Thursday, February 28, 2019

Lean on Him...

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Yesterday, afternoon after a heavy lunch, when I was taking a nap, all of a sudden, I was woken up with the calling bell; of our house. The bell, was so loud, that it disturbed my sleep. So, I decided to go, and open the door. On opening, I saw an old, weak lady. She was leaning, on a stick, which was not so strong. This, poor lady, had just come, to ask if she could get food?

 I felt, pity for her, and asked her to sit down, and served her, some food. She told, that she, had not seen food; in the last 2 days. After, the lunch she quietly moved out, leaning on to her weak stick which was so brittle. When I asked her, why she is holding a stick? She told me “I can depend on it, for it will prevent me to fall, and help in walking”. As she was going, I, just handed her some money, and a strong, walking crutch, which my grandfather used to hold; while walking when he was old. When she left, she left deep thoughts in my mind, about God and I thanked Him.
One way to understand more clearly, about trust is to picturize yourself, leaning your full weight against a stick which is weak. If the stick is strong and sturdy, you won't fall but if the stick is brittle and weak, it will make you fall and hit the ground hard.
Sometimes, in life we face problems, like losing a job, waiting to start a new one, having a medical ailment, and looking out for it’s treatment, all our plans seem to fail, that is the actual time where leaning on God, should become our supreme importance. We shouldn’t, be so wrapped up in what negative things that are going on, or what will next happen, but lean on Him alone. God loves, us more than we can imagine. This also tells us to cast all our cares, on Him. He will direct us to which path we should walk. He is faithful to his word, completely dependable, and totally trustworthy. All of my questions were answered, by that incident of the old lady, with walking stick, I should, not rely on my strength, nor on any of the worldly strength; but to lean on His word, casting all my cares on Him, no matter what happens; but to let go of my own understanding, and to TRUST Him. For His grace, mercy, and strength is enough to carry me.
          Learn Piano and keyboard

Famous Verse: Prov 3:5 “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not upon thine own understanding.”
I’m just writing a blog post, for your encouragement and new insight towards God. If you know this article would help someone or encourage them, please do share with them. I’d also love to hear from you. Please do leave a comment.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Try to be A Good Soldier in Life

Last week, there were news headlines, in all the newspaper, about the death of 40 CRPF Soldiers been; killed by a suicide terror attack in India. This, deadly terror attack, against the CRPF personnel, disrupted the whole nation. All, those 40 soldiers, were martyrs for the country. Their, families had to suffer a great loss. Really, I, appreciate the soldiers, who just lay down their lives; for the protection of the nation. They, serve the nation with their best of the ability. If, we closely see to the life of soldier, they are real heroes; who suffer hardship during their training, during their posting, in battle ground, in all areas they have a rough and tough life.

No soldier, in active service, entangles himself in the affairs of everyday life; so that he follows the instruction of his commander, without making his mind, wander in the distractions of life. He’s only keen to, please his commanding officer, and perform all the actions; given by the commander. They are always awake, for the next action of their commander. A good soldier, fights till his last breath, he never quits.
Fascinated, by their qualities when I was thinking of their lives, my eyes fell, on the daily reading portion of my scripture; 2 Tim 2:3,4 “Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.”

There, have been moments in my life, when due to problems and troubles, I had often thought of quitting everything; but God’s awesome presence fills the room and comforts me, during those difficult circumstances. I know, my commander will discipline me, and make me loyal, and bold like a good soldier. At, times he will chisel me out, and cause pain only to, shape me into; a weapon in His hands. Experiencing hardship is never easy.
In fact, it can be depressing and exhausting. But like a good soldier, endure the suffering and hardship which God has kept. Just, be patient and face problems, hardship, troubles and consider; all these normal in your lives. Hard times will pass. But with patience, prayer, and a heart full of hope and trust, we can live through the sufferings and trials. We can be closer to God, and if you know, Him deeply, then only His joy, will outlast any; pain and sorrow which comes into your life. Concentrate on doing your, best for God. Be ready, in allowing, God to use us, and shape our hearts and minds.
I’m just writing a blog post, for your encouragement so as to become a good soldier in our daily life for God. If you know this article would help someone or encourage them, please do share with them. I’d also love to hear from you. Please do leave a comment.

