Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Sprinkling Of Salt....

What is the first thing you think when you look at Common salt kept on your table?

Yesterday, morning I got a call…from one of our family friends, she said she was coming home for lunch. I, was excited as she was going to come after a decade. So, for the next 3-4 hrs. I was busy cooking the best for her, cleaning and washing. They came, and I started serving the dishes, her favorite chicken biryani, but as soon as she took one spoon, their – something went wrong, it just didn’t have much flavor. So, she asked, for the salt shaker and sprinkled a tiny amount of salt in the biryani. “What a difference it made! It is remarkably splendid!” She exclaimed.! In fact, a little salt less or more, can alter the taste of the food. We can all agree that salt is precious for this reason alone.  Really the need of salt is very important to make the food tastier. I understood, it’s uses in depth when I studied carefully about it, which I would like to share.
Salt is a preservative. It is used in pickles or meat or sauces to prevent it from spoiling. It is an enduring mineral that cannot spoil. We cannot destroy its savor. Even though it may change from solid to liquid still it's savor is the same.
Salt has an enduring quality. It can be subjected to extreme temperature. In fact, and still maintain its unique chemical composition. Because of these “enduring” qualities, salt is considered excellent.
Salt is pure. Nothing can make it impure, or infected as, it is used as a disinfectant. No germs or bacteria can culture.  Our grandparents used to brush their teeth with salt as a substitute for toothpaste. Actually, the mild abrasive action of salt helps clean the teeth, and its disinfectant qualities make it an effective mouthwash.
Salt helps for our well-being. We know that salt is necessary for the health and well-being of every person on earth. If the salt is reduced from the body it can cause various health problem.
Do you know, there are more than 14,000 catalogued uses of salt? Food processors, meat packers, chemical industries, hotels, Glass production, water softener for laundries in fact it has plenty of uses. In the same way if we ever, lose our salt like qualities, then we are also good for nothing. So, we should be like salt in the earth.
Famous Quotes:  Matt 5:13 You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses it’s saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is of no use, but to be thrown down and trampled by men.
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