Thursday, February 28, 2019

Lean on Him...

Learn Piano and Keyboard (please place the cursor on the text and click on the website)
Yesterday, afternoon after a heavy lunch, when I was taking a nap, all of a sudden, I was woken up with the calling bell; of our house. The bell, was so loud, that it disturbed my sleep. So, I decided to go, and open the door. On opening, I saw an old, weak lady. She was leaning, on a stick, which was not so strong. This, poor lady, had just come, to ask if she could get food?

 I felt, pity for her, and asked her to sit down, and served her, some food. She told, that she, had not seen food; in the last 2 days. After, the lunch she quietly moved out, leaning on to her weak stick which was so brittle. When I asked her, why she is holding a stick? She told me “I can depend on it, for it will prevent me to fall, and help in walking”. As she was going, I, just handed her some money, and a strong, walking crutch, which my grandfather used to hold; while walking when he was old. When she left, she left deep thoughts in my mind, about God and I thanked Him.
One way to understand more clearly, about trust is to picturize yourself, leaning your full weight against a stick which is weak. If the stick is strong and sturdy, you won't fall but if the stick is brittle and weak, it will make you fall and hit the ground hard.
Sometimes, in life we face problems, like losing a job, waiting to start a new one, having a medical ailment, and looking out for it’s treatment, all our plans seem to fail, that is the actual time where leaning on God, should become our supreme importance. We shouldn’t, be so wrapped up in what negative things that are going on, or what will next happen, but lean on Him alone. God loves, us more than we can imagine. This also tells us to cast all our cares, on Him. He will direct us to which path we should walk. He is faithful to his word, completely dependable, and totally trustworthy. All of my questions were answered, by that incident of the old lady, with walking stick, I should, not rely on my strength, nor on any of the worldly strength; but to lean on His word, casting all my cares on Him, no matter what happens; but to let go of my own understanding, and to TRUST Him. For His grace, mercy, and strength is enough to carry me.
          Learn Piano and keyboard

Famous Verse: Prov 3:5 “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not upon thine own understanding.”
I’m just writing a blog post, for your encouragement and new insight towards God. If you know this article would help someone or encourage them, please do share with them. I’d also love to hear from you. Please do leave a comment.

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