Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Sailing through the storms of life...

While, I was drawing this picture, a sure hope and God's promises in the scripture, encouraged me to complete the drawing by, His grace. Even though we battle among the storms, and tempest He, will always be there as a stronghold, the anchor of our hope to reach the eternity.

Last month, when there was a sudden change in weather due; to the low pressure in Arabian Sea, and Bay of Bengal, the fisherman were advised, not to venture inside the sea, and were refused to sail. Though, the forecast of true storm, was announced some of the fisherman, were already in the middle of the sea. That, is the time when one's trust, and hope is counted. Sometimes, these storms comes in the middle of the journey which, can create a havoc in the lives of fisherman if; you don't trust God, and are fearful then life's storm, can ruin our lives.
 We, can see in Scriptures, in Mark 4:35-38, when the ship in which Jesus, and his disciples were going in a boat, to the other side of the lake all of a sudden; a tempest broke over the boat, all his disciples got terrified, nervous, and panic struck, among-st all. Thinking, they will drown, although mostly were fisherman, who knew to control the sails, still everyone was afraid. As, they lost their focus that Jesus, is there in the boat, who will control every situation.
 You and me too sometimes, like the disciples, become fearful and overwhelmed with the turbulence in our life's boat. Keep in mind that, even though the storms of life, may keep our boat rocking, and we may be in the center of furious waves believe the one who called you.
I, remember an incident which happened in my life. As, I wrote in the previous blogs about, my  medical ailment, which was the thunderbolt from heaven, storms were risen in my life with all aches and pain in my body, sleepless night when I used to have a thousand questions with my saviour. All these were answered, by my Heavenly Father. I was given assurance by Him, from many promise verses. Sailing in the ship with God by my side, and everything was going smoothly for 6 years. All of a sudden a storm from nowhere, with hovering winds and thick black clouds encircled my ship and it began to sway to and fro, fear gripped  the atmosphere, and I received a phone call, that my father met with an accident, and is in ICU. A furious squall came up, and the waves broke over the sailing ship with fearful noises from all around, and I questioned myself as to why? why it's happening to me? One after another; sickness, financial hardship, accidents. Why, can't the life be smooth? He, again assured me that He hasn't forgotten me, and He is at work in me. After, a couple of weeks my dad was discharged from hospital. The promise of Jesus, in John 16:33," in the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world" takes away our trials and brings solace to our heart.  His, promises that He is bigger than any storm and His words in Ps 22:24 " For He has not despised nor abhorred the affliction of the afflicted; nor has He hidden His face from Him; but when he cried to Him, He heard.". He will strengthen us in every situation. Someone, has well said, "I am not afraid of storm for I am learning how to sail my ship."
Famous Quotes: "We all face storms in life. Some are more difficult than others. But we all go through trials and tribulation. That's why we have the gift of faith." Joyce Meyer
Friends, If any one of you are facing, a difficult situation, when the storms keep rising, and dark clouds overshadowing our head, and no way out. Reach, out to God He will cause hope to rise above the pain and struggles we are facing. He will soothe our souls. He is the Lord of hope. His love and care is always there for you. Please share comment and like. God bless you.


  1. This is really enlightening . Thanks my dear friend.

  2. Praise the Lord.All glory belongs to the Lord.

  3. This is really encouraging me. Keep on doing this. God bless you. Thank you.


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