Wednesday, September 9, 2020

A Remedy for All...

Life is thickly sown with thorns, and I know no other remedy than to pass quickly through them. The longer we dwell on our misfortunes, the greater is their power to harm us.- Voltaire

Life, has come to a standstill as we all are experiencing the greatest pandemic, eagerly waiting for a remedy to bloom so as to; pass quickly from the pricking thorn. A cure, a treatment, a remedy for Covid-19.

For most of our problems; starting from headache to all the aches and pain in each part of the body, we get 101 remedies. Home cure, natural cure, granny's cure, Ayurveda cure, Homeopathic cure, Allopathy cure etc

A remedy, for a problem is what all of us seek. When, different sorts of problem creeps in. Be, it a remedy for your brokenness, remedy for emptiness, remedy for loneliness, remedy for jealousy, remedy for sickness, remedy for hopelessness, remedy for stress, remedy for sinful life, and now, a remedy for the ongoing Covid-19. Everyone is waiting and wanting a cure, or remedy to burst open as a vaccine, which will save lives.

When, this Covid-19 is spreading like a bush fire everyone, including doctors, scientist and, experts in pharma, are; on their toes and struggling to get a remedy. God, alone has a remedy for this.
Who, doesn't have a problem? I, am having so and so problem? What should I do??

Let, me just narrate a small incident, which happened lately. One, of my friend had a sprain in the neck, the pain was quite severe so, she started asking me how, to get a remedy for my problem; the excruciating pain which was intolerable. Please, give me some remedy she, said. I gave, few, which she said, she already applied and, didn't get any relief. At, the end I told to look on to 'Jesus' and pray in His name. This is only the name, to deliver us from all problems. She, got relief the next day. As, we can read in Ps 34:7, "The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them. This is His promises to us that he will deliver them all. A cure for one and all.

Many, such pains comes in your and my life. The, pain is crushing me, the loneliness is cramping me, the stress is eating me.

God's, plan always has a remedy to all our problems. Only thing, put your hope in Him, and trust Him.You, can overcome all the obstacles and difficulties coming in your way.

Whenever, we use a medicine their are specific instructions which should be used with wisdom, and knowledge.

As, the promise in Jere 30:17" But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds, 'because you are called an outcast Zion for whom no one cares'.

In Num 21:8, The Lord said to Moses," Make a snake and put it up on a pole; anyone who is bitten can look at it and live".

Whatever, may be your problem follow His instructions; God, will heal just look on to Jesus, confess your sins, Praise Him, Worship Him, Thank Him, and see for yourself how He, cures. He, will extend His cure, if you eat the 9 fruits of Holy Spirit, and see the wonders in your life. 'Jesus' extends His, hand to all; who need grace, love and power. This is the remedy, for all those who need.

1 Pet 2:24" He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed."

I’m just writing a blog post, for your encouragement to increase your faith and stay firm in God, look on to Him, follow His instructions and extend your hands to Him. If you know this article would help someone or give a remedy to them, please do share with them. I’d also love to hear from you. Please do leave a comment.







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