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Be ready for the exams to face the reality…

Sometimes, the pressure of a threatening exam, can seem overwhelming. These days, most of the children are stressed with two words. FINAL EXAM. They are so much stressed that they have forgotten, what is desserts after a heavy lunch. Leave desserts, many of them have forgotten to eat, somehow, they want to gulp, history and science. If, someone can make a juice of chemistry formulas, they would rather be happy. Otherwise, if you ask them their name, they will give a blank look, or start saying (a +b) =c-b and so on.

 I remember, when I was in school, I used to think, when am I going to become big, and earn money. I hated to study for exams. Really stressful days. When, I used to receive question paper, one can easily see goosebumps on my hands. No one can escape exam, more then children, the parents are tensed. If we see in a closer aspect, everyone has to face exam. This life, which we live is a blank paper, given by God to us. You and me, have been given the time, which starts at our birth, and the time finishes when our breath stops.

 This life, is a school, only difference in real school, you are taught a lesson and then; you have to write exam. But in life’s school you have to write the exam, then you get a lesson. “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.” James 1:5
King Solomon was the wisest king in this world who said in the book of Ecclesiastes 2:15 “Like a fool the wise man too must die”. This learned man, who was so wise, wrote so many proverbs, searched out for knowledge; and imparted knowledge to the people, he was serious when he said that true wisdom is realizing how much we don't know about life. It is only God, who imparts wisdom to us. I, am not against the exams. Children should study, and increase their wisdom, and knowledge, pray, well before the exams; but they should not be forced, to become a doctor, or an engineer, or a CA; as their future lies in God’s hand, He will decide the plans, for us. The Word of God has the power and wisdom to change minds, inspire our lives, heal hearts, encourage the wounded souls, strengthen the faith and hope to go on in our lives. Live a life pleasing to Him.

He gave one valuable advice to fear God and keep His commandments for this is the whole duty of man. God will bring every deed into judgement, including every hidden thing whether it is good or evil. Eccl 12:13,14
I’m just writing a blog post, for your encouragement and new insight towards God. If you know this article would help someone or encourage them, please do share with them. I’d also love to hear from you. Please do leave a comment.

Friday, February 22, 2019

Favor in His eyes...

In our everyday, lives we find a way to get the favor of people. For example, a child wants to get favor from his or her parents, students to teachers, an employee to the manager and so on. Out of all this the most important, favor one likes to have is God’s, If, you want to have the favor of God, you will surely do things which pleases Him.
 I, have seen my niece, when she colors or writes neatly, she will run with it; and show it to her mum and dad, only to seek their favor. I remember, in school days, I used to write my assignments, neatly for the teacher who was favorite to me; so as to impress her, and find a favor in her eyes. One day I was sick, and was not able to go to school, shedding tears I told my mum that I, need to go to school and don’t want to remain absent. In spite of high temperature, I lifted myself from bed and got ready to go to school, as I wanted to attend, the class of my favorite teacher, and didn’t wanted to be an absentee; thus, I attended her class and felt satisfied. One thing, I came too know through that incident, because that teacher was favorite, I got the energy and enthusiasm to attend her class, how much more should I be finding favor with God and have a desire to please Him.

Favor is also called as grace. This does not mean, that everyone who is prosperous, or healthy has found favor with God.  Nor does it mean, that those whom the God favors, will not have to suffer hardships, difficulties or problems. Many of the heroes can be seen in the bible, who suffered and struggled in their life, but His grace was sufficient for them as they had God’s favor. If God’s favor is there we will receive His blessings. If we walk with God as our closest friend, we will start appreciating even the little blessings that God provides. Even though our situation may be hopeless and things may not seem hat good, He will lift you up and the light of the Lord will shine upon you. It is time we believe the words of our Father: "You are the apple of My eye”. If God has kept you as an apple you will have his favor.

“It's God who chooses his people. He calls them by his grace, quickens them by his spirit keeps them by his power. It's not of men not by men but by the will of God. It's by his grace alone....”
I’m just writing a blog post, for your encouragement and new insight towards God. If you know this article would help someone or encourage them, please do share with them. I’d also love to hear from you. Please do leave a comment.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Tinniest act of kindness...

