have a new harbor  to rest. If you know this article would help someone, share with them. God bless you.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Discerning God's will...

The storm's of life, will be different for different person. Waves of financial ups and down, waves of health issue, waves of troublesome married life, waves of children's future, and so on. In all, these condition if the inner peace is lost, then it is very difficult to sail your boat. If the boat you are sailing, is according to God's will for sure you are going to reach your destiny, without any problem.
Everyone, comes to a big 'question mark,' as how to discern, or know if it is God's will. 'Will' is a person's want, or desire. To know, the will of a person is easy but, how to know the will of God? A rather difficult thing. If, after doing a particular work, you obtain peace and comfort within; that means you have done God's will. If, our life portrays the character of Jesus, it is for sure you are in God's will.

You, and me are so blessed, to have most of our desires, and wishes full- filled. It, is His grace on us. These days, let us strive to find the will, of our Father what He, expects from you and me. Whatever He says, if that is done without excuses, then you do the will of God. Now, how are you going to find out, whether you are doing the will of God. Let, me give a small illustration.
Once, my 5yr niece asked her mum how, will I know whether, I am doing your will mum? My sister, answered "if you do everything according, to what I tell that means you are doing my will". The same applies even for us in relation to God.

The other day, while reading my portion about 'Kingdom of God', a verse in Matt 7:21, brought my attention closer to it. "Not everyone who says to me, Lord, Lord' will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but only He who does the will of my Father who is in heaven". I observed the words, 'Will of my Father' which, has so much importance. So, I started digging the verses of God's will. You, can see in the bible the prophets, or the great men, and women who used to know the will of God, in every topic of their life. Even Jesus, in the garden of Gethsemane can be seen praying, Matt 26:39, " My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will."
When, you and me obeys, what God says, and follow the truth according to His word, then you are doing God's will. As it says in Rom 12: 2,"And be not confirmed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God".  A change in heart a pure heart and renewed mind which is blameless, a walk which is acceptable, is what God expects.

Famous verse: 1Thesslonians 5:16-18 " Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus".
So, dear friends today let's put God's will in our lives. With a renewed mind and a pure heart let us do the perfect will of God. Hope this blog will enlighten your thoughts regarding God's will in your life. Please share comment and like. God bless you.

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Highlights on Prayer

Even, during lockdown when overwhelming situations keeps us tensed, and the pressure inflates to the maximum only one thing that, is prayer can give you a sound mind and body.
Before lockdown, everyone were busy, with no time. Now, ample  and ample of time to read the word of God, spend time with family, pray with the family, (in Matt 18:20, "Jesus said where 2or 3 are gathered together in my name, there am I the midst of them" Seek His face. It's rather  very important to pray nowadays. It is not, necessary to pray in the four walls. During this time of lockdown you cannot go to a place of worship, but God tells us in 1 Cor 3:16 " Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?"

Prayer can be done anywhere, any time, any place, the word of God tells us that, even 'Jesus,' prayed at the mountainside, in Gethsemane, in the desert, in houses, everywhere so we too; can pray wherever the Holy Spirit leads us.
Prayer can be long ,short, joyful, sorrowful etc. God, does not look to the geometry, of prayer as to how long they are nor to the arithmetic as to count how many times it said , nor does he sees it sweetness, nor the vocabulary, but; the sincerity of the heart when it's said it should be from depths of the heart and always with faith, and hope to receive, the answer one day. As, written in Rom 12:12 "Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer;" keep on praying with confidence as He hears our prayer.

'Jesus' told, us to pray always, and not give up. In Lk 18:1-5, When 'Jesus' told, a parable of widow how she kept on coming to the judge of the town with her plea persistently, till she was answered. It's true, that some answers are delayed, some don't have answers, some with immediate answers. All, according to His will. So keep praying ..Do your job, and then leave the rest to Him...

We teach the kids, 5 finger rule in prayer;  for your near and dear ones, for your teachers, doctors all who guide us, those who govern, leaders, of our country and church, those who are sick, needy, poor, and weak. Lastly for yourself. But; when you grow up the pattern changes; praise God for who He is, Heb 4:15" For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin." So; this is the way to pray, thank Him for what has done for you and family, intercession pray for the salvation of your loved ones and friends, confess your sins, and repent from your sins, and weakness, then ask God for your daily needs.   

Jesus showed a model of prayer to His disciples in Matt 6: 9-13 He told not to keep on babbling with words, and do same repetition. Prayer is talking or communicating with God as, a child talks to his father same way talk to your Heavenly Father, and have a close relationship with Him.
Payer has the power to change your situation. As, we read in 2 Chr 7:14 "If my people which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.". He will change you situation.
Our main goal is to pray for the people around to live a life with peace, love and joy. Pray to be close to God and have an intimate relationship with Him. If this article has been a blessing to you, share with others so as to become prayer warriors. God bless you.

True Christmas

Life is good, and we are bestowed with numerous mercies by Him. But, the people don't get time to thank God. Especially during the seaso...