Mirror ….How do I look?
Ahmm……I think this is the question, which most of us ask after
getting dressed up. A mirror is a common item in every house. In fact
we all, tend to greet it in the morning once, just to see how we are in the
morning; so as to be presentable.
When I was working, it so happened that the alarm
kept, ringing it is 6 a.m,6 a.m,6a.m…
But, due to a a hectic evening duty, I slept off. A day duty after an evening shift is very difficult
especially for those in medical field.
The alarm clock remained silent after 5 snoozes….Alas when I woke
up, the time was past 8 a.m and the duty had started at 6a.m.

Changed my clothes and headed on to the hospital. I met, my in-charge on the corridor and she asked me..... “Tina why are your eyes, red and swollen, do you have conjunctivitis? Didn’t you notice the redness in your eyes? There's s something wrong? Come let's check with the ophthalmologist " and he advised me few days rest. I came to my room and look in the mirror.
My eyes looked really red and
swollen. Had I found the time to see myself in the mirror little more closely,
I would not have the need to dress myself for duty..
Then, I came to realize the importance of a verse I read few
days back and came to know its depth.
Anyone who listens to the word, and does not do what it says is
like a man who looks at his face in a mirror and after looking at himself, goes
away and immediately forgets what he looked like…... But one who looks intently
……….will be blessed in what he does. James
1: 23,24
Everyone, I think especially women, have a tendency to look in the
mirror of and on as if, asking how do I look?....Ahmm only if the mirror
could speak, it would have told my in and outward appearance.
Imperfections are brought to light when we see the image closely,
attentively, intently and carefully. Not only that, the imperfection or the
fault should be corrected or fixed once you see it. The more I look into the
mirror, the more I try to make myself look different… better…and perfect. Yes,
one important thing, the mirror can’t speak but the mirror of God’s word is enough to make you and me perfect. In the image of His likeness.
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Nice work