Thursday, December 24, 2020

Shine as Stars....


When, I was in Kindergarten, the song Twinkle twinkle little star excited me a lot, and I  memorized it very fast. But, I used to really wonder the line..." how I wonder what you are" and who you are? Recently, when I saw stars hanging in social media, houses, shops, all around; made me to go back and ponder once again the lines in my childhood rhyme and, to go to the depth of the scripture.

The creation made by God the Father, in such a magnificent way that words are less to pen them down. He, made the stars on the 4th day. Stars, which gave light in the night time, showing a way in a pitch darkness. Praise God, that He became a light for us.

On going, through the scriptures, in a little more depth, I came to read about the star in Mathew 2 as, to how the star guided the way, to those three wise men who came from far away, and guided them to the Savior, who was going to be born. It, was a sign a guide, to  the wise men. As, they were studying about stars, and followed a peculiar star but, instead of having the focus only, on the star for a while they started, relying on the human wisdom.

Then, for a few moment the star, disappeared, it happened only when they reached Jerusalem, and asked King Herod Matt 2:2 " Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star in the east and have come to worship him." As, King Herod was disturbed. See, the wonder of Lord God, to make the star disappear.

 Secretly, after enquiring from the scholars, and astrologers, the location, and the exact time when; the star appeared, he sent the wise men to go, and find out in Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, and advised; them to search for the child and report to him.

After hearing from the king, they went on their way, and the star they had seen in the in the east reappeared and went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was.

 Old testament is a shadow showing the way to our Savior; Micah 5:2, Num 24:17 "a star will come out of Jacob; a scepter will rise out of Israel."

The meaning of a star quality Christian in your life is the message for this Christmas.

A quality Star Christian everyone likes to be a star in school, in note books from class teacher, in work place, every field, an all rounder. If, something important we make a star. So, let's be a star, alight to show forth Christ.

It, is good and, nice to hang around Christmas star, all around reminding us of the day when, our Savior came to redeem our lives, from sin and death. Let's, make it practical with Christ, like attitudes in our life. Let us, sacrifice our life and, our time our energy, our wealth, health, and whatever, He has given to seek our Savior as; those wise men, and shepherds.

God, provided signs for the whole world through, different way . For the rich, intellectual and learned a star, and even for the common and poor shepherds, a baby in the manger with swaddling clothes. "For God so loved the world that he gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life". He showed us a way.

Friends, Hope this blog will throw, some light to Christmas, as the stars in the sky. Let us shine as stars for Him in the universe. Please do share, and comment your views. God bless you. Happy Happy Christmas to you.




Monday, December 14, 2020

Make a Room....


Cover photo of today, a bunny a butterfly can be seen, happy as they can play, eat, and enjoy. But; there are animals which are not loved be it a pet dog.

Lately a news on Friday morning, of a gruesome act done to an unspeakable animal. This, brutal and horrific news made me to have goose bumps. A dog, was tied to the boot of a moving car, and was dragged along the road; in one of the place in Kerala on 12/12/2020, and the news went viral.

After which, I started thinking about the fall of a man. Not only is the human doing nuisance to the human but; animals as well. For all such instance and wickedness does Rom 1:18 says "The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness." Though the man got his punishment, it is a reminder for everyone to be kind.

Away from the headlines let's move to this month. December is in it's full bloom, reminding us of Christmas. We can read in the scripture during the birth of Jesus, when Mary and Joseph, went to search for a room, they could not find a single room. How, desperate the situation might had been to Mary and Joseph, when they wandered from place to place for a room! Some of us, will surely guess why a miracle didn't happen. But, the scripture had to be fulfilled that the King of Kings had to be born in a stable. In Luke 2:7 " and she gave birth to her first born, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn". Jesus, left the Heaven and came to the earth to find a room to live. But, did not find any. 

I, am not asking to make a space in your house. Let's use, this opportunity to make a room for Him. Your heart which doesn't need decorations or white washing, or new linens. An, empty space to accommodate your Savior in your heart.

