Friday, November 29, 2019

Changes upon us.

" Autumn, begins with a subtle change in the light, with skies a deeper blue, and nights that become suddenly clear and chilled. The season comes full with the first frost, disappearance of migrant birds, and the harvesting of the season's last crops." Glenn Wolff and Jerry Dennis
God, has created day, night, times, seasons, plants, birds, animals and we humans. He, created this wonderful creation, all for a purpose. If, we look into some seasons they are good, some times are good then other, even some days are good then others. I, have heard many people saying yesterday was a good day. Every day, every moment and every second is good.  As, written by King Solomon, in the book of Eccles 3:1 he says, " There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens." Every year God, replenishes the plants, trees, even some animals. Especially the trees changes, during autumn when the leaves, fall to the ground to decompose and nourish the forest floor.

Nature, has a vast number of plants, animals, birds, reptiles, fishes, which; change their colour, when other animals or human,  attack them for food. In, one of my blog 'watch out', I have mentioned about, 2 more insect which changes it's colour. Amazing! God has kept all these for us, to admire and see their beauty. Last week, a wonderful article came in the newspaper about Cane turtle, which is  rare in India. It, is a shy reptile and its wonderful feature which attracted me was it changes it's colour . The head of male turtle, blossoms with patches of bright red, yellow, pink and black, during breeding season . Sometimes these colorful pigments blend with flowers, fungi, and dry leaves in the ground. When they are frightened, they dive themselves underneath  the dry leaves.

Now, being a month of autumn, the sun rises late singing lullaby. It's a joy to sleep a bit late on our cozy beds. After my daily chores when I, looked out of my window, the courtyard was full of leaves, that too of varied colours. Wow ! Incredible! what a beauty.
 My, brother in law likes gardening, he carefully looks after the plants. Sometimes he does grafting and flowers grow wonderfully. Being, the season of fall he, first  removed all the dead leaves from the plants, pruned them,  grafted them, put fertilizer and watered them. I, watched the process as he, did his work gently and patiently. The same way, Our Heavenly father too cares for you and me. He knows, how you and me will be, in each season and in each stage of our life. He, can make even the worst season, and times of your life, and can change it into new season according to His plan for you.

It's, a season  when, there is a change in the surrounding, growing different plants, wearing different clothes, change in the climate etc. Similarly, there should be a change in everyone you and me, a change in us. Our behavior, our attitude, life style, habits. As Jesus says, in Matt 18:3 "Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven". Change in us, to be like a child humble, and meek that is what God, expects from us. Let us shed some of our old habits, and behavior of boasting, and pride, and have a new spiritual life. A spiritual growth in you, a maturity in all aspects.
Autumn, season has arrived with coolness and relief from heat, brilliant changes in the colour of leaves from green, yellow, brown, golden, and red. Let, your eyes take in the bursts of colour and bring a change upon us as God wants.
 Friends, God has set everything in order, and according to His plan. Some days, and times, may be hard but;  keep heart God will sustain you till the end. Do not panic. He has promised you that He will never leave you. Trust Him....If this article has been a blessing to you and enlightened you, and  if you would like to encourage someone, please do share with them . I love to hear your comments too. God bless you all.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Sailing through the storms of life...

While, I was drawing this picture, a sure hope and God's promises in the scripture, encouraged me to complete the drawing by, His grace. Even though we battle among the storms, and tempest He, will always be there as a stronghold, the anchor of our hope to reach the eternity.

