Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Ultimate Expectation

After, a good night sleep, everyone I suppose awakes, with some expectation. It, is a belief that something will happen in our lives. Like; a school going child expects to get good marks and be the topper of his class, a person seeking for a job , he will expect to get a good job and get married and settle down in his life, a woman praying for a child she expects to become pregnant, a person having illness expects to get out of his bed and all his results may turn to be negative, and the doctor treating the illness expects a cure for his patient from the medicine he has prescribed.  But, all this is just yours and mine expectation. These expectations, may or may not be correct, as these are our hopes our dreams.

Today morning, when I got up I expected  the weather to be sunny, as I expected to go for shopping. I expected to go to the beach in the evening with my sister's family. Thus, we see you and me have a lot of things in our mind which you expect should have taken place. But all our expectations, shatter when it doesn't take place. Like, the sunny morning if it changes, to a rainy and stormy day, then no shopping and no going to beach. Whereas; if you see a farmer, he might be expecting, a rainy weather for his crops. Thus you see if the motives for our expectation is good it will work good. In your life, you may have a lot of expectation. In fact it is God who decides. We don't know His ways. His ways are higher than our ways. As it is said in Is 55: 8,9 " For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways". Declares the Lord." As the Heaven are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts."

 A prayer is also a positive expectation, of the answers to the petitions you have laid before God. In one's life, one looks with expectation towards the hill. See in the scripture, there are so many instances when the petitions are laid for an answer, In the life of Hannah, to get a baby. In the life of Mother Mary she expected Jesus, to perform a miracle in the marriage of Cana, A woman having a bloody discharge for 12 years expected a healing, if she touched the garment, of Jesus. Expectation can be good or evil. The intentions behind our expectation should always be good and not evil. The scriptures also tells us to expect those things which are under our limit. Don't expect more in your life. The things God has planned, in your life He will surely give. I cherish on the scripture of Ps 62:5 As David said " My soul, wait thou only upon God; for my expectation is from him."I too have an ultimate expectation, to be with Jesus. Hope everyone, yearns for the same ultimate expectation, to reach Heaven and be in the presence of Lord, thus it is good to expect great things from God, especially to have an eternity in life. An everlasting life, in Heaven and to be in presence of Jesus.
Famous Quote: "Hope is favorable and confident expectation; it's an expectant attitude that something good is going to happen and things will work out, no matter what situation we're facing." Joyce Meyer

 So, dear friends today put your expectation in  Him. Trust Him, He will give the needed things, strengthen you and guide you so that you may have an abounding joy. 'Expectations from others can make reasons of your weakness so live each day, with your own strength relying on God, because God is the one who gives you the strength you need'. Hope this blog will enlighten your thoughts regarding your expectations in life. Please share comment and like. God bless you.

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