If, we see in the life of 'Jesus'; there was no room for Him. From, the time of birth, we can see the innkeepers did not have a room, some of His close friends who doubted didn't accept Him. Judas, to whom money was important, He, was despised and rejected by all men, even the one who ate with Him. He, was nailed to cross, and everyone shouted we don't need Him. Everyone, was full as they all had miracles, blessings, teachings, healings etc. But; no room for Him. He; came into the world to save the lost, to bring light from darkness, to seek the lost, to mend the broken hearted.

Our Savior showed us how to live

With charity, faith and service.

It makes the holiday a joy,

More peaceful and less nervous."

Lines taken by Joanna Fuchs

 What do you feel? Do you have a room for Him. Invite Him in your heart today. This, is the true message of Christmas.  He sacrificed His life for us, so this Christmas let's sacrifice for Him our time, our energy, our effort. He, wants  you and me to stay with Him.

Friends, Hope this blog will throw, some light to Christmas, as the stars in the sky. A, place in our heart which will be filled with hope, joy and peace once He is inside. Please do share, and comment your views. God bless you.






Sunday, December 6, 2020

The day of the Lord...


There, are many ways of suffering in the world. Each one, has suffering in life which, comes in different shapes and size and form. In form of;
 basic needs for poor, the impurity in world like rape, corruptions around of political leaders, idol worshiping, drugs and alcohol intake. Last week, most of my loved ones, friends, were having varied problems in health, finance, needs, troubles of all sorts. I had a burden for each one which; I laid on 'Jesus' feet. For, He alone is the answer to everyone and everything.

There was a quiz program in our congregation few days back, that was the time my eyes opened to many things from the book of Amos. The burden, which prophet Amos, had for his people. Even today we see few people who really have burden, this is what God expects from you and me.

He, wants us to have a close relationship, or a companionship with Him. It grieves His heart when we walk in our ways not obeying and following Him. He has told us, He will direct our path. When, a person spends time in prayer, studying the word of God, that's the time He will reveal His secrets, and give a burden for others in one's heart. Lord does not want us to carry our burdens. In Ps 68:19 " Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burden"

In the bible, we can see many prophets who has warned us, time to time of the things which; are going to happen. In Amos 5:18, we can read how the prophet describes the day of the Lord will come. It will be unexpectedly as a thief comes in the night. In 1 Thess 5:2 " For you yourselves know that the day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night."

When Jesus, came to the world for the first time all were happy to receive Him, as a 'Saviour'. But, now He is coming for a judgment to reward us with our work. We can read in the scriptures in Rom 14: 11 It is written :" As surely as I live,' says the Lord, every knee will bow before me; every tongue will confess to God' ".

For which, if the people repent the sins and come close to Him, He will forgive. As, He is a loving and compassionate God. After, you repent you have to prepare yourself to meet your God. As, the time is short and, He is standing at the door with, a welcoming hand, we should be on our feet mark get, set go.

In 2 Cor 5:10 " For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each  one may receive the things done in the body , according to what he has done, whether good or bad."

So, friends let us prepare to meet our God. We all have to appear before His throne. Time is short,  He is coming to judge. Hope this blog helps you to be prepared and keep a watch. God bless you. Share with your friends and family.







Thursday, November 26, 2020

House on the Rock


" When my plans are in the dust,

When my dearest hopes are crushed,

When is passed each foolish whim,

Then, my soul," consider Him."

When I track my weary way,

When fresh trials come each day,

When my faith and hope are dim,

Then, my soul," consider Him."


When we see the news of pandemic; everyone everywhere is facing fear and a big question mark on their faces. As; there is Economic crisis, decline in stock market, tourism down, small business down, education system down. Life may be, sailing along with you with these thoughts as to what, when and how. Leaving it all aside, people still builds a house, for their shelter.