Last month, when there was a sudden change in weather due; to the low pressure in Arabian Sea, and Bay of Bengal, the fisherman were advised, not to venture inside the sea, and were refused to sail. Though, the forecast of true storm, was announced some of the fisherman, were already in the middle of the sea. That, is the time when one's trust, and hope is counted. Sometimes, these storms comes in the middle of the journey which, can create a havoc in the lives of fisherman if; you don't trust God, and are fearful then life's storm, can ruin our lives.
 We, can see in Scriptures, in Mark 4:35-38, when the ship in which Jesus, and his disciples were going in a boat, to the other side of the lake all of a sudden; a tempest broke over the boat, all his disciples got terrified, nervous, and panic struck, among-st all. Thinking, they will drown, although mostly were fisherman, who knew to control the sails, still everyone was afraid. As, they lost their focus that Jesus, is there in the boat, who will control every situation.
 You and me too sometimes, like the disciples, become fearful and overwhelmed with the turbulence in our life's boat. Keep in mind that, even though the storms of life, may keep our boat rocking, and we may be in the center of furious waves believe the one who called you.
I, remember an incident which happened in my life. As, I wrote in the previous blogs about, my  medical ailment, which was the thunderbolt from heaven, storms were risen in my life with all aches and pain in my body, sleepless night when I used to have a thousand questions with my saviour. All these were answered, by my Heavenly Father. I was given assurance by Him, from many promise verses. Sailing in the ship with God by my side, and everything was going smoothly for 6 years. All of a sudden a storm from nowhere, with hovering winds and thick black clouds encircled my ship and it began to sway to and fro, fear gripped  the atmosphere, and I received a phone call, that my father met with an accident, and is in ICU. A furious squall came up, and the waves broke over the sailing ship with fearful noises from all around, and I questioned myself as to why? why it's happening to me? One after another; sickness, financial hardship, accidents. Why, can't the life be smooth? He, again assured me that He hasn't forgotten me, and He is at work in me. After, a couple of weeks my dad was discharged from hospital. The promise of Jesus, in John 16:33," in the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world" takes away our trials and brings solace to our heart.  His, promises that He is bigger than any storm and His words in Ps 22:24 " For He has not despised nor abhorred the affliction of the afflicted; nor has He hidden His face from Him; but when he cried to Him, He heard.". He will strengthen us in every situation. Someone, has well said, "I am not afraid of storm for I am learning how to sail my ship."
Famous Quotes: "We all face storms in life. Some are more difficult than others. But we all go through trials and tribulation. That's why we have the gift of faith." Joyce Meyer
Friends, If any one of you are facing, a difficult situation, when the storms keep rising, and dark clouds overshadowing our head, and no way out. Reach, out to God He will cause hope to rise above the pain and struggles we are facing. He will soothe our souls. He is the Lord of hope. His love and care is always there for you. Please share comment and like. God bless you.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Rule over it..

Isn't it, that there have been certain times, when you feel like quitting your job, because of too much pressure and overwork. There, are times when you were driving your car in a long traffic jam, and you are in a hurry, when you notice yourself behind a slow driver, and the horn in the traffic makes you mad. You feel like banging everyone's head.
Anger, is one of a natural emotion of the body. Truth is that, everyone becomes angry but; it is expressed in different ways and degrees. When, some incidence happens, in which the expected outcome is not met, their arises a feeling of dissatisfaction, leading to anger. It leads to various act of hatred, fight, and even murder. These all can lead to sin. Not only does an emotional change, occur but; also physically, disturbs our sleep, also many changes happens in our body due to anger, like increased heart rate, blood pressure, excessive sweating, headache, dizziness. and even heart attack. It is actually a silent killer.

Everyone likes to be a ruler. To have an authority; over your servant, your workers, your wife, your husband, your children etc..etc. In every country, there is a ruler; to govern, the nation, in peace, and prosperity. Same way, bible teaches us to 'rule over' one of the greatest emotion, that is 'ANGER'
This anger has been there, from the time of our Fore forefathers. The sons of Adam and Eve did the sin. We can see in Gen 4: 5 " but on Cain and his offering he did not look with favor. So Cain was very angry and his face was downcast." Later, on when God saw the anger of Cain, He warned him, written in the next verse, "But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it." Thus, we see God knows that emotion of anger can sprung up in Cain, to murder his brother; that is the reason God forewarned him.
 It, is very easy and quick to become angry but, if you are a matured person, you will know to remain calm in any annoying situation. An Imagination: A pot, made of mud was sitting on a corner of the room, when a steel glass jumped, from the shelf and came close to the pot and asked, "Why do you smile, and remain cool always"? The pot, answered, "I don't get angry because, the water inside me, will become hot, and no one will like to drink from me. If, I smile, and remain cool always, the water inside me, will  be sweet and cold and everyone will drink from me. What, is the point to get angry with others? One day I have to return to mud, from where I was taken, so why should I get angry?

Famous Quote: "Anger dwells only in the bosom of fools". -Albert Einstein.
I, have written a small article, which I suppose, might not be directly related to you. But, in any point of your life, if you become angry, just think of the pot in the imagination, I wrote. If any, situation tries to hang around, just ask God to help you, He, will strengthen you, and give you the grace to overcome it. If, this blog is encouraging, please do share with your family and friends. I’d, also love to hear from you. Please do leave a comment. God bless you !!

