Saturday, August 15, 2020


" He who controls others may be powerful, but he who has mastered himself is mightier still."- Lao Tzu

Another attribute, to be possessed in each one's life. Last but, not the least..I'm talking of the last fruit of Holy Spirit, which; is a balancing fruit, out of the regular 8 fruits which, we have been tasting till now. The fruit of self control which, is very hard to attain in life. The ability to control or  balance oneself, by behaviour, habits, expressions, impulses, in difficult circumstances.

Nowadays, the society is so self centered, that; every time they say of me, my, and mine like, a 2-3yr child who is attention seeking thereby; throws temper tantrums, screams, shouts, and yells, demands whatever thing they see in the shop, for all these, parents give behavioral teaching or scolding. God, desires you, and me to be mature with godly characters.

Try, to train yourself, do self mastery to your mind, emotion, behavior, habits, speech. We should deny ungodliness, worldly lust and live a life with righteousness and sobriety. As, it says in Titus 2:12, " It teaches us to say ''no'' to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age,

In self control, not only; the desires of food, luxuries of life, fame, and sex are controlled. In fact; it includes emotions, behavior, expressions, impulses. In short, our physical, and material comforts, are controlled.

Most people, are controlled by their flesh. So, they eat what they like. do what feels good to them etc. The bible, shows us examples from the life of Jacob, and Esau, how; Esau, lost his control over the red stew prepared by Jacob and, sold his birth right. This, is losing self control for food. Sometimes some food we like it too much, we think of eating it day, noon and night. As, written in Prov 25:27, It is not good to eat too much honey, nor is too honorable to seek one's own honor. 

 If, you are controlled by the spirit, you will not have vague desires, and emotions. You, will have a disciplined and controlled life which, is under the control of Holy spirit. Set, a guard over your mouth. Think, before you speak.

Another, example can be seen in the life, of Cain and Abel. Cain, lost his control of temper. Bad temper, and anger made him attack his, brother and, kill him. Losing self control of emotion, and behaviour which, was not at all pleasing in God's eyes. These examples, teach us to identify the weakness in our life, and improve. Shun away the evil, from your surroundings. Holy Spirit, will lead you to have a controlled life.

Jesus, is our role model. He, is full with the fruit of self control. You can see, when He carried the cross. He was; humiliated, beaten, nailed, abused, whipped etc etc. He suffered, quietly and did not open His mouth. As a silent lamb He suffered, for you and me.

God, desires the character of self control, in you and me. We, should do the things which God, has told but, to avoid those things which are forbidden. Keep, practicing spiritual activities like; meditation, praying, worshipping, praising, testifying, spreading the word of God, and other good fruits to be imparted to others, from your life.

I’m just writing a blog post, for your encouragement so as, to have self control in you. If, you know this article would help someone or encourage them, please do share with them. I’d also love to hear from you. Please do leave a comment.





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