Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Don't despise the storm..Face it..

Water, water everywhere. Like the nursery rhyme, Rain, rain go away, come again another day little Johnny wants to play... is the song of all the people who have faced flood and heavy rains in their life ready for the next...
Is it raining, little flower ?
Be glad of rain;
Too much sun would wither thee;
'Twill shine again.
The clouds are very black, 'tis true;
But just behind them shines the blue.
Art thou weary, tender heart?
Be glad of pain:
In sorrow sweetest virtues grow,
As flowers in rain.
God watches, and thou wilt have sun,
When clouds their perfect work have done.
By Lucy Larcom.

Last month, when I landed in God's own country, thick dark clouds were seen in the sky. The lightning was as if the director of a film is commanding; lights on, camera on, action. The voice of thunder, was so loud that it might burst my eardrums. Suddenly there, was a heavy downpour of rain as if the heavens had opened its windows. I, could see people running, for shelter hither and thither, panic stuck among everybody as, everyone started to remember the old cyclone incident, which happened an year back in 2018, and left many lives shattered. What a devastation there was. After about 3 weeks, I received a call from one of my dear friend, who wanted to meet me after two decades so, I invited her to my place. After, a light refreshment,  we sat down to talk about our life's stories. To my amazement, the girl who was strong during her teens, was seen shattered and heartbroken while, narrating her life's incident. I could see, tears running down her cheek, when she was sharing with me.  She, was not having any solace in her heart. I, was thinking to console her with which verse, suddenly the character of Joseph took frame in my mind and God enlightened my mind  to speak from Genesis. I thank God, that I could lay out the character sketch of Joseph. As, to how he was beaten, and thrown in the cistern, which was empty and dark in the wilderness. Later, he   was sold as a slave, then seduced by the wife of his master, Pothiphar for which, he was imprisoned. With no fault of his own, he had to suffer but, still he did not utter a word from his mouth. He did not lose his hope, and waited for God to act. In fact God, did his action and Joseph, experienced sun rays fall on his face, after the fierce storm and thick clouds which he had to grow thru. Sometimes, our life seems to be overwhelmed with problems, disastrous and stressful onward journey. Every single moment we just think to quit. No money to pay the bills, Children are having educational problem, your  health issues, your relationship issues, your family issues, one after another. How much ever; the storm may be fierce and strong trust Him who has called you, a ray of sun will shine after the rain. There will be, a rainbow after the rains get over. The storms will rage all around us, you should not despise these storms or run away, but you should face those storms and look onto our God. He, will make you stronger amidst those storm. Ask, God to help you and teach you through those storms in life.

Dear friends, hope this blog will give some solace to your heart. In this world you will have troubles. But take heart! I have overcome the world. Troubles are a part of our life. We have just to trust that God is there to control, and He will bring us safely' through these storms. I’m just writing a blog post, for your encouragement. If you know this article would help someone or encourage them, please do share with them. I’d also love to hear from you. Please do leave a comment.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Scheduled Time