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Surrounded by a hedge

Who doesn't, make a hedge or a fence or a boundary wall for a beautiful and lovely house? It's not only for a house but; also if you grow a floral garden, or a vegetable garden, you will surely surround it or enclose it with a fence. A hedge, is a barrier, or a protection, from others. During, my childhood  I, remember playing (ghar- ghar) among two or three of us. It depends on the number of friends. One of them will play the role of mother, one will act to be father, and one acted as a child. A normal family set up. Sometimes we used, bed sheets or saris and cover our surrounding like a fence so, that no one may enter our privacy. Thus, a protection can be done by anything, if you can cover with shrubs or plants or with a strong wall or with sticks or wood depends for who and what you are protecting, whether the protection has to be strong or just, for name sake.

 I, remember one more incident some, 2-3 yr back while none of us was in our, house one side of our fence, collapsed due to heavy rain. After few months, when we arrived back, we were shocked to see the destruction done by animals, and rag pickers as they had destroyed, our trees and plants and wanted items; only because no hedge or fence or a boundary wall was there.

 Reading, from my daily portion, I landed in the book of Job, wondering about, the troubles he faced, caused; by Satan. When, the hedge or the defensive wall, was removed from God, then only  Satan had a way to attack Job. Satan couldn't attack Job as, God's, protection was there in his life. I, think Satan might have wandered everywhere, circulated around the whole hedge, to find if a loophole, a crack or a split even a small fissure is there to harm this righteous man; but he didn't find any, and so he asked God, "Hast not thou made an hedge about him, and about his house, and about all that he hath on every side?"  Job 1:10
People at times, get disturbed, troubled and annoyed, when they see fence or a hedge around them. They, want to live a free life but, God loves you and me, and he has promised us to protect us from all evil and harm, so he builds a hedge. Thus we can easily see the necessity of a wall or fence or a hedge to our belongings. Same is the case of a spiritual hedge or a barrier around us. It is difficult for us to see with our naked  eyes, the spiritual hedge which God, builds for  us. If we are close to God, he will provide a greater hedge of protection. Satan cannot touch us, unless he asks the permission from Lord. He hates wall, as he knows it will block his way. We can see even the entrance to the garden of Eden is guarded by cherubim and flaming sword for the 'tree of life'. Hedges in life, shows that God is surrounding us with protection.

There is a beautiful story, Once, there was a rich man who owned large vine estates. He had, a young careless son, who never helped him. The man tried his best, to make him work but alas! he won't. One day, the man died and all his possessions, and large vine estate also came to his foolish son. The boy, had never been to the estate so, didn't know how to take care of it. One day, while he was walking in the vineyards, he saw hedges surrounding the vineyards. he looked at them and said to himself, "These hedges are a waste. They, do not grow any grapes. Let me clear them off." The boy asked, his servants to clear the hedges. After clearing the hedges. Next morning, the boy was shocked to see his ruined vineyards. Some grapes were stolen by men, and some were eaten by wild animals, and beasts. The inexperienced boy, did not know the importance of hedges, as they were used to protect the vineyards, from other men and beasts. God, provides His blessings, and gifts to each of us. You, should be certain from your point to build, a strong relationship with Him.

I’m just writing a blog post, for your encouragement to give your full control to God. Let God build a hedge surrounding you for your protection and safety. If you know this article would help someone or encourage them, please do share with them. I’d also love to hear from you. Please, do leave a comment.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Gift of Forgiveness.

 Forgiveness is a gift to give and give Forgive. It is one of the main aspect for spiritual development. Forgiveness is not an instinct. It is not something which most people can do automatically. Forget is different from forgive. To forget is to remove it from our memory for a certain period. Forgiveness is not same as forgetting or excusing but it is an action or decision made by grace of God. If people will not forgive the world would be a very different place than it is now. Forgiveness helps us let go of the past and to see life in a new way.

