My, sister’s
house, has a small garden, with different flowers and plants in it. I, usually
am crazy with nature, so in the evening when I, was admiring the beauty of
nature around I, saw the mango tree which was laden, with mangoes. The verse,
which enlightened, me on seeing, them was; John 15:4 “Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine.” How true, God wants to tell us, to remain in Him. When, a branch is attached to
a tree, then the life juices of nature flows through the tree, to the branch
and tendril and leaf to produce flowers, and fruit. You, are the branches. God,
is the vinedresser, the owner, the creator, the maker; and thus, it’s difficult
for us to thrive alone. It, is difficult for a stem or a branch to live without
a tree. God takes, care of us like a gardener cares his garden. The Father,
works in us to bear fruits. Without, remaining in Him, you cannot bear fruit.
Absolutely nothing, and you will be useless.
Without, having an intimate relationship with God, you can do nothing.
Take an example of a CPU, the brain of a
computer which manages all calculations, instructions, operations and other
stuffs. The result, of all these calculations and instructions can be seen, in
a monitor connected to it. A relation, is required between the monitor and CPU.
If the relation, is not close or broken, the end result or the fruit of the
labor cannot be seen. The CPU, is the master in the same way we need to have an
intimate relationship with God our Master. Actually, you should also have that
quality to get along with our Master. We have to depend on our Master, and be
in union with Him. You can remain in Him by being in relationship to Him and
bear much fruits for Him. Reading the bible, praying, doing good works, meditating,
following His will, hearing His voice, experiencing His presence. Being
fruitful to God, as He has a purpose in your lives to be fulfilled.
Remain in the environment |
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