Yesterday, our family decided to visit our friend’s house, which was quite far, from where we were staying. We enjoyed, the time in her beautiful garden, by plucking and eating mangoes, guavas, mulberries and admiring the nature. It was a sunny afternoon, so we decided to return soon after lunch and reach our home before sunset. We, packed our car with mangoes, guavas, and bananas from her garden, after bidding them good bye we set off, for our journey. In that, hot weather, the sun was shining brightly, hot dry wind was blowing and everyone exhausted had a desire to reach home when suddenly, …phew…. our tyre got flat. No vehicles, to be seen on the road, after waiting for couple of minutes we saw a car but alas! they didn’t stop. Then, we saw another 4-wheeler, the man stopped and asked us the problem but when he came, to know that our vehicle is punctured, he advised, us to go to a nearby repair shop and left us. After few minutes, of waiting, when all our hopes were about to shatter, a help came to us like, a bolt from heaven. Ah, the story of the Good Samaritan flashed my mind, the story teaches us that we need to see everyone around us, with an attitude of kindness and provide help in time of need, to show love to others in action and deed. The good Samaritan, changed our tyre and solved our problem in no time. On the way, home we sang the beautiful song…It’s a great thing to praise the Lord….love the Lord…serve the Lord.

 Jesus also came to serve, and not to be served. These days let us develop an inward drive to help others, as Jesus did. When we stand before the throne on Judgment Day, may God recognize us as a true and faithful follower who helped, many along the way. Let us be like a good Samaritan. Even in the scripture we can see in Matthew 25:31-46, that we are going to be judged by God whether we served our brethren, whether we fed a hungry person, gave drink to the thirsty, clothed the one who was naked, visited those who were sick, lend our helping hand in the time of need.
I’m just writing a blog post, for your encouragement. If you know this article would help someone or encourage them, please do share with them. I’d also love to hear from you. Please do leave a comment.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Renewed Life...

Renewed life

After, rains when I came out of my house, I could see the beauty of nature all around. Wow! Fresh, and green, as if the trees and plants had a bath, all; things appeared so clean, with small insects enjoying and flying. Butterflies collecting nectar, bees buzzing around birds chirping on trees. The rainbow too could be seen in the horizon which gave happiness.

Seeing the beautiful scenario, I thought, for a moment as sometimes, we too are so much conditioned, to be lazy in our lives; because of the modernization. The vast conveniences, which has come into this new generation, makes the life easy. Just, press a button and everything works. This makes our life more stagnant, like mosquitoes, who love to spend their life, in a stagnant pool and we humans slowly, become like a mosquito, with no spiritual food, not spending time with God.

Stagnation is doing nothing, to be inactive in the whole life. Good for nothing. When, I saw the butterflies in the garden of my house, I was so pleased and happy to see them; as they were active flying from flower to flower collecting nectar. When, I studied briefly upon there lives, they transform their body, from pupa to a caterpillar, and then to a beautiful butterfly. They struggle in their life to form, a new body. It eats on leaves, sometimes a single leaf, the whole life; thus, as long as it eats, the leaf it grows, and through the mechanism of metabolism, it eventually, forms a caterpillar then changes and becomes into real, genuine butterfly. Such, should our feeding be, on the scriptures. A transformation, in our lives is important it means that we need to act, neat and clean in all our act. To have a change in our behavior our actions, and appearance.
Romans 12:2Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. And do not be fashioned according to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of the mind that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and well pleasing and perfect.
When, we look more closely at the verse mentioned above, we find that a, transformation means something different from all of these things. A caterpillar changing into a beautiful butterfly is an excellent picture of the above-mentioned verse. We cannot change ourselves, but Holy spirit can transform our hearts and lives. When we feed on the spiritual leaves, we will have a close relationship with God, sing and praise, give thanks, read the scripture, pray to Him and do what all pleases Him.

I’m just writing a blog post, for your encouragement. If you know this article would help someone or encourage them, please do share with them. I’d also love to hear from you. Please do leave a comment.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Sweet smelling Aroma.

Learn Piano and Keyboard (Please click on the link)
Yesterday morning in the early hours, we planned to travel to our ancestral home in our 4-wheeler. Our house is in a village some 200 km, from the place we were residing. As soon as we entered the village, sweet aroma of grounded coffee, filled the air …

As soon as we entered the village, sweet aroma of grounded coffee, filled the air …Oh… I love that aroma in the morning; it opens all my five senses. Usually the villagers take a sip of coffee and start their daily routine. They say that they feel empty, if in the morning that, sweet and powerful fragrance, does not enter their nose and from there; to each part of their veins and nerve. Later, after a cup of coffee when I came into the room, for a wash, I could smell something stinking, which was the smell of cow dung; and buffaloes from the neighbours’ house. The smell of the cow dung was disgusting. I quickly lit an incense stick in the room which gave a pleasant odor.