" God is in every tomorrow,
Therefore I live for today,
Certain of finding at sunrise,
Guidance and strength for  the way;
Power for each moment of weakness,
Hope for each moment of pain,
Comfort for every sorrow,
Sunshine and joy after each rain."
I, am grateful to my heavenly father, who has added one more year for me to enjoy. His priceless gift to me, countless and numerous are His blessings towards me. I know, the date I was born from my parents, and my siblings but; the date of my death, no one knows except my Lord. Yes, my parents, my siblings, my friends, my near and dear ones, all may know my yesterday, my today, my bygone days, but; my tomorrow no one only my God who is in control of everything knows. Everything is fixed in His timetable.
In our everyday lives, many things must be accomplished in a day. So, everyone starts running as the morning breaks, to catch up with the time, which runs without a break. In the morning, while having a cup of coffee, I was just watching over, the activities going on  haphazardly, in my sister's house. Sitting on the chair, I came to a conclusion that all are persistently in pace with time. Mothers, start their cooking on time to send lunch boxes to the children, so that the children can reach school on time. Some have to reach their work places on time, Teachers have to pace with time, to reach school and teach. So, is it with all the other professions. In a nut shell, everybody is running with time, which has been scheduled, for them. This time, never stops the clock keeps on with tick tock and its hands keeps on moving, so is our journey on this earth. We, all are heading on to our unseen future.
 For everything in life there is a season, as the season changes, everything around us changes with the surroundings; dressing habit, eating and drinking habit, in whole our life style changes. It's not only with us, the nature around us also changes for example, just have a look at the plants around us, when spring comes, the root ad vegetation begins to grow, new flowers starts to blossom during spring, then in summer due to less water the plants are undernourished and lifeless, then when rain falls many of the plants have a new life. Suddenly, as autumn arrives, many leaves fall and some trees look bald with not even a single leaf. Thus, here we can see a cycle goes on, no watch or clock has been tied up to the trees and plants but, they all move in the scheduled time set for them by, the Almighty who governs this universe. 
We, have to just take in what God has fixed for us. Wait for the set time the scheduled time with hope. God has set everything for you. You, have only to enjoy and leave everything on His shoulders. Do good, make the best use of time and the life which he has given, Make  the best use of your gift, there is a plan and purpose for you. Wait patiently, with hope for the time set in His clock. He knows your beginning and end, trust Him, He will provide for you as, He loves you with His agape love. God  is in control we not be worried of as when it will take place everything will just move at His appointed time.
 As written in Ecl 3:1-9 King Solomon writes " There is time for everything and a season for every activity under the heavens; a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot," thus we can see there a list of 14 things which all runs according to a time set by Almighty. I like, a beautiful song by 'Alison Krauss' whose lyrics run like this...."I don't know about tomorrow, I just live for day to day, I don't borrow from it's sunshine, for it's skies may turn to gray." A very, meaningful song.
I have written a small article, which I suppose though not related directly to the physical dimension of human life yet, I think it may in some way touch some chord in someone's life.  The hand of God is always on his loved ones. If you know this article would help someone or encourage them, please do share with them. I’d also love to hear from you. Please do leave a comment.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Specialization in Broken Things

" O break my heart; but break it as a field
Is by the plough up-broken for the corn;
O break it as the buds, by the green leaf sealed,
Are, to unloose the golden blossom, torn;
Love would I offer unto Love's great Master,
Set free the odor, break the alabaster."
By Thomas Toke Bunch
When, things break we feel bad, sad and sometimes mad thinking why did it happen? May it be, a material thing which was very cheap, or rather an expensive one like a beautiful flower vase, or a four wheel car or a physical break down in our life, of our health problems like broken leg or hand, from an accident or may it be an emotional breakdown of our feelings or of our heart. These times, can be very painful and full of brokenness in life. Many times, we try to mend it or fix it. Then try to find out how, and why did it break? We all, like to ask the question Why?? Even children, I remember my niece her every topic has a question attached "Why"?

Lately, an incident happened. While, I was washing utensils, an expensive cup set which was gifted to my sister, slipped from my hands and fell down and broke into pieces. I felt bad and sad, my niece, who was watching me from far, later came to me, and asked me, " Aunty why are you upset ?" "It's only a thing which can be bought and replaced with a new one. Why, do people make things which break? Why, do people eat and drink in breakable plates and glass?" Same like my niece, you and me try to ask a hundred Why to God, If God is so good; Why does all things break? Why, some experience financial drain which leaves them broken? some, experience break down on health, family ,relations,' Why' ?
Job's friend, started to reason out and think as to why, is he having so much pain and suffering? The friends, should have sought ways to mend his broken heart, rather they began to agonize Job and his wife. Leaving the situation, more bitter and painful. Even, in New testament we can see in John Ch9:­4,  a boy born blind was contemplated, by the religious persons as to 'Why was he born blind' ? instead of trying to cure him or giving an aid, they were just reasoning and questioning. All these instances, show that no one in this whole world has done 'specialization' or mastery over  broken things. No one knows to mend. Only my Lord, my God my Saviour knows how to mend different and varied things; He is a 'specialist' to mend broken health, may it be mental, physical or emotional health problem, He can mend  broken families, mend broken marriages and broken hearts, broken happiness, broken source for wealth etc and etc.. . In the whole bible, we can see that if some things are not broken it is impossible to glorify Him. Jacob wrestled and had broken leg, an alabaster jar was broken and perfume poured  on Jesus, head to worship Him.

