Sunday, March 31, 2019


Tenderness, is an emotion to express a feeling of love. A mother, always has a feeling of tender compassion, to her child.
I, remember an incident long ago, may be 10 years, from now. An old mother some 70 yrs in her age, with her only son of 30 yr used to live as our neighbor. Her, son did not do any work, just used to spend his time loitering around. This, poor mother, used to make coir mats and sell them in the market, so as to earn a living. Whenever, I used to go to her house, she welcomed me with a lemonade and used to sit and have a talk with me. She used to have a vast knowledge regarding all topics so, I used to collect those from her. Later on, I came to know, one fine day the son left the mother alone only to enjoy life with his friends. I noticed, she never was angry with that incident nor, used to say anything bad, about her son. When, I speak anything negative about him she will change it into positive mode still, daily waiting for him to come home. This shows, how deeply she loves her son. In fact, all mothers do have a soft corner for their children. God tells us clearly in this verse Is 49:15 “Can a mother forget her infant, be without tenderness for the child of her womb? Even should a mother forget, I will never forget you.” So nicely God tells us that even, if we have a loving mother, she may forget but according to the, scripture verse it is a fact that God loves us He will not forget us, no matter whatever, or however we may be. Love, has a certain element of tenderness, which alone pierces through the heart and binds us more intimately than any force in the universe.
Looking, on the coconuts in the tree, I thought of the tender coconut, which is white from inside and so soft, the coconut is hard outside, but see the softness of tender coconut inside. Such is the goodness of our God. He is tender hearted towards us, slow to anger, full of love and a compassionate God. There is, however, a feeling of an infinitely stronger, tender compassion of our God.
God expects the same thing from us, when I, meditated on the scripture; in Eph 4: 32 “And be ye kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you.” My, prayer is only to have all these qualities in my life which God wants me to have.
If you know, someone who will be encouraged with this article, please do share with them. I’d also love to hear from you. Please, do leave a comment.

Saturday, March 30, 2019


In, the summer season, when the heat is in it’s full swing, and the air is still and heavy; everyone be it a human, an animal or a bird, small or big, runs to get a shade. To protect from the scorching heat and get relief. The shade acts, as a protection or a cooling place. Sometimes, shade also becomes a refuge, from rain and bad weather. The shade, giving plants are big trees with big leaves, some of them do not give fruits or flowers, but they give the needed shade, as a relief from the sun.
I, remember the tree which we have in our front yard, it does not have flowers, but has a wild fruit the leaves are so big that it give a wonderful shade. I had mentioned it in one, of my previous blog too.
There, are plants which are small with weak stems; called herbs, which are grown in shade. Some, herbs like mint and parsley are grown in shade. My, brother in law is very much interested in gardening. His garden is full of various plants, aloe Vera, curry leaves, anthurium, other colorful flowers etc. There I, saw the weak legged herbs kept in shade, with utmost care been given. So, wonderfully the psalmist writes in scripture Ps 121:5, 6 “The Lord watches over you-the Lord is your shade at our right hand; the sun will not harm you by day’ nor moon by night.”. It, is so very true with our God. He, Himself will be your shade at your right hand. Whenever, I need help, He will stretch His right hand out for me. In my weakness, when it is difficult to stand, He will; strengthen my feeble knees. He, will give protection from all danger and give the timely need for help.
The sun, will not strike you by day, nor the moon by night. When I, read this verse I, thought true, that the sun can strike and cause a sun stroke but about moon, how can it strike at night, never heard about moon stroke. When, I did a little study I came to know, about it. Moon stoke is heard in Middle east, if a person happens to, lie under a full moon unprotected, for 8 hours; it can be injurious to him, as being under a hot sun without shade.
God is our creator and our keeper. Even though, with troubles and trials my, eyes may take off but; His eyes are constant on me. I, belong to Him, who will watch over me. He is there to persevere my life.
I’m just writing a blog post, for your encouragement. If you know this article would help someone or encourage them, please do share with them. I’d also love to hear from you. Please do leave a comment.

