Sunday, December 6, 2020

The day of the Lord...


There, are many ways of suffering in the world. Each one, has suffering in life which, comes in different shapes and size and form. In form of;
 basic needs for poor, the impurity in world like rape, corruptions around of political leaders, idol worshiping, drugs and alcohol intake. Last week, most of my loved ones, friends, were having varied problems in health, finance, needs, troubles of all sorts. I had a burden for each one which; I laid on 'Jesus' feet. For, He alone is the answer to everyone and everything.

There was a quiz program in our congregation few days back, that was the time my eyes opened to many things from the book of Amos. The burden, which prophet Amos, had for his people. Even today we see few people who really have burden, this is what God expects from you and me.

He, wants us to have a close relationship, or a companionship with Him. It grieves His heart when we walk in our ways not obeying and following Him. He has told us, He will direct our path. When, a person spends time in prayer, studying the word of God, that's the time He will reveal His secrets, and give a burden for others in one's heart. Lord does not want us to carry our burdens. In Ps 68:19 " Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burden"

In the bible, we can see many prophets who has warned us, time to time of the things which; are going to happen. In Amos 5:18, we can read how the prophet describes the day of the Lord will come. It will be unexpectedly as a thief comes in the night. In 1 Thess 5:2 " For you yourselves know that the day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night."

When Jesus, came to the world for the first time all were happy to receive Him, as a 'Saviour'. But, now He is coming for a judgment to reward us with our work. We can read in the scriptures in Rom 14: 11 It is written :" As surely as I live,' says the Lord, every knee will bow before me; every tongue will confess to God' ".

For which, if the people repent the sins and come close to Him, He will forgive. As, He is a loving and compassionate God. After, you repent you have to prepare yourself to meet your God. As, the time is short and, He is standing at the door with, a welcoming hand, we should be on our feet mark get, set go.

In 2 Cor 5:10 " For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each  one may receive the things done in the body , according to what he has done, whether good or bad."

So, friends let us prepare to meet our God. We all have to appear before His throne. Time is short,  He is coming to judge. Hope this blog helps you to be prepared and keep a watch. God bless you. Share with your friends and family.







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