Who doesn't, like the idea to build a big house? If, the weather is good the house looks good. If, the weather is bad and stormy the house too looks bad. Before; laying the plan to build a house, one selects the place, where water doesn't enter into the house if there is storm. Place which is; quiet, away from noise pollution, air pollution, water pollution.

My, thoughts ran to the parable 'Jesus' spoke of two builders, in Matt 7: 24-28. " Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock." Jesus, explains that, the life of each man is hard work. It takes effort to attach your house on strong base.

Each, house faces a storm. Storm of Finance, Relationship, Marriage, Children, Sickness. The storm, will reveal how strong is your house, and how solid is the foundation of your house.

 It is just, like the man who built on the sand. Even when you stand in the beach and waves, touch your feet you won't feel the grip and for a second, you feel as, if you will fall down. The sand, here shows the pleasure of this world, wealth, beauty, reputation in life. When, a storm creeps inside the house of beauty, with disease and sickness; it falls down if, it is build on sand.

But, if you stand on a solid ground and the foundation that is on the word, though; any storm of sickness, finance, relationship, children  anything may invade it won't fall. Our foundation should  be on Christ which is a strong foundation. Our foundation should, be laid with a precious corner stone of Christ so that even though overwhelming scourge sweeps by, you will not be beaten down. Just, trust Him and no storm can unsettle you.

One, should live a life which is pleasing to the Father. They should be doers of the word, and not just hearers. The, one who listens to the word should understand it, and apply in your life.

So, friends where will you build your house ? On the rock, or on the sand. Decision is yours.

Friends, God wants us to lay our foundation on Him. The starting point of our lives should be on Him. As he will take care of us when flood waves or storm attack our life houses. Hope this blog will encourage you and if you are encouraged please do encourage others, share and comment. God bless you.




Wednesday, October 21, 2020

God sees me

 Our God, has eyes who sees you, every moment.

No one, can escape from His eyes. He monitors you, each and every moment. Have, you seen a cat sleeping? It sleeps partially. We think, it's sleeping but, it opens it's eyes soon, and ponders on to its prey. When, we read in Rev 19:12, Rev 1:14 "His eyes are like blazing fire, Dan 10:6" His eyes are like flaming torches", From such eyes blazing fire and torch who can escape? In fact no one. Jesus, is going to come and judge soon.

Our God, is omnipresent who sees, what we go through; whether we are in struggles, and pain to give us the help. Sometimes, God allows us to go through tough situations in our life. We start thinking why, so many problems come in my life. May be God, wants us to make it happen, and make us strong in Lord. God sees us, and cares for our every need.

When, we see in the life of Hagar, the struggles, she had to face in Abraham's house, by being a maid of Sarah. Not only, was she a maid but, she was an Egyptian slave who was sold to Abraham's family. And was chosen by Sarah, to be a surrogate mother for her. After Hagar became pregnant Sarah, started mistreating her, which made her fled from her to the wilderness, where she met the angel of the Lord. Who consoled her, and asked to return to Sarah.

Why, should the great God of Abraham, notice someone such as her? The Gods, which she had, cared a little of her. This was the time when distress and struggle brought a near collapse in life, and she was immediately consoled. We can see in Gen 16:13 " She gave this name to the Lord who spoke to her" You are the God who sees me" for she said," I have now seen the one who sees me." 'El-Roi'

Let me illustrate; if you have a house maid in your house she, will look to the hand of her mistress whether, the mistress is calling her saying, something or ordering, she understands, each and every activity of her. I, remember a housemaid we had at our home. Whatever; my mummy used to say, she does all the work sometimes; a sign was enough, and she would understand, or a nod, an action of the hand, a gesture was enough. For, all this to happen she used to have a close relation, and used to discuss all her issues, with mummy. She, also had an eye, to mummy's hand of giving her something, meaning some financial help. So, is the case with our God, since He knows all what we do. Thus, we also should, maintain a closer relationship with Him, and look onto His face, for the help which we desire from Him.

Ps 123:2 " Behold, as the eyes of servants look to the hand of their master, and as the eyes of a maid to the hand of her mistress."