Friday, March 29, 2019

Two Gates

A wonderful evening, with a cup of cold coffee, I, sat down to read a magazine; when my nephew came, with some doubts in English grammar. He asked me, “Aunt, when we describe about, something, are their two sentences, called a broad sentence and narrow sentence?” I, explained to him that these, are two ways of describing, your topic “if a particular topic; which you would like, to talk in general, it will be broad sentence” and, if “you want to tell specifically of the topic in detail, it will be a narrow sentence”. As, these days I was enjoying, at my sister’s house, after a morning bath, and washing of my clothes, when I, went out to the backdoor balcony to dry my clothes; I saw a small narrow gate
Narrow gate
there. It, was so narrow that, only one lean person can come through it.  Yesterday, the doubt of my, nephew; about grammar as to the let him understand the difference of a broad sentence and narrow sentence; brought my attention to the verses in Matt 7:13-14. "Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it”.
Our life is like a road. Wherever, we need to go, for sure we need a road to go on. If, we want to post something or get a thing from post, we need to have an address, a way, a path to reach us that thing. It, is in our hands to make choices in life, most often people make decisions; which does not require struggle, but can be achieved easily. We should go a little deeper and get to know, where the choice makes us to land. We should keep in mind, that not only the gate but the way which is small and narrow; is the actual the way to heaven. As, Shakespeare also has put it, “the smooth path leads to danger”. If the gate you are leading to is broad and wide; there might be unpleasant actions due to immoral life, and desires of wealth. Whereas, if the gate is narrow, with difficulty and narrow opening then you will be; crushed, pressed, afflicted, compressed, and squeezed. There will be less wandering if the gate is narrow. The life well defined by the will of God which will have a good way of thinking, disciplined and perfect life. Now it’s in your hand to choose which gate; the wide gate which appears easy, or the challenging gate which is pressed to enter the Kingdom of God.
Famous Quotes:
“Go wherever the narrow way passes. If possible, go wherever there seems to be no way and create a way.” - Israelmore Ayivor,
If you know, someone who is in a crossroad thinking which way to choose, please do share with them, so that this article might give them a new awareness. I’d also love to hear from you. Please, do leave a comment.

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Dry leaves fall with new bloom each morning

Today morning, when I came near to the window, I could see a new morning welcoming me, with fresh beautiful, colorful flowers the greenery; was quite diminished than usual, due to the summer prevailing here.

Each Morning God’s new Faithfulness can be seen. We can just see how, miraculously and wonderfully God’s provision is their in our lives. God, provides each morning that, is truly known as the faithfulness of Lord towards us. Some nights, when our heart gets wearied and tensed, tossing from left to right on the bed, we just wait for a morning light. Times, when we think that the situation, we are facing will not have an end, the impossible task will remain as such but it’s not true, we must come to understand that with men the task is impossible but not with God. For with God, all things are possible. Like in the garden, the dry leaves will wither away, awaiting for a new leaf to come out from the same place. Anchoring down my thoughts;
I took out, on my mp3 from my bag, and played it, on my ears when the beautiful song, relaxed my heart. Song ---
“Great is thy Faithfulness, Oh God my Father,
There is no shadow of turning with thee…
Thou changeth not… Thou compassions, they fail not.
As thou have been thou forever will be.
Great is thy faithfulness.
Morning by morning, new mercies I see
All I have needed thy hand has provided.
Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord God unto me.”
God deepened my faith with the verse from the bible which was my reading portion Lam 3:23, “They are new every morning great is your faithfulness.” I experienced God’s faithfulness in such a splendid way and am really thankful for the promises he fills me with each day. In this life we live, many times we may be afflicted by the rod of God’s wrath, but every time there is a hope. Lam 3:24 “I say to myself, “The Lord is my portion; therefore, I will wait for Him.” God’s faithfulness can be seen everywhere. Even though we may be unfaithful but He cannot disown Himself. He will fulfil His promises.
Famous Quotes:
Our faith is not meant to get us out of a hard place or change our painful condition. Rather, it is meant to reveal God's faithfulness to us in the midst of our dire situation. -David Wilkerson
God’s faithfulness is stronger than our unfaithfulness and our infidelities. -Pope Francis
Morning is the best time to be near to God. He will fill you with peace joy and love to keep you moving throughout the day. God, teaches us to do his will in 3 ways first by his word, then He enlightens our mind by spirit, and lastly, He puts the words in form of hope in our hearts. God loves and cares them, and this article might give a solace in their heart, please do share with them. I’d also love to hear from you. Please, do leave a comment.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Your Hairs have been numbered.