Long back, a beautiful story came in magazine, Author is unknown. It's about two friends, who were walking through a desert. During the journey they had an argument, one friend slapped the other on the face. The one who got the slap wrote in the sand: TODAY MY BEST FRIEND SLAPPED ME ON THE FACE. They kept on walking until they found an oasis, where they decided to take a bath. The one who had been slapped got stuck in the mire and started drowning, but the friend saved him. After he recovered from drowning, he wrote on a stone: TODAY MY BEST FRIEND SAVED MY LIFE. The friend who slapped and saved his best friend asked him " After I hurt you, you wrote in the sand and now, you write on a stone, why?"The other friend replied "When someone hurts us we should write it down in sand where winds of forgiveness can erase it away. But, when someone does good for us, we must engrave it in stone where wind can never erase".

God, has given us a gift. He, forgave our sins when, he was nailed on the cross. As, Jesus prayed to God the Father when he was crucified," Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing." Jesus showed us the example of forgiveness. Thus in our lives we should  Ask God to give us the grace of forgiveness. As it says in Eph 4: 32 " And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you". God, wants us to forgive everyone. In bible Jesus, has mentioned in Matt 6 : 14 "For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your Heavenly Father will also five you: " If you need pardon or forgiveness from God you should forgive those who have done wrong to you. There are times when you might have had painful events caused by others or instances when someone had done wrong to you, do not take revenge, instead forgive and once you forgive you are free in your mind and heart.

Forgiveness is a balm. It, is also related to the well being of mind, body, and soul. Studies, have shown that forgiveness has a major impact, on your health. If, you forgive your; cardiac system will function good, your nervous system will work excellent, your immunology functions will be improved, the hormonal functions will be balanced, moreover the mental state will be active, and more productive. You, will have an inner peace. Pray that Heavenly Father may renew your heart, with love and compassion, may He bring more spiritual insight and understanding to your brain. If you have the set up to forgive others you can have victory over anger, jealousy, malice, hatred, bitterness and all other evil conscience. Forgiveness will involve us to carry fruits of spirit: love, joy, peace, gentleness, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, patience, self control. 

Friends, if you want to have the gift of forgiveness to rule your heart, ponder on this blog and please don't forget to like, subscribe and share.  God Bless You.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

'Watch Out'

In today's world, it is rather very difficult to find out, which is true and which is fake. Sometimes, truth can get twisted in this life. Things seem blurred, first it may appear black, and white, then gray. It becomes difficult, which is true which one is false. A total blank.

Recently, I was going through some old reader's digest, as I am fond of reading, about plants, animals, and birds. I came, to note there are several insects, and animals which change, their colour, or shape, and size to hide from their predators or sometimes to act as defense. Some are crawlers, some fishes, some birds etc. Out, of which an insect called 'Katydids' and a 'stick insect' attracted my attention. They, are bright green in colour but, they can camouflage into their surrounding plants, and leaves, so; as to hide from other birds, or prey which can kill them. Stick insect, can fool anyone. By observing, it one can just think it to be a stick or a branch.
Many things, which we see in our daily lives, in market, in shops, in the matter of transactions with dealing of money, everything is fake; if not observed clearly. Sometimes, some people also just comes in our life, disguising themselves into someone else.

When I was small,  I liked the story of Red Riding Hood, and I would often listen to it, a fairy tale, of a girl named Red Riding hood, how she was duped by a wolf, who wanted to eat her up, and so it acted as if it was her granny and later; sprung upon her, grabbed her, and ate her up. Like the Red Riding Hood we should always be at the watch. Not only the things out in the market like imitation jewelries, watches but, also to the people around us. In, the Bible God, reminds us to 'Watch out' or 'Beware' with eyes open, when you are in the world. You, should always be on guard, stand in faith, be strong. He, also tells us in 1 John 4: 1,2 "Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirit and see whether they  are from God, because many false prophets have gone into the world. This is how you can recognize the spirit of God: Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God,"

 You, can recognize the true prophets; by the fruits they possess. When, you live in this world, not all people will be good, some may falter you, some may deceive you, some may take your wealth, so instead of you, getting into trouble; Be on guard. As said in Matt 7:15 " Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves." They pretend to be something but actually they are not. If we know the truth, the word of God nicely, and if we spend time in His presence, and mediating on His word, then it is easy  to detect truth from the fake. God will give His wisdom to discern, His spirit will cover you always. " I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you" Ps 119:11.
 Same, is the case with other things, if we know how to identify the true object then we won't be deceived by anyone. Hope this blog, will enlighten your thoughts regarding what to beware of what all you need to watch out. Please do share, like and comment. God bless you.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Fruit with seed

