Reflections of the past year
As the year,
is ending it is time to have a careful reflection. Few more minutes and we will
have a new year 2019 with a fresh beginning, a chance to start all over again,
and a time to have changes in our lives. During the last days, some of us start
making resolutions for the new year, that is very good to make, but we should
also spare some time, to look back and to reflect on what we can learn from 2018?

In those times I just thank
my God for leading me peacefully. When I was just recalling, I turned back to
see how wonderfully God saved me and my family from the floods in Kerala, which
happened on 14th Aug 2018. As
it is said in Bible “And we know that in all things God works for the good of
those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28
When we feel, that nothing is working
in our lives and days become more and more frustrated, remember He who has called you will lead you,
guide you and help you to accomplish your dreams. Every difficulty in your
life, whether big or small, is something God will use to produce more strength,
faith and perseverance in you if you let Him!
All your pain has a purpose. God has a plan for each and every one. A great
purpose and a beautiful future for all. His
plans for you are in His
promises, and those precious promises can come alive only by seeking Him.
My prayer …. Lord give me the strength, and
courage to whatever I am going to face in my life. If you are on my side my Lord,
I can solve all of my problems. Help me to follow you. Amen. Immediately the
song flashed my mind…Count all the blessings name them one by one and it will
surprise you what the Lord has done.A Very Happy New Year to All.
Quotes: “As years passed away, I have formed the habit of looking back
upon that former self as upon another person, the remembrance of whose emotions
has been a solace in adversity and added zest to the enjoyment of prosperity”.
--- Simon Newcomb