Have you ever seen someone, becoming over worried or becoming over anxious? That, even when in certain climate, the excess falling of hair disturbs their sleep? 

Women, love to have beautiful, long hair. It’s, actually a crowning glory, which Creator has adorned with their beauty. Certain people loose hair; during some change in water, change in climate, due to some medicines, health issues etc. Falling of hair is common. We, all must be assured, by the fact that a single strand will not fall, without His knowledge. The one who made each and every cell of us, knows exactly, when your hair and how much of it should fall, as they are numbered by Him. He understands you, He knows, when you rise and when you lie down. He, answers all your heartaches, and problems. God has a reason in our lives. He, allows certain things, to happen, which no one can question. He has shaped us with a purpose, that purpose should be completed in our lives.

 Being, a summer time, the sun is blazing hot and since March 22th all the people here are advised, to stay indoors, after 11am, as Sun is directly above the earth’s equator.  I, thought of spending this summer, in my sister’s house; which is in a sophisticated town. Being a town, here, I felt; the ambient change from the village temperature. The climate was very hot, the dresses worn, drenches down with sweat; in no time. Since a few days, I, was overwhelmed and anxious, with many things going around; in my house. Exhausted, with the stifling heat inside and outside, I decided to go and have shower. After my shower, when I, came out and started towel drying my hair; I could see locks of hair coming down. I took, a comb to see the

strands of my hair, that is the time, my memories flashed on to the verse, in Matt 10:30;
“And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered”. Every day, so many of our hair falls, which becomes impossible for us to count but our Heavenly Father counts it, and numbers them. He, takes care of your every little detail. Your health, your wealth, your family, everything. Such, a wonderful promise God, gives us. Even, though you may be having a hard day with obstacles along your way you can fully trust Him. The sweet song, of Martin flashed my mind:
“God will take care of you,
Through every day, o’er all the way;
He will take care of you,
God will take care of you.”
He, also knows when we approach or seek Him and is always ready to answer. This, shows how valuable you are to Him and how deeply, He loves you. Thus; we can wind up with a great assurance, that; God knows you deeply, minutely, perfectly, and with a fatherly concern is always beside you. If you know, someone who is in such a situation who needs assurance, that God loves and cares them, and this article might give a solace in their heart, please do share with them. I’d also love to hear from you. Please, do leave a comment.

