Friday, January 24, 2020

Living with a Hope for Eternity....

While drawing the picture, my imagination that, each person will come in their own life boat, step down and go to attend the viva inside the heavenly house.
Most students, are filled with anxiety, and stress as; Final exams are fast approaching. My both nephews, are busy with the burden of exams. One of them asked, Why do we have exams? Can't we just escape exams? find a job, finished no tensions of writing an examination, and waiting for result. My sister explained, not only you, we all have to face an exam every day. This is life, which we live as a blank paper, given by God.

The physical body, which we have now is a tent which God, has given a  temporary living. I remember, when I was in Muscat, some of my friends planned, to see the turtles hatching in a place called Ras Al khaimah. A desert place, where the turtles hatch during a certain period at early dawn.
As soon as, the sun rises the hatchlings move to the sea.. So, to watch this process we stayed in a tent, which we took along with us. It is interesting to stay in the tent but, when a storm or wind is there, it is very difficult to stay, as the tent cannot hold such terrible storms. They break down easily even, the strong ones cannot hold. Our  body, is also  like that; we will have pain, persecutions, longings, desires, temptations, struggles, which can break us.

But, we all should have a glorious hope to leave this temporary house, and replace it with, an eternal house. When we are in this body, we are burdened and we long, to be clothed with a heavenly dwelling. We all prefer to live away from the body, and be with our Lord. You and me, have been given the time, which starts at our birth, and the time finishes when our breath stops. It's true, when our breath stops we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ. He will assess our answer sheet of life. As, said in Bible in 2 Corn 5: 10, "For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that everyone may receive the things done in His body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad."
No one can bargain, or say a  word. We can only do one thing, that is we should be pleasing to Him. The final answer sheet, will be prepared by Him for each of us according to the work done here. He knows your actions, the motives behind your actions, the thoughts, in fact you cannot hide a single thing. The judgment, will be related to all this.

Even King Solomon who was a man of wisdom. He too gave one valuable advice to "Fear God, and keep His commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil". Eccl 12:13,14
This blog, is only to motivate you, to be please God in whatever you do. The court date, is set for each of us. So, each one of us let us prepare ourselves, do not look on to your husband, or wife, or children, or parents, individual presence will be seen by Lord, as we stand for viva we will stand before Him.
If this article has been a blessing to you and enlightened you, and you would like to help someone, please do share with them. I love to hear your comments too. God bless you all.

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