That, is when the thoughts about God came to my mind, as to how God, feels with our attitude; when our prayers ascend to Him. You and me should have such a delightful and pleasant aroma, which He could breathe all day, or rather He might be happy in us. Even though our life may be in distress, pain, heartaches, poverty, troubles; but once we are in close relationship with God, spending our time with Him in continuous prayers, pouring out our heart to Him; then we will surely overcome the battles of our life. Walking in his steps, we can spread His aroma to the people around us, by uplifting them. We should love others, and spread the fragrance of His name as God is love, and when we abide in Him, His fragrance will be around us. The sweet aroma of His love, sweet aroma of His knowledge, sweet aroma of His presence, in the same way the Aroma of Our Prayers; should be pleasing in every way, to our God and to the people around us... I would like to tell in the end about a sweet song which flashed my mind…. Lines are In Hindi….Itra ke samman hai tera naam, khushboo phelata hain jahan mein, Taangi musibat aur badnami mein, bana khushbodar  tere saman. Meaning is such that, as His name is sweet like a perfume, spreading the sweet smell to the world. In my poverty, troubles and heartaches make me like you God.
 In the scriptures, as it’s written that we should “Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. - Eph 5:2
I’m just writing a blog post, for your encouragement. If you know this article would help someone or encourage them, please do share with them. I’d also love to hear from you. Please do leave a comment.

Saturday, February 9, 2019

Know The Potentials In You....

Are you happy with your life? Do you know your potentials? Do you get boosted up in your spirits each day or feel low without a purpose? Only God knows what He can do through your life. And only He can unlock your potential.
See this picture of a beautiful house. Who will not dream to make such a house and live in it? You might be worried thinking how to make it.! A house is important in everyone’s life. Even though, its temporary in our lives, but still important. Actually, God has given each one the ability, or potential to make their own shelter. See, a spider it weaves it’s thread to make a shelter to dwell so as to protect, itself from the prey. A bird, weaves a nest wonderfully and provides shelter for its young.
Everyone has a potential in themselves to make a house or work for it. It’s your dream house, for which you have to work hard.
There are times, when people lose their hope or do not have a joy to pursue their dreams. Overcome your failures and remember that God, has given each one enough ability to fulfill their dreams. Everyone has potential, God expects you to be faithful about what he has given you, so that he will give you more. No matter who you are, you have the potential to be something great. After you know your potential, it is your duty to turn your potential, or God given ability to the service of mankind or for God’s glory.
When I was a child, I remember, my report card used to have grades, by which a parent can understand the potential of the child. If she/he is Outstanding A+ or A is written, if Average B+ or B is written and if Below average C or C+ is written and F for Failure. In the same way, God also sees our potential and marks it. He sees the person, He made you to be. God sees all the awesome potential, and possibilities He created in you to be fulfilled.

Famous Quotes:
“You must make a decision that you are going to move on. It won’t happen automatically. You will have to rise up and say, ‘I don’t care how hard this is, I don’t care how disappointed I am, I’m not going to let this get the best of me. I’m moving on with my life.” - Joel Osteen
“God wants you to have a good life, a life filled with love, joy, peace, and fulfillment. That doesn’t mean it will always be easy, but it does mean that it will always be good.” - Joel Osteen
I’m just writing, a blog post for your encouragement. Please do leave a comment and share with your family and friends.


Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Sprinkling Of Salt....

What is the first thing you think when you look at Common salt kept on your table?

Yesterday, morning I got a call…from one of our family friends, she said she was coming home for lunch. I, was excited as she was going to come after a decade. So, for the next 3-4 hrs. I was busy cooking the best for her, cleaning and washing. They came, and I started serving the dishes, her favorite chicken biryani, but as soon as she took one spoon, their – something went wrong, it just didn’t have much flavor. So, she asked, for the salt shaker and sprinkled a tiny amount of salt in the biryani. “What a difference it made! It is remarkably splendid!” She exclaimed.! In fact, a little salt less or more, can alter the taste of the food. We can all agree that salt is precious for this reason alone.  Really the need of salt is very important to make the food tastier. I understood, it’s uses in depth when I studied carefully about it, which I would like to share.
Salt is a preservative. It is used in pickles or meat or sauces to prevent it from spoiling. It is an enduring mineral that cannot spoil. We cannot destroy its savor. Even though it may change from solid to liquid still it's savor is the same.
Salt has an enduring quality. It can be subjected to extreme temperature. In fact, and still maintain its unique chemical composition. Because of these “enduring” qualities, salt is considered excellent.
Salt is pure. Nothing can make it impure, or infected as, it is used as a disinfectant. No germs or bacteria can culture.  Our grandparents used to brush their teeth with salt as a substitute for toothpaste. Actually, the mild abrasive action of salt helps clean the teeth, and its disinfectant qualities make it an effective mouthwash.
Salt helps for our well-being. We know that salt is necessary for the health and well-being of every person on earth. If the salt is reduced from the body it can cause various health problem.
Do you know, there are more than 14,000 catalogued uses of salt? Food processors, meat packers, chemical industries, hotels, Glass production, water softener for laundries in fact it has plenty of uses. In the same way if we ever, lose our salt like qualities, then we are also good for nothing. So, we should be like salt in the earth.
Famous Quotes:  Matt 5:13 You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses it’s saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is of no use, but to be thrown down and trampled by men.
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Monday, February 4, 2019

