Friday, July 19, 2019


The sounds of construction work, from our neighborhood spoiled my, 4yr old niece's sleep. She woke up, and enquired about the noises so, I told her that construction workers are digging deep, so as to lay a strong foundation for the house. She, asked me "why do they have to dig deep, and spoil everyone's sleep?" House can be built on a plain land ground, also. Why do they have to work hard on digging a pit and  laying pillar for support? I explained her that, a strong foundation can only be found with strength and stability. The building can be strong, if the foundation, can bear the rough wind and can withstand all the pressures of the soil.

Later, in the evening I, went out to the nearby beach and saw, some children playing with the sand and making sand castle. The children dug hole and put heaps of sand, filled the pit with sand and then made a big house, with other heap of sand. They put windows and doors with the nearby twigs and even put flags on it. All of a sudden, a big wave came and washed away the house. Our life is a house which has to be build with great care. In our life too similar things can happen, if the starting point or the foundation, is not strong then, the cares of the world ,problems of our health, job problems, familial problems, marital problems and all other trials can ruin our house, breakdown our life. As written in Luke 6:48 " They are like a man building a house, one was thoughtful to lay a house in strong foundation other careless  and other thoughtless to lay a house with pleasure and easy way. When flood came the torrent struck that house but could not shake it, because it was well built". It tells us, to hear the word of God, obey His principles and apply it in our lives so that; when a raging storm, or a turbulence comes ,it cannot shake our life. There are few things, which will make us physically, mentally, and spiritually strong. We, need to have strong faith on God, trusting on His sovereignty. As, He is our originator and creator. He knows us, before the foundation of the world, nothing is impossible for Him. We also need, to have good relation with God, our family and friends. We have to lay treasures in heaven, even in 1 Tim 6:19 its written " In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life." The foundation in our lives should be on Jesus Christ so that you can withstand all the torrents in your life.
Friends, God wants us to lay our foundation on Him. The starting point of our lives should be on Him. As he will take care of us when flood waves or storm attack our life houses. Hope this blog will encourage you and if you are encouraged please do encourage others, share and comment . God bless you.


True Christmas

Life is good, and we are bestowed with numerous mercies by Him. But, the people don't get time to thank God. Especially during the seaso...