Sunday, March 24, 2019



All of us become excited, when we discuss about going for a travel, or for a journey, or for a trip. Journey, is setting the things in order, for travelling so as to go from one place to another. Taking all the road maps, routes, directions we set off; for a journey. Hardly ever, do we think that it is not us, who decides; but God is the one who controls everything. God has a plan for each of us, but, we as human beings ought to have a destination before us. It is He, who fixes our journey. He, directs our ways and each step; but for this we should have a close relationship with God, and be in His presence always and ask His will.  Our door to success can be only opened if we understand the correct key which opens the door to our journey.
At times, we should self- question, about what are we heading on to? Our passions for God? How to give joy to God? Ask, ourselves if we continually press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God? Phil 3:14
Let me give you the most recent example in my life, our family decided to set for a journey. As the psalmist says “looking unto the hills, from where does my help come”? Ps 121:1
When I was packing my belongings, my nephew with great enthusiasm asked “where are we going for a trip”, are we going to get the same things and pleasure which we had here? I told him son, our life is not stand still, it’s a journey, the end is only known by the creator God who formed us before the foundation of the world. Nothing happens to you, without God allowing it to happen, as God has a good purpose for each of us. The things which were for our pleasure today, even though we may lose but God, is faithful to give us more worthy riches.
There, is a purpose in each person’s life, and we have to fulfill that purpose, for which He have been called. You should be passionate to do, something for God. Whatever, little or big, we do in this life; is counted worthy for His kingdom. We can give our time, our energy, our talent, our power, our riches; anything even if it is to give a cup of water, do it for God. We should be able to distinguish that God has called everyone differently to advance in the life’s journey working for His kingdom on Earth through their work. Make a commitment that you work and serve God.  Worship God, pray to Him, talk to Him, and hear Him speak. He is going to show you the way for your journey. Hearing all the matter, He too looked on to the journey with confidence.
“Keep in mind that your journey, is the calling God has ordained and equipped you to accomplish in order to bring Him the greatest glory and achieve the maximum expansion of His kingdom”. Trust that God will continue to guide you in each step. Try to live a life keeping in mind your journey ahead.

I’m just writing a blog post, for your encouragement. If you know this article would help someone or encourage them, please do share with them. I’d also love to hear from you. Please do leave a comment.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

A thorn

Looking on to my drawing, I want you all to have your focus, on the rose bud, among the thorns.
Thorn in the bush, Prick of a thorn, a spike, hardly a person will ever, like these to be kept near to him, but; in place of it, if there are roses without thorns, people will play with it, sleep on it, smell it, and bring it close to one’s face.
I was admiring, to the beauty of the roses in my garden, when it grows it is so beautiful that even, though there are thorns it grows wonderfully among it. The tender bud struggles to open up with the thorns beside it, which; keeps on pricking the soft petals, when a breeze blows and the stem sways from right to left. When I was lost in the beautiful rose scenario, that my 4yr niece came and plucked a rose.

 When, she plucked the rose, she got a prick in her finger from the thorn, and she, yelled with pain; and started grumbling. Then in a childish way said, “Hey Rose, why do you have thorns with you, always.”? The rose, in my imagination replied to her, “I pleaded with the Lord about this, that the thorn should leave me”. But God said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” If the rose has thorns in it, the wild animals, or stray animals will hesitate a little, to swallow you and destroy you.
When a person has sufferings and struggles in life, they we call this as a thorn in flesh. Perhaps, you also might be facing a thorn in your flesh. A thorn different for different person. Some may face physical weaknesses in body, some face insults of living a divorced life, some face hardships in family to cope with a drunkard husband, difficulties in married life with in laws, some having no children are blamed and looked down and psychological struggles; He will strengthen you. There’s a purpose for your thorn in the flesh in the way how Paul had a thorn in his flesh. Thus, it is vital that you know this purpose so that you can be a better person. Thus, God will protect you from the snares of the evil and prepare you for His kingdom... and His plans in our lives.
“I have a Thorn in my flesh.” I don’t like it also but, a little while from now, I, had to experience an excruciating pain and trial though my sickness. At times I become a little exasperated by it. The sickness makes me weaker and almost everything is hard for me to do. I pleaded with my God, in tears, for it to be removed or for more power to overcome it. But it remains with me. Then, when I kneeled down, I heard a voice saying “My grace is sufficient for you, for my strength is made perfect in weakness” 2 Cor 12:9.  I, learnt one thing from God through this verse that He will give His strength so that I may overcome, the troubles I, am facing.  Therefore, I will boast all the more gladly on my weaknesses, so that the power of God may rest on me and I may give all the glory to my God. We should keep in mind to give up our strength and believe that He is greater to strengthen and perfect you and me.
If you know, someone who is undergoing such thorns in their flesh, and this article might give a solace in their heart, or encourage them, please do share with them. I’d also love to hear from you. Please, do leave a comment.