There is a Reason Behind your Pain....

In your life, were you ever eager to find the reasons behind the screen of your life? It can be a broken relationship, a longstanding medical issue, can be a miserable family life, can be a job that is making you sick.
Where is God?? Is He silent, Is He far, Is He hiding…? All such quires, come into the mind. I, experienced such a situation, somewhere back in my life. When I was struggling with pain 16 yrs, back which I mentioned in my previous blog of Pain and struggle, if you had read it, you will come to know; how God made me understand my struggle. Those days, similar bouts of sudden pain used to put me in a verge of asking queries.

Pain, on some level will always find a way in your life, but you should not loose heart, in fact, find a reason to live overcoming your pain and struggle. God, is much more powerful than your history, and when you trust Him, God will start to transform your pain into healing and wisdom in your life. Have you ever come across the truth of diamond?  Lately, did I understand the depth of this wonder stone being transformed into Diamond.
The, majority of diamonds are found in commercial mines and deposits, which were formed in Earth’s mantle. Through violent volcanic eruptions, they are brought to surface in large chunks of diamond-containing rocks called xenoliths. The, diamond has to be created in a “diamond stability zone.” In order form diamonds they have to undergo, a high temperature of over 1000 degrees Celsius, and very high pressure.

 The extreme heat and pressure, cause one step to form a beautiful diamond, thus, we can see a series of procedure makes it, into a beauty gem. Your, pain is not a failure but it is preparing you for something great. Have faith. Your pain has a purpose, which God will fulfill in the due time. I thanked, my God, once again for enlightening my mind and solving all my queries.
Famous Verse: “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything” -James 1:2-4
 Try, to overcome your past pain, by making choices that heal your past, and enjoy the life God gave you; with a new hope.
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Friday, February 1, 2019

Priority in Life....

What is your priority in life? Have you made a list of things which is more prioritized and which is less?

The word itself, tells its meaning “prior” or “first”, when we look into it, in our daily lives, we should be able to decide; the thing which we consider important to be done in the first stage, or the thing which is rather essential to be done before, and which can be done later. The things which are dear or important in our life is the matter that we have a deep concern, and less important like pain, distress which we keep it far away from our life.
Priority, can also be seen in the life of two sisters, namely Mary and Martha, who welcomed Jesus in their house.  Both the sisters, wanted to serve Jesus, in a way they considered important. Martha, was running around the house doing good things; like cleaning, making food, baking as; this was her priority. Martha had neglected her top priority. But her sister, called Mary, sat at Jesus’ feet heard His word, and spend her time listening to Him. For Mary this, was important. You see, Martha was worried and anxious of many things, whereas Mary choose the good thing, the better portion to sit at the feet of Lord.
We lead busy lives with no time at all. If we want to be happy, and stay a blessed life then we should choose, the better part in our lives by meditating, on to the word of God, listening to Him, and praying to Him. The first priority in our life should be to glorify God. I am also trying to put God as my priority in life.

Famous Quotes:
The key is not to prioritize what's on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities. - Stephen Cove
There are going to be priorities and multiple dimensions of your life, and how you integrate that is how you find happiness. - Denise Morrison
I’m just writing a blog post, please do not see it as my power to control you, this post is only for your encouragement. If you know this article would help someone or encourage them share with them by using “share” button.  Or use the other buttons to share it on your favorite social media.
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True Christmas

Life is good, and we are bestowed with numerous mercies by Him. But, the people don't get time to thank God. Especially during the seaso...