How, awesome! is our God who sees us daily, about how we are, every moment of the day. People, may overlook us, and may not understand the pain, anguish, troubles, and disappointment in our lives. But, there is one who looks, sees, and understands us reaches out to us, and give us, the aid we need at the due time.

Friends, Hope, this blog will enlighten your thoughts, regarding the 'God who watches'.. Please share with your friends and family. God bless you.




Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Overcoming Sin...

groan daily under a body of sin and corruption. Oh for the time when I shall drop this flesh, and be
free from sin! - Charles Spurgeon

No one likes to be called a sinner, guilty. A fault, problem, mistake or wrong are more polite words. But, sin should not be considered lightly as it keeps you away from God. The word sin if, weighed it tells us that we, have broken a moral code. Lord, enlightened me through a verse in John 16:8 "When He comes He will convict the world of guilt in regard to sin and righteousness and judgement:"

Many times we think, people are not at all guilty. They just break the law even, when they know it is wrong. It, is all because they find pleasure in it, or might be greedy like, the recent gold smuggling case of Kerala. She was greedy, and sin entered her to violate the law. Another recent case, of gang rape happening constantly in U.P. The men, who find pleasure, and leisure enter into the lust, rape, leading to murder.

When we see in the scriptures, the sin started by Eve, which was born inside her; with a small lie which the (Satan) serpent being crafty deceived the women with it. And asked her, " Did God really say, ' You must not eat from any tree in the garden'?" Eve answered, Gen 3: 3," but God did say,' You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die'." 'Not touch it' was the lie which she said to the serpent. As the correct commandment is written in Gen 2:17 thus was Eve, tempted and fell into the trap of sin. So, you see how the sin ruined the life of Eve.

Later Cain, also due to anger attacked, his brother killed him. Gen 4:9 Then the Lord said to Cain, "Where is your brother Abel?" I don't know, he replied "Am I my brother's keeper?" See how, the sin got control over Cain when he told a lie Satan, got victory over him, and thus he did another sin.

 A preacher said once, about sin that it's like, ripples formed in the water when a stone is thrown. One sin, causes another then to hide that, another is caused, like in the story of Cain. So, you see how the sin creeps in your life, slowly and masters your mind with bad motives, lust, forbidden things, lies, anger, murder etc.

In Gal 5:19,20,21, "The act of sinful nature are obvious :sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry, and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions, and envy; drunkenness, orgies and the like."   

If, we take a look into sin. It's an enemy in various forms, which is lying in wait ready to attack us. We have to keep away from all these sin otherwise we will not be able to enter the kingdom of God.

 Rom 6:23 " For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."

Sin will try to overcome you but; you should be watchful and alert. Don't allow sin to have dominion. It is up to the individual, to safeguard themselves by the blood of Jesus. Obey his commandments, read the word, and submit your time for prayer. Then, only can you OVERCOME SIN.

This blog, is only to motivate you, flee from all sinful ways and overcome sin. Be obedient, truthful in all your matters. Don't give, a loophole to Satan. If this, article has been a blessing to you and enlightened you, please do share with all.  God bless.




Saturday, September 26, 2020



" Whole days and weeks have I spent prostate on the ground, in silent or vocal prayer" -Whitefield

Bridge or mediator acts or stands in the gap of two things, or connects two people, river, stream or anything.

Intercessory prayer, acts as a bridge. A prayer, to support another person. It acts as a mediator, or stands in the gap meaning to  communicate, or talk to God on your behalf. We, can see in the life of Abraham, Jonah, Moses, Nehemiah, Esther many of the prophets who stood in the gap as a bridge for people.

We can take, an example of a bridge, which is used by a traveller to reach from one point to the other. Mostly, they are built over the rivers or streams. It's rather difficult to cross a river without the bridge which, stands in the gap rather closes a gap in life to make a comfortable and easy journey. In fact, we try to provide a direct link to God, for those who are unable to pray for some or the other reason.