Saturday, March 16, 2019

The Two letter word "MY"

I, was excited and very happy to see, a sight today morning, while taking a walk in my backyard. A mother bird, was feeding her young, by putting the feed to each one’s mouth, and not one was left out.
 I, suddenly pondered on a two-letter word from Psalms 23:1, my most favorite psalm. The Lord is MY shepherd. The word, “MY” has an intimacy, or a personalized feeling in it. It tells, the Lord is not your shepherd, not their shepherd, not his or her shepherd but, MY shepherd. For example, this is my mother, my pen, my dress, my house etc. Whatever, is dear to us becomes “MY”. When you say, “The Lord is my shepherd”; you have the confidence in yourself, that He will tenderly care for you, He will guard you, He will protect you. When Lord my God becomes, a shepherd for me then their; will be no want with me. He will provide for me. He will make me to lie in green pastures where, I will have to just lie down peacefully, with no worries as to what will happen next.

I, remember teaching my niece, the first psalms in her life, when she was 4yr old. She used to ask me the meaning, and was happy on seeing the beautiful picture of a sheep, lying in green pastures. But, when I made her to memorize, “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,”; made her a little scared, and she asked me, if MY shepherd is with me always, why does the shadow of death come behind me? I, gently answered her, my dear, if the sheep lying in the pasture, by mistake in a playful atmosphere, falls in a pit of darkness; it need not worry as the shepherd keeps a watch over it and even a feeble cry is enough for the shepherd, to rescue it as He is MY shepherd. My niece, was very happy with this beautiful psalm and she mugged it. Now, even in her sleep if I, tell her to recite the Psalm, she will do it.

In this world, everything created by God is under the care of Almighty God. Not only does He, arranges the supplies of food, clothing, and all the basic necessities, but cares for our future needs. He arranges, everything so that we can have a peaceful life. Even though, we may be tensed and burdened, by the things happening to us, but; at the right time He will work for us, and for our tinniest needs. If, God provides for the birds, when they cry out to Him, how much more; will He provide for your and my needs. He does everything for His own glory.
I’m just writing a blog post, for your encouragement. If you know this article would help someone or encourage them, please do share with them. I’d also love to hear from you. Please do leave a comment.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019


In the evening, when I was having a sip of coffee, on the terrace and was enjoying, the beautiful sunset when; I noticed a squirrel, in an act of showing performance like an acrobat. God’s creation is indeed splendid with, creatures like squirrel and birds, who daily run about in front of our eyes. It is the way God, has made them, splendid indeed!
 We, have heard people saying, “you should eat a well-balanced diet” to keep yourself healthy. If you eat food; only rich in carbohydrate, you will gain weight but; your bones and muscles will not be strong. So, eating a well-balanced diet, having carbohydrate, protein, fat, minerals and vitamins should, be taken to have a healthy life. Most of us strive to live such healthy life. We have also heard a common saying that “Life is a balance of body, mind, and spirit.” But to live such, a life is rather difficult, and can be lived with a continuous practice and effort; just like an acrobat, a gymnast or a trapeze performer.

In the day to day, life we may face different challenges. Even, in times of struggle, your life will continue to be balanced if your focus; remains on Him. Just, have a look on the picture; I, took of the squirrel, it has its full focus, on the cable wires look at its paws, they are grasped tightly to the wires. Such, should our focus be, on Him; grasping on the word of God, or having a strong hold on Him, with full faith.
 Once we have the fear of God, we will try to avoid all extremes; that is live a simple and a well pleasing life with holiness and godliness. Even, King Solomon have written, in the book of Ecclesiastes 7: 18 New international version “It is good to grasp the one and not let go of the other. The man who fears God will avoid all extremes”. If the knowledge of a balanced life, is there, we can even teach our kids when to speak and when not, or when to play and when to study, when to be responsible and when to be free. Teach the children to live a balanced life.
During the act of balancing, God will give you blessings and hardships in your life. He will observe us, as to how we manage those situations. God will see, whether the two-sided scale is balanced. With the blessings whether we have a contend life or overwhelmed due to hardships. Sometimes with good things, He will give us bad things also, which we should readily accept from Him; as both are a gift of God’s grace. All, He gives in our life is to refine us and prepare us for the eternity.