It, reminds us one thing never to lose your heart, but to go to the 'specialist'. Actually, we grow more spiritually, when we are broken down. He, will always receive you in His mighty arms, and mend the things which are broken in your life. The word of God, tells us of many such persons, who were broken, yet they became great as they were used by God, and He blessed them. He is our potter to mend, the broken vessel and use for His own purpose and pleasure. It's written in scriptures: Ps 34:18 The Lord is close to the broken hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.
 Famous Quotes: "The world breaks everyone, and afterward, some are strong at the broken places".- Earnest Hemingway
Friends, if you have an excruciating heart ache, it can be best resolved by best specialist of world."GOD". Consider God as your friend ,not the one who is far, but a friend who is always near and who answers you speedily in time of need. You can always trust and count on him....If this article has been a blessing to you and enlightened you, and  if you would like to help someone, please do share with them by using “share” button. I love to hear your comments too. God bless you all.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Erase your worries.

If, you are a regular reader of my blogs you, might have observed a pause for few days. I, was going to travel a long 8hour journey after a long time and that to alone. Even, though I was excited to go, but frankly speaking that day, I had butterflies in my stomach and goose bump on my flesh which, no one could notice. As, the plane left the runway I started recalling all the memory verses which I knew but, to erase of my worries with an eraser 'not from the paper' but from my mind was rather a difficult thing. All the promise verses kept on flashing my mind, Is 41:10 " So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand". By the mighty grace of heavenly Father, I reached safely with God's angels everywhere to help me in each step of mine. I still don't know the reason behind my worry. May be, I have to trust him more and have full faith, by having an unwavering faith.
Said the Robin to the Sparrow:
" I should really like to know
Why these anxious human beings
Rush about and worry so ?"
Said the Sparrow to the Robin:
" Friend, I think that it must be
That they have no Heavenly Father
Such as cares for you and me."
By Elizabeth Cheney.
Next day in my sister's house, after a heavy breakfast, and after last days long journey, I reclined on my chair and put on the music, when the beautiful song " Jesus takes my burdens away" of Carroll Roberson" made a beat in my heart. When I was just lost in the lyrics, that I overheard, two birds in a nearby window they were discussing several issues with each other, to which their main highlights were regarding," Why do the people on earth have so many problems and keep on worrying all the time "? May be they don't have Heavenly Father, to care about as the care we, 'get from our Father'. I really felt shame on myself, after hearing them.
Life is full of many concerns, from the biggest to the smallest. We worry about job, our boss, co-workers, about our depleting finances, about our unsupportive friends, sickness and the list goes on. Worry, can only cause problems from outside of our body to inside, rather it can shorten our life ,but won't add even a single minute in our life. It is so well said in the scriptures in Phil 4:6 "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Friends, we all may have worries but, if you focus on the right thing, God will take care of everything you need. I learnt one thing, from this small incident not to worry but; first of all to go near to God, focus on Him open up with Him, spend time with Him in prayer, asking Him to display His glory through you as you learn to overcome anxiety and pursue peace within. It's only through His help that, slowly you will see the grip of fear, helplessness, concerns being drifted away with; God's love and His presence. Always, remember God is much much bigger than your problems; that is why in the bible He has written 365 times 'Do not worry'. Not for one day but everyday He tells you 'Don't worry' my child I am with you.
"Worrying is carrying tomorrow's load with today's strength- carrying two days at once. It is moving into tomorrow ahead of time. Worrying doesn't empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength.”
 Corrie Ten Boom
This is my blog, for everyone who wants to live a happy life without worries, so step forward and hold on to Him. This article, is for your encouragement. If you know this article would help someone else or encourage them, please do share with them too. I’d also love to hear from you. Please, do leave a comment.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Living a life with unwavering faith.

The faith which keeps on wavering, tossing to and fro, or flickering is; said to be unwavering faith. Faith is 100% confidence on something but, when you waver or flicker from this faith it is said to be unwavering faith. Faith keeps you going on and on. It only keeps you if you trust God fully, trust his patience, trust his decisions, whatever situation he has planned  for you trust Him whole heartedly.

I remember, an incident when I was a teenager, I went to our ancestral house, during summer holidays. We had to cross a river to reach our house. My parents, and my siblings sat on the boat it was my turn to climb the boat, the boat had a step to put our leg and climb, I was told by the boatman to put my leg, inside the boat, but I have heard to put leg inside, now I was in total confusion and disturbed so as where to put my leg inside or on the step, I started to waver with my thoughts and there, I fell into the river. The river was not so deep and I, was saved. This incident, was a lesson to me to have a strong faith and not to waver in any situation.