While, I was going through some articles, one of the magazine brought my attention, to a picture of a young man resting underneath a tree, the sun was out in its full swing to travel from east to west. May be; he was tired and hungry, so he just thanked the almighty, for the person who planted the seed, to bring shade and gives rest to the travelers. I,  pondered on few lines written in the book,
"The tree that God plants
Strikes deeper root, grows higher still,
Spreads greater boughs, for God's good will
Meets all its wants"

 Seeing, to that beautiful scenario, my thoughts wandered towards many things. The other day, we ate a fruit called persimmon, an exotic fruit. While, eating the fruit we got the seed of it, and my sister, after a week when the seed dried, sowed that seed with great care. While looking, on to the seed it was having a hard outer cover, which made me think of the provisions,  protection, and the comfort which God provides for each and everyone. She, planted the seed, watered it and nurtured it daily. Not knowing whether; the seed will germinate and sprout up. But, she has done her part to sow the seed. When, we sow a seed it does not depend upon the hands who had sown, but it is upon God to make the seed grow.

 God, is waiting on you to sow a seed. The word of God, is the seed, when we sow this seed in others, it will bring fruits one day. Fruits of love, joy, peace patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control. Same, is the case with each of us, we can only sow a seed in the heart of others. Someone has said; "If you plant honesty, you will reap trust. If you plant goodness, you will reap friends, if you plant perseverance, then you will reap contentment. If you plant humility, you will reap goodness. If you plant consideration then reap perspective, plant forgiveness reap reconciliation. If you plant hard work you will reap success, If you  plant faith then you will reap a harvest".

 The nature, which the Almighty God created by his word on the 3rd day, As He said," Let the land produce vegetation: Seed bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds." Lord Jesus, has given many examples related to the seed in the scriptures. God says, that we can expect a big harvest if we plant a single seed. A fruit comes from a seed, and this fruit has the potential to produce more and more fruits. Whatever seed we sow, may it be a papaya seed, a bean seed ,a lady finger seed after sowing if we nurture it, and take good care by providing water, and sunlight, it will grow and flourish into beautiful tree producing plenty of fruits from that one seed which was sown. As written in Gen 1 : 29" Then God said, I give you every seed bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food."
Famous Quotes: " If we're going to bring out the best in people, we, too, need to sow seeds of encouragement."- Joel Osteen

You, have that potential in you, as you and me are fruits in the hands of God. We should be good and fruitful seeds in God's garden. Only the good seed can  be fruitful to produce plenty. We should be sowing seeds all the time that bear plant and plants in turn that bear seeds which are fruitful. By our small acts of encouragement, a kind word, a prayer or with our talents. Friends, Hope this blog will enlighten your thoughts regarding your potential as a fruit stored with seeds inside it to be used for the kingdom of God. God wants us to be perfect and grow in His likeness.  Please share comment and like. God bless you.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Ultimate Expectation

After, a good night sleep, everyone I suppose awakes, with some expectation. It, is a belief that something will happen in our lives. Like; a school going child expects to get good marks and be the topper of his class, a person seeking for a job , he will expect to get a good job and get married and settle down in his life, a woman praying for a child she expects to become pregnant, a person having illness expects to get out of his bed and all his results may turn to be negative, and the doctor treating the illness expects a cure for his patient from the medicine he has prescribed.  But, all this is just yours and mine expectation. These expectations, may or may not be correct, as these are our hopes our dreams.

Today morning, when I got up I expected  the weather to be sunny, as I expected to go for shopping. I expected to go to the beach in the evening with my sister's family. Thus, we see you and me have a lot of things in our mind which you expect should have taken place. But all our expectations, shatter when it doesn't take place. Like, the sunny morning if it changes, to a rainy and stormy day, then no shopping and no going to beach. Whereas; if you see a farmer, he might be expecting, a rainy weather for his crops. Thus you see if the motives for our expectation is good it will work good. In your life, you may have a lot of expectation. In fact it is God who decides. We don't know His ways. His ways are higher than our ways. As it is said in Is 55: 8,9 " For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways". Declares the Lord." As the Heaven are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts."