This is my blog, for everyone who wants to live a balanced life, wondering which step to take forward and where to lay our strong hold on. This article, is for your encouragement. If you know this article would help someone or encourage them, please do share with them. I’d also love to hear from you. Please, do leave a comment.

Saturday, March 9, 2019


Nowadays, wherever you go; to a bank, to a railway station, an airport, any government institutions or to your working company, you are asked for a proof, an identity.
 “Identification of yourself” is an Identity. It includes; your education status, your locality, your economy status, your family status. It is all about your past, and about your present, but no one can predict, or tell your future. Some, people rely on horoscopes and palmistry. Those who don’t have hands, don’t they have a future? Yes, even they have a future, which is written by the Almighty God.

 You, and me are engraved in His hands. He knows our uprising, and down sitting. When a person sees us, he identifies us by; our look, or attitude, or work, or our sickness, or any negativity in life, all the outward appearance.
But, the most important is the way how, our God identify us? Whether, we are up to His mark, in life. All of us need, to have our identities, shaped by knowing what God, says about us, as to who we are. Our, identities come not from what happens to us, but from what God declares about us. God, will give us a new identity.
What do you like your identity to be?
There is a world out, which will label you or make your identity. They will label us as… Motherless, Fatherless, Widow, Childless, Unnoticed and Unloved. It is clear from an example, in the scripture of Naomi, whose name meant pleasant, when she lost her husband and her two sons, she was identified as Mara, meaning bitter. But, that’s not the way God, looks into or identify us. No matter, what has been your previous life; God will forgive all your wrongdoings and trespasses if you confess it to Him. Once you are redeemed, you belong to His family.

 Often, we feel timid and small because of our weakness we see in ourselves. We consider ourselves, shy, not intelligent, good for nothing, or not beautiful. The identification, you are going to make, people are going to see that. The potentials you have will be your I.D. Your identity is in the word of God. Open up the word of God and see the identity you have. We are the partakers of Christ. So, we are Blessed, Favored, Loved, we are God’s treasure, the work of His hands. The apple of His eye. His Beloved.
We should thank God and glorify Him for making us qualified, worthy, powerful, blameless and accepted by God. This is how God sees you. As in scriptures Col 1:22
Therefore, it’s our responsibility to live a life which is pleasing and a blameless life. Live righteously, a life God created you to live, that is in love and harmony. A life without God is a life without peace. A life without God is a life of chaos. A life without God isn’t a life at all.
Famous Quotes:
“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” - Mahatma Gandhi
“We know what we are, but not what we may be”. -William Shakespeare
I’m just writing a blog post, for your encouragement. If you know this article would help someone or encourage them, please do share with them. I’d also love to hear from you. Please do leave a comment.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Sing unto the Lord a new Song...

March season has started, with a hot and warm climate. Long days and short night. Sun is blazing during the noon, but as the sun sets the atmosphere cools down a bit.  In the night time, most of us enjoy to sleep, in the open air on terraces or open the windows, and sleep. During this season, the mango trees are loaded with tender mangoes. It’s a fruity season with jackfruit, mulberry, and watermelons in the garden, and the market place.  The birds, start singing early morning and keep on singing till dusk. They are more energetic, louder and frequent in the early hours.

