Thursday, December 24, 2020

Shine as Stars....


When, I was in Kindergarten, the song Twinkle twinkle little star excited me a lot, and I  memorized it very fast. But, I used to really wonder the line..." how I wonder what you are" and who you are? Recently, when I saw stars hanging in social media, houses, shops, all around; made me to go back and ponder once again the lines in my childhood rhyme and, to go to the depth of the scripture.

The creation made by God the Father, in such a magnificent way that words are less to pen them down. He, made the stars on the 4th day. Stars, which gave light in the night time, showing a way in a pitch darkness. Praise God, that He became a light for us.

On going, through the scriptures, in a little more depth, I came to read about the star in Mathew 2 as, to how the star guided the way, to those three wise men who came from far away, and guided them to the Savior, who was going to be born. It, was a sign a guide, to  the wise men. As, they were studying about stars, and followed a peculiar star but, instead of having the focus only, on the star for a while they started, relying on the human wisdom.

Then, for a few moment the star, disappeared, it happened only when they reached Jerusalem, and asked King Herod Matt 2:2 " Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star in the east and have come to worship him." As, King Herod was disturbed. See, the wonder of Lord God, to make the star disappear.

 Secretly, after enquiring from the scholars, and astrologers, the location, and the exact time when; the star appeared, he sent the wise men to go, and find out in Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, and advised; them to search for the child and report to him.

After hearing from the king, they went on their way, and the star they had seen in the in the east reappeared and went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was.

 Old testament is a shadow showing the way to our Savior; Micah 5:2, Num 24:17 "a star will come out of Jacob; a scepter will rise out of Israel."

The meaning of a star quality Christian in your life is the message for this Christmas.

A quality Star Christian everyone likes to be a star in school, in note books from class teacher, in work place, every field, an all rounder. If, something important we make a star. So, let's be a star, alight to show forth Christ.

It, is good and, nice to hang around Christmas star, all around reminding us of the day when, our Savior came to redeem our lives, from sin and death. Let's, make it practical with Christ, like attitudes in our life. Let us, sacrifice our life and, our time our energy, our wealth, health, and whatever, He has given to seek our Savior as; those wise men, and shepherds.

God, provided signs for the whole world through, different way . For the rich, intellectual and learned a star, and even for the common and poor shepherds, a baby in the manger with swaddling clothes. "For God so loved the world that he gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life". He showed us a way.

Friends, Hope this blog will throw, some light to Christmas, as the stars in the sky. Let us shine as stars for Him in the universe. Please do share, and comment your views. God bless you. Happy Happy Christmas to you.




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