Friday, November 29, 2019

Changes upon us.

" Autumn, begins with a subtle change in the light, with skies a deeper blue, and nights that become suddenly clear and chilled. The season comes full with the first frost, disappearance of migrant birds, and the harvesting of the season's last crops." Glenn Wolff and Jerry Dennis
God, has created day, night, times, seasons, plants, birds, animals and we humans. He, created this wonderful creation, all for a purpose. If, we look into some seasons they are good, some times are good then other, even some days are good then others. I, have heard many people saying yesterday was a good day. Every day, every moment and every second is good.  As, written by King Solomon, in the book of Eccles 3:1 he says, " There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens." Every year God, replenishes the plants, trees, even some animals. Especially the trees changes, during autumn when the leaves, fall to the ground to decompose and nourish the forest floor.

Nature, has a vast number of plants, animals, birds, reptiles, fishes, which; change their colour, when other animals or human,  attack them for food. In, one of my blog 'watch out', I have mentioned about, 2 more insect which changes it's colour. Amazing! God has kept all these for us, to admire and see their beauty. Last week, a wonderful article came in the newspaper about Cane turtle, which is  rare in India. It, is a shy reptile and its wonderful feature which attracted me was it changes it's colour . The head of male turtle, blossoms with patches of bright red, yellow, pink and black, during breeding season . Sometimes these colorful pigments blend with flowers, fungi, and dry leaves in the ground. When they are frightened, they dive themselves underneath  the dry leaves.

Now, being a month of autumn, the sun rises late singing lullaby. It's a joy to sleep a bit late on our cozy beds. After my daily chores when I, looked out of my window, the courtyard was full of leaves, that too of varied colours. Wow ! Incredible! what a beauty.
 My, brother in law likes gardening, he carefully looks after the plants. Sometimes he does grafting and flowers grow wonderfully. Being, the season of fall he, first  removed all the dead leaves from the plants, pruned them,  grafted them, put fertilizer and watered them. I, watched the process as he, did his work gently and patiently. The same way, Our Heavenly father too cares for you and me. He knows, how you and me will be, in each season and in each stage of our life. He, can make even the worst season, and times of your life, and can change it into new season according to His plan for you.

It's, a season  when, there is a change in the surrounding, growing different plants, wearing different clothes, change in the climate etc. Similarly, there should be a change in everyone you and me, a change in us. Our behavior, our attitude, life style, habits. As Jesus says, in Matt 18:3 "Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven". Change in us, to be like a child humble, and meek that is what God, expects from us. Let us shed some of our old habits, and behavior of boasting, and pride, and have a new spiritual life. A spiritual growth in you, a maturity in all aspects.
Autumn, season has arrived with coolness and relief from heat, brilliant changes in the colour of leaves from green, yellow, brown, golden, and red. Let, your eyes take in the bursts of colour and bring a change upon us as God wants.
 Friends, God has set everything in order, and according to His plan. Some days, and times, may be hard but;  keep heart God will sustain you till the end. Do not panic. He has promised you that He will never leave you. Trust Him....If this article has been a blessing to you and enlightened you, and  if you would like to encourage someone, please do share with them . I love to hear your comments too. God bless you all.


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