This morning I was awakened early, by the chirping of birds which was pleasant to hear. I saw, a pair of birds cheerfully, singing in the branch of a flowery tree; close to my window. In the background, I could hear other birds, out of it the most fascinating one; was the singing of cuckoo. I even saw, a humming bird in the bush which was a wonderful sight. I wondered, the beauty of creation, how awesome; the pleasant voice which God has given to each one.

Seeing, all these my heart gladly, started praising with the birds. Oh...Lord my God when I in awesome wonder consider the works thy hands have made, I see the stars …..Then sings my soul my Saviour God to thee…How great thou art, How great thou art. Hearing me singing, my 4yr old niece, joined me to sing praises. She likes singing, with her sweet voice, even though she is still learning, she grasps the words of song and rhythm fast.  I like her, singing the songs of worship, and try to teach her new songs, though; I am not a good singer but, I enjoy singing. My prayer to God is that my meditation should be pleasing to Him, as I rejoice in singing for Him.

Singing, connects the words with our hearts. It is a language, of emotions. It arouses, and expresses feelings. Singing, is not only for specific people, or culture, or language, or gender, or age. When a person is sad, depressed, lonely, heart-broken he likes to hear songs; or sometimes songs comes out with emotions. If the person is happy, joyful, cheerful he sings with that emotion and likes to hear song. Songs are sung, by heart that is the time, when emotion spurts out. King David, was a shepherd boy, and when he used to take his; sheep’s for grazing, he used to play his harp and sing. He has written a full “book of Psalms” glorifying God. Our hearts should be involved with music, which is meant to offer thankfulness to God from our hearts.
 Even in the scriptures it’s written: Eph 5:19 “Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord”
Col 3: 16 “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.”
This harmonious time period, to glorify God is at the dawn time. We, usually sing with full enthusiasm, and from our heart when we sing for God. The birds, sing so sweetly, in the dawn time, similarly, Creator God also waits, eagerly to hear the voice of praise from us, especially at the dawn; as written in scriptures, "Let everything that has breath praise the Lord" (Psalm 150:6). Since, animals are said to have breath, they are included among those directed to praise God.

Please click on the link to learn online piano course
I’m just writing a blog post, for your encouragement. If you know this article would help someone or encourage them, please do share with them. I’d also love to hear from you. Please do leave a comment.
Ann. Mathew

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Key For Every Lock...

Does all the lock have a key? Can we find solutions to our problems? The answer is Yes…

My nephew, was going to have math’s final exam after 2 days, so I, gave him some, math’s problems which; were difficult and easy, a mixture of both. He, solved the paper and brought it to me, I was glad as, he solved the full paper, but he told me that he, couldn’t solve the hard ones, and had doubt in those. I was glad, that at least he tried to solve the difficult ones and did not leave it blank. In our lives too, when a problem arises, it should be solved. Even though, there may be failures, but to keep on trying is better then to leave it or run away from it. Life, is made up of problems some of them are easy, to be solved, some are difficult. Just, like every lock has it’s key, there is a solution to every problem. A king staying in palace will have hundreds of keys and a poor man living in a single room will also have at least 2 keys which are different for different locks.  The problems which you face, will be different from your neighbor. Every one big or small, rich or poor, old or young, male or female; has problems in life. All of us wish; that we could live, in a problem-free world where nothing ever goes wrong, and everything always happens, as we want it to happen; a happy go and free life with no tensions and difficulties.

We can also see that in scriptures it’s said in John 16:33 “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world”.
 Similarly, even if we face pressures, disappointments, troubles, difficulties, sickness, pain, loneliness, failure, discouragement. The problems we face will either develop you or defeat you. Sometimes, God brings difficulties in our life for something good. At times God brings problem in our life to correct us and change us into something better and perfect us. So, cheer up, do not run away, but; recognize the problem and try to solve it, if you need help get a help.Click on the link for Piano and keyboard course
I’m just writing a blog post, for your encouragement. If you know this article would help someone or encourage them, please do share with them. I’d also love to hear from you. Please do leave a comment.

True Christmas

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