Saturday, March 30, 2019


In, the summer season, when the heat is in it’s full swing, and the air is still and heavy; everyone be it a human, an animal or a bird, small or big, runs to get a shade. To protect from the scorching heat and get relief. The shade acts, as a protection or a cooling place. Sometimes, shade also becomes a refuge, from rain and bad weather. The shade, giving plants are big trees with big leaves, some of them do not give fruits or flowers, but they give the needed shade, as a relief from the sun.
I, remember the tree which we have in our front yard, it does not have flowers, but has a wild fruit the leaves are so big that it give a wonderful shade. I had mentioned it in one, of my previous blog too.
There, are plants which are small with weak stems; called herbs, which are grown in shade. Some, herbs like mint and parsley are grown in shade. My, brother in law is very much interested in gardening. His garden is full of various plants, aloe Vera, curry leaves, anthurium, other colorful flowers etc. There I, saw the weak legged herbs kept in shade, with utmost care been given. So, wonderfully the psalmist writes in scripture Ps 121:5, 6 “The Lord watches over you-the Lord is your shade at our right hand; the sun will not harm you by day’ nor moon by night.”. It, is so very true with our God. He, Himself will be your shade at your right hand. Whenever, I need help, He will stretch His right hand out for me. In my weakness, when it is difficult to stand, He will; strengthen my feeble knees. He, will give protection from all danger and give the timely need for help.
The sun, will not strike you by day, nor the moon by night. When I, read this verse I, thought true, that the sun can strike and cause a sun stroke but about moon, how can it strike at night, never heard about moon stroke. When, I did a little study I came to know, about it. Moon stoke is heard in Middle east, if a person happens to, lie under a full moon unprotected, for 8 hours; it can be injurious to him, as being under a hot sun without shade.
God is our creator and our keeper. Even though, with troubles and trials my, eyes may take off but; His eyes are constant on me. I, belong to Him, who will watch over me. He is there to persevere my life.
I’m just writing a blog post, for your encouragement. If you know this article would help someone or encourage them, please do share with them. I’d also love to hear from you. Please do leave a comment.

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