If, you relate with the spiritual side, you pray for the people who are not able to pray for themselves; due to sickness, depression, weakness, work and many other personal reasons.

When, we read in the book of Exodus ch 17, where God provided everything for Israelites though they murmured. Later, God fought for them when the Amalekites came to attack, and Moses interceded for the people of Israel though they quarreled, and murmured against God. Ex 17:11 " As long as Moses held up his hands, the Israelites were winning, but whenever he lowered his hands, the Amalekites were wining."

Another example came in my mind, in most of the houses I, have seen mothers acting as a bridge, between the child and the father, may be the father is strict, or non approachable the children then stimulates the mother to intervene for their problem. It's the way Jesus, intervenes for you and me to God the Father. The mediator, solves the problem by being a bridge.    In Heb 7:25 "Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always live to intercede for them."Yes, even now He intercedes for you and me. To plead, on behalf of another this, is what Jesus does for you and me. In the book of Timothy we find in 1Tim 2:1 " I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone-" And that too we have to  intercede with only Jesus who is our mediator as said in 1 Tim 2:5 "For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus,"

In Rom 8:34 "Who is He that condemns? Christ Jesus, who died-more than that, who was raised to life- is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us." Jesus Christ, cannot condemn and intercede at the same time rather, He prayed earnestly to God the Father, for us to strengthen us, in our challenges and trials.

In the same way, we ought to pray for our brothers, and sisters, and be a bridge between God and them. Pray, for someone who might, not have requested you. God, is looking or those who are willing to stand in  the gap.

God, is seeing as to who will stand as a bridge; for the family, friends, city, state, world. When God, touches your heart you will cry, and pray for the people who are unable to pray for themselves, due to various circumstances. Payer, has the power to change your situation when, you pray  for others God, will work in your life.

Friends, God wants us to be perfect, and grow in every aspect like, His Son. Hope, this blog will enlighten your thoughts regarding, your prayer  life. Please, share comment and like. God bless you.





Saturday, September 19, 2020

Abide In His Shelter

Dwell in His Shelter

 Nowadays if you go around , you can see people with tensions, and stress because, of the pandemic we are facing. It's a topic of concern as, our Government, and Health Authorities understand the concern behind it. Other areas of concern is too much violence, and crime going around the world especially, too much in India. Many people are nowadays, going in wrong directions least bothered that; God hates crime, violence, rape, sexual immorality. God, will pour out His wrath if, the people won't refrain from wrong in their lives. We can see, in Gal 5:19 "The acts of flesh like sexual immorality, impurity, and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft, hared discord, jealousy, fit of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions".

Leaving the problem aside let us concentrate on God and Abide in Him. When we read Ps 91:1 "He who dwells in the shelter of the most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty". This verse is so true in our lives to abide in the shelter of the Most High.

 Let, me tell you the example of the way God, provides to those who dwell in His shelter. Today, morning I heard chirping sounds, coming from the bedroom window. Some, the humming birds had laid their young ones in the nest. 2 tiny little birds peeping out from the broken shell with wide open mouth was a  wonderful sight. Waiting for few seconds, a mother bird came hopping. She started digging inside the mouth, as if she was putting something deep inside. Later, the mother bird flew away to search for food. I wondered as, too what might have the mother fed, or was she giving a pacifier. Recalling an article, about birds where, the mother feeds glucose from the moist air by, opening the mouth. After a week, starts giving her regurgitated food. Then starts with insects, and other feeds.

I paused for a moment, if the mother bird feeds her young ones with such care how much more God, the father will provide for us. We are under the shelter, of His protection. He, will not only feed us but, will cover us with His wings.

 A story, flashed my mind little I don't know, if it's true or not.  It's about a farmer, who had a fire in his barn. After, the fire was put out the farmer, walked in his farm, and found a hen burned to death. He slightly kicked, it with his foot and to his surprise there was movement. The movement did not come from the dead hen but, from the chicks under her body. She, had spread her wings to cover her chicks, and gave her life for them to live.