 A prayer is also a positive expectation, of the answers to the petitions you have laid before God. In one's life, one looks with expectation towards the hill. See in the scripture, there are so many instances when the petitions are laid for an answer, In the life of Hannah, to get a baby. In the life of Mother Mary she expected Jesus, to perform a miracle in the marriage of Cana, A woman having a bloody discharge for 12 years expected a healing, if she touched the garment, of Jesus. Expectation can be good or evil. The intentions behind our expectation should always be good and not evil. The scriptures also tells us to expect those things which are under our limit. Don't expect more in your life. The things God has planned, in your life He will surely give. I cherish on the scripture of Ps 62:5 As David said " My soul, wait thou only upon God; for my expectation is from him."I too have an ultimate expectation, to be with Jesus. Hope everyone, yearns for the same ultimate expectation, to reach Heaven and be in the presence of Lord, thus it is good to expect great things from God, especially to have an eternity in life. An everlasting life, in Heaven and to be in presence of Jesus.
Famous Quote: "Hope is favorable and confident expectation; it's an expectant attitude that something good is going to happen and things will work out, no matter what situation we're facing." Joyce Meyer

 So, dear friends today put your expectation in  Him. Trust Him, He will give the needed things, strengthen you and guide you so that you may have an abounding joy. 'Expectations from others can make reasons of your weakness so live each day, with your own strength relying on God, because God is the one who gives you the strength you need'. Hope this blog will enlighten your thoughts regarding your expectations in life. Please share comment and like. God bless you.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Wrapped around in God's love

When I, was a nursing student I drew, a painting of a cross, with crimson red cloth spread over the head end. The picture posted here is not my actual painting, but taken from the gallery. My, original painting is lost, as its now more than 20 years. It was during, those times that He, wanted to talk to me, but I did not take time to sit, in His presence and maintain a personnel relationship. As I was lost in the world, and it's glitter. Now, I understand that His love called me from that time, No, if not mistaken; In fact He called me before the foundation of this world, before my parents, my sisters, my friends and my relatives called me 'Ann' before far before that He; called me 'Ann' Come sit here,  I want to talk to you. As its written in Eph 1:4 "According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love."

A beautiful Hindi Song which I too feel as if it's me who is asking....
I asked God,  why does He love me so much??
Maine puccha prabhu se tu kyon karta hain itna pyaar..............
He answered me, it's because you are wonderfully made by my hands.
Usne kahha pure maan se kyon ki tu hain meri haaton ki rachna

I, would like to share an incident, one day I, met my family friend after many years. His, father was very annoying, and used to scold, and beat, for no valid reason, from childhood my friend, had bitter experiences towards his father. After long time, he studied got married with 2 beautiful kids, when he came home I, enquired about his where about, I asked about his father, to my amazement he told 'he did not speak to his father after, his higher studies and marriage. Even, his kids don't know him'. I felt sad, when my inner voice told me to speak to him from Luke Ch 15 of the prodigal son. 'How the father forgave his son' as he had an unconditional love towards his son. He looked on to my eyes, and he realized that moment, that his attitude towards his father was wrong, these many years. He came to realize, that he should Love his father and mother, without any condition.  He cried a lot. Later, I came to know he went straight to his father, knelt before him and said Father I love you. His father was in the dark, these long years thinking his son will never forgive him. But, as soon as my friends word 'I love you Daddy' touched his ears, the father hugged him, and wrapped up his arms around him. The warmth of love, was wrapped by the father to his son. Same is the case with us God just wants to hear from us,' We love you Daddy'. My heart ponders for Him. I ponder on Him, because He keeps pursuing me constantly. I was not worthy, to be called His daughter. But, He called me near and loved me. As written in Pr 8:17 "I love those who love me."
God's love stands at the door and knocks for each one of us. It is not only for a Christian but for every child . It's up to each individual to accept or reject Him. He loves everyone irrespective of any age, caste, creed, sex or religion. Eternal life is for those who believes that Jesus came into our lives and He paid our penalty on the cross.

Famous Quotes: "God proved His love on the cross. When Christ hung, and bled, and died, it was God saying to the world, "I love you."- Billy Graham
"Consider what you owe to His immutability. Though you have changed a thousand times, He has not changed once."- Charles Spurgeon
Friends, God loves each one of us. He is a compassionate God, slow to anger, and gracious in mercy. His love is totally, about who He is, and not about who we are. Hope this blog will enlighten your thoughts, regarding the 'Love of God'.. Please share comment and like. God bless you.

True Christmas

Life is good, and we are bestowed with numerous mercies by Him. But, the people don't get time to thank God. Especially during the seaso...