Like, Abraham who had a full faith on God that God was in control of everything, he relied on God's promises to him. He followed God in his darkest valley, dangerous situations, in times of ups and down and everywhere. He stood where exactly God, wanted him to stand, nor to the right nor to the left. God has clearly told that we should not waver in our confidence otherwise we won't be getting much or anything at all from Him. When we have an unwavering faith then only God can do miracles in our life. After, having full faith when we pray, God is surely going to hear our prayers. Sometimes, overwhelming situations toss our small boats and we, have no fixed focus that is the time we think, to say yes or no. He, who doubts is like the wave of the sea, tossed and driven by the wind. We, start getting distracted by many different noises of  a crowd of well- wishers and ill-wishers. Thus, it is very important to hear God's voice daily, and to have an intimate relation with Him. It is said in Ps 20:7, " Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God."
Famous Quotes:-

"Confusion and mistakes come when we forget the importance of God's word as our unwavering guide."-Hugh .W.Pinnock
"There is unwavering peace today when an uncertain tomorrow is trusted an unchanging God".- Ann Voskamp
I’m just writing a blog post, for your encouragement to give your full control to God. Let not your thoughts and your ways entangle your mind, and you waver, but let God manage and guide you. If you know this article would help someone or encourage them, please do share with them. I’d also love to hear from you. Please, do leave a comment.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Living a life of purity and simplicity.

When we think of purity of heart, perhaps we think of someone whose motives are pure, who possess no guile or malice. Someone who is good nature and may even be somewhat innocent. It is perhaps difficult at times, to live a pure life, with so many ups and down in our lives. But, we should learn from our surrounding nature as, how to live a pure life .

 Purity, is something to do with clean, and clear. A lotus flower grows beautifully even, though it spends its life, in marshy and dirty water. The roots, of the lotus might be submerged in mud. The stems and leaves, might be under the murky river water, in dirty environment but, the flower blooms, in the morning, so clean and pure, without even a slight trace of dirt on it. The negativity or bad influences cannot hamper it's growth. When, I think of purity the picture of milk, comes in my eyes. A glass full of milk, white, clean and clear. If, a fly falls in it or any other foreign element falls in it, it can be easily traced out. When we think of purity, we also think of purity of gold,  of silver, of oil; all can be said, pure only if it's impurity is taken out. This, refining process of silver, gold or oil makes it pure. A pure thing looks so clean, clear, free from impurity, shining, beautiful and worth noticing. Sin or impurities cannot linger in pure things.

Last week, as we had rains in our place, my naughty 4 year old niece, with her friend  started to play in the rain. They, had their maximum enjoyment by falling down, getting up in that muddy water. After, my household work I, came to know of their activity, when both were told to get inside, I told them you look "pretty dirty". She, told me Aunty," I know when, I am clean, I look more prettier". That, is so true I, thought for a second we all look so pretty. But, when we  fall into sins and temptations, which makes us dirty. This, tells of the purity of a person. Have, you seen a surgeon before an operation, he scrubs himself by cleaning his hands, through proper hand wash. An operation cannot be done with dirty hands, if a surgeon sees impure or dirty hands of a team member and refuses him or her for joining the operation. Then we can think of God, who is the creator of the universe who does not like an unclean heart or hands. In Matt 5:8 " Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God." Many people, have the notion that purity is something that you have when you are young, and then you lose it when you mess up with certain things in life. But, in the Bible purity, is something that you go after that also.  It is not so much, that you lose something, but something that you gain as you grow in the your life gradually. That, is purity and simplicity in life. We too, can become clean and pure by the blood of Jesus. God, desires that we should lead a pure life, heart and mind.  Purity means looking to God for our standards and not of the world.

Famous Quotes:
"I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet."- Mahatma Gandhi
"As for reputation, though it be a glorious instrument of advancing our Master's service, yet there is a better than that: a clean heart, a single eye, and a soul full of God. A fair exchange if, by the loss of reputation, we can purchase the lowest degree of purity of heart".- John Wesley
I’m just writing a blog post, for your encouragement and new insight towards purity and simplicity in life. Hope it has created slight QRS change in your e.c.g lead. If a vibration has been created please do share with your family and friends. I’d also love to hear from you. Please do leave a comment.

True Christmas

Life is good, and we are bestowed with numerous mercies by Him. But, the people don't get time to thank God. Especially during the seaso...