Just as the chicks got shelter from the mother same way our God protects you and me from all evil harm and danger. Such; is the love of our God, who protects us from all evil, harm and danger. Not only that as, the chicks got a new life. Christ died for you and me. As, 1Pet 3:18 says" For Christ died for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. He was put to death in the body but made alive by the spirit," Only thing is, we have to be closer, more closer to him. As, a parent takes care to feed her young ones, protect them and give them everything, same and much much more our God does to you and me.

Friends, God wants us to abide in His shelter. Take refuge under His wings. He will protect you and me from the snares of this world. Hope this blog will encourage you and remove all the fears as God is the dwelling place for you. Please share comment and be encouraged. God bless you.





Wednesday, September 9, 2020

A Remedy for All...

Life is thickly sown with thorns, and I know no other remedy than to pass quickly through them. The longer we dwell on our misfortunes, the greater is their power to harm us.- Voltaire

Life, has come to a standstill as we all are experiencing the greatest pandemic, eagerly waiting for a remedy to bloom so as to; pass quickly from the pricking thorn. A cure, a treatment, a remedy for Covid-19.

For most of our problems; starting from headache to all the aches and pain in each part of the body, we get 101 remedies. Home cure, natural cure, granny's cure, Ayurveda cure, Homeopathic cure, Allopathy cure etc

A remedy, for a problem is what all of us seek. When, different sorts of problem creeps in. Be, it a remedy for your brokenness, remedy for emptiness, remedy for loneliness, remedy for jealousy, remedy for sickness, remedy for hopelessness, remedy for stress, remedy for sinful life, and now, a remedy for the ongoing Covid-19. Everyone is waiting and wanting a cure, or remedy to burst open as a vaccine, which will save lives.

When, this Covid-19 is spreading like a bush fire everyone, including doctors, scientist and, experts in pharma, are; on their toes and struggling to get a remedy. God, alone has a remedy for this.
Who, doesn't have a problem? I, am having so and so problem? What should I do??

Let, me just narrate a small incident, which happened lately. One, of my friend had a sprain in the neck, the pain was quite severe so, she started asking me how, to get a remedy for my problem; the excruciating pain which was intolerable. Please, give me some remedy she, said. I gave, few, which she said, she already applied and, didn't get any relief. At, the end I told to look on to 'Jesus' and pray in His name. This is only the name, to deliver us from all problems. She, got relief the next day. As, we can read in Ps 34:7, "The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them. This is His promises to us that he will deliver them all. A cure for one and all.

Many, such pains comes in your and my life. The, pain is crushing me, the loneliness is cramping me, the stress is eating me.

God's, plan always has a remedy to all our problems. Only thing, put your hope in Him, and trust Him.You, can overcome all the obstacles and difficulties coming in your way.

Whenever, we use a medicine their are specific instructions which should be used with wisdom, and knowledge.

As, the promise in Jere 30:17" But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds, 'because you are called an outcast Zion for whom no one cares'.

In Num 21:8, The Lord said to Moses," Make a snake and put it up on a pole; anyone who is bitten can look at it and live".

Whatever, may be your problem follow His instructions; God, will heal just look on to Jesus, confess your sins, Praise Him, Worship Him, Thank Him, and see for yourself how He, cures. He, will extend His cure, if you eat the 9 fruits of Holy Spirit, and see the wonders in your life. 'Jesus' extends His, hand to all; who need grace, love and power. This is the remedy, for all those who need.

1 Pet 2:24" He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed."

I’m just writing a blog post, for your encouragement to increase your faith and stay firm in God, look on to Him, follow His instructions and extend your hands to Him. If you know this article would help someone or give a remedy to them, please do share with them. I’d also love to hear from you. Please do leave a comment.







True Christmas

Life is good, and we are bestowed with numerous mercies by Him. But, the people don't get time to thank God. Especially during the seaso...