Monday, July 29, 2019

Relaxing in the Long drive

In the speaking tree, of 25th July,  Times of India, a nice article about; "Everybody is on a wrong train" impressed me a lot. A situation where the humanity, almost everyone thinks he is, on a wrong train. In the article there is a short story of a man travelling on a coast train, Mieczy-slaw was slummed in his seat and every few minutes, he sighed and cried, "Ah my!, Ah my!" Forbes, sitting next to him heard him cry, but he thought, may be the fellow was in a great personnel tragedy. Next day  also, same cry, "Ah my!, Ah my!" day after the same, "Ah my!, Ah my!". Finally, Forbes leaned over and asked the man," Anything seriously wrong?" " Ah my Yes! " he said I got on a wrong train. In fact, when we look into this story, it is rather very true. We all think, we are in a wrong train. All are entangled with the non essentials. You should, always see the road you are walking as four feet only, not more than that. If you go and start looking beyond it, there is a possibility of you falling from the grace. Man proposes, God disposes. Man thinks,  his problem to be extremely big. Like, if you see a building from near, you see it big when you walk very, very far and look, the same building appears to be small. Same way, you think your problem is big cannot be solved Ah!, Oh! what will I do! But the creator from above, looks and notices man to have a long face, face, and tensed look only due to such a silly, small problem.

God is there to control all our problems whatever goes on in our lives. We, should not be surprised or perplexed thinking, what is happening in our lives. As it is written in Isaiah 55: 8-9 "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts." How much ever you break your head to solve it, you can't but; if it is in His control you can easily solve. We all have a destiny, which has been fixed by God, the only thing is we have to move on and on keeping in mind, to move in a right track, keeping away the distractions. If you are with God, you will never think yourself to be in a wrong train. Once, you give the key of your car to the driver, you need not bother, he will take you to your destination. Just, sit and relax in your seat, and enjoy the long drive.
I’m just writing a blog post, for your encouragement to give your full control to God. Let not your thoughts and your ways entangle your mind, but let God manage and guide you. If you know this article would help someone or encourage them, please do share with them. I’d also love to hear from you. Please, do leave a comment.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019


There was a skit, to be held in my nephew's school so, he told his dad, that he need to have a gun for the skit. So, we bought a big toy gun and with that we, also got a small toy gun free. It was a shooting play gun so, we got few pellets also with it, and a target card. We, fixed the target board at a distance for the children to shoot . My niece, was so excited to play with the shooting gun that without aiming the target she, just did shooting. I explained her, dear whenever you are shooting or doing a particular job you should, always have a target in front, or a goal before you. Once, a target is set up you will know for yourself, whether you did a good shot or not, you will come to know, where you stand; and how much more practice to be done so as to achieve your target or goal. Always strive to hit the bull's eye. She understood the matter and started to aim and shoot the target.
In our surrounding, we come to encounter such persons, who don't have a aim or a goal in front of them. Even, in scriptures we can see that we should aim or set up a goal to please God. 2 Corinthians 5:9 NIV "So we make it a goal to please Him, whether we are at home in the body or away from it". Aim for perfection, Aim to be higher and higher. Be the best for God. Be perfect for  God. If, you become successful and hit the, target of pleasing God you will get a reward in heaven. Our focus, should be on God and ways to please him. If your goal, or your aim or rather your focus is sharp then, no problems on its way can come near you as you can easily tackle all of them. Do not fix your attention to the problem, fix your attention on God who  is the supreme head. As it's even written in 2 Corinthians 4: 18 NIV " So we fix our eyes not on what is seen but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. " 
Once, you have a target in life to please God and to fix your eyes on Him, you can overcome all difficult situations coming on your way. Remember always to have an aim, a target fix your eyes on that target on no Jesus and run the race or the game set before you.

 Some wise old sayings :-
"Set your target and keep trying until you reach it."- Napoleon Hill
"Aim for the moon, if you miss, you may hit a star." - W. Clement Stone
I’m just writing a blog post, please do not see it as my power to control you, this post is only for your encouragement. If you know this article would help someone or encourage them, share with them by using “share” button.  Or use the other buttons to share it on your favorite social media. I’d also love to hear from you. Please do leave a comment.

Friday, July 19, 2019


The sounds of construction work, from our neighborhood spoiled my, 4yr old niece's sleep. She woke up, and enquired about the noises so, I told her that construction workers are digging deep, so as to lay a strong foundation for the house. She, asked me "why do they have to dig deep, and spoil everyone's sleep?" House can be built on a plain land ground, also. Why do they have to work hard on digging a pit and  laying pillar for support? I explained her that, a strong foundation can only be found with strength and stability. The building can be strong, if the foundation, can bear the rough wind and can withstand all the pressures of the soil.

Later, in the evening I, went out to the nearby beach and saw, some children playing with the sand and making sand castle. The children dug hole and put heaps of sand, filled the pit with sand and then made a big house, with other heap of sand. They put windows and doors with the nearby twigs and even put flags on it. All of a sudden, a big wave came and washed away the house. Our life is a house which has to be build with great care. In our life too similar things can happen, if the starting point or the foundation, is not strong then, the cares of the world ,problems of our health, job problems, familial problems, marital problems and all other trials can ruin our house, breakdown our life. As written in Luke 6:48 " They are like a man building a house, one was thoughtful to lay a house in strong foundation other careless  and other thoughtless to lay a house with pleasure and easy way. When flood came the torrent struck that house but could not shake it, because it was well built". It tells us, to hear the word of God, obey His principles and apply it in our lives so that; when a raging storm, or a turbulence comes ,it cannot shake our life. There are few things, which will make us physically, mentally, and spiritually strong. We, need to have strong faith on God, trusting on His sovereignty. As, He is our originator and creator. He knows us, before the foundation of the world, nothing is impossible for Him. We also need, to have good relation with God, our family and friends. We have to lay treasures in heaven, even in 1 Tim 6:19 its written " In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life." The foundation in our lives should be on Jesus Christ so that you can withstand all the torrents in your life.
Friends, God wants us to lay our foundation on Him. The starting point of our lives should be on Him. As he will take care of us when flood waves or storm attack our life houses. Hope this blog will encourage you and if you are encouraged please do encourage others, share and comment . God bless you.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019


Summer vacations finished. Children, can be seen going to school, with heavy bags on their shoulder, which makes them stoop; in front. Heavy bags can cause damage to the spine of the tiny tots. I, remember the days when I, used to go to school, my  bag used to be very light. We could easily walk and run with it. Especially, after school when it starts to rain, we open our umbrellas and used to run to our houses. The cool breeze, and showers of rain used to be so exciting, some of the students used to make paper boat, during the free period and while going home, when they used to find a  puddle nearby, they used to open their bag, take out their boat and start playing with it. Nowadays, poor children don't have the time, as they are stressed up with their home work and class work. Competition indeed! When I, look back to my school life, there was not much competitions.'s different. The burdens, which the poor children are carrying daily, is hectic. Books, bags, studies all have become a burden to these tiny tots. When I, see my 8 yr nephew and 4 yr niece  coming and going to school with such heavy bags  I, feel pity. Sometimes, I see my brother in law carrying their bags, that time their joy is abound. Same is the case when we put our burdens on to Lord, just feel the joy of being so light
weight. It, was raining heavily and while, taking a cup of hot coffee with biscuits, one of a biscuit fell down and I, observed an ant coming hurriedly and taking it. I, realized one thing; even though that biscuit, was heavy for the ant, still it carried, the food on it's back. There is a saying, "for an ant even a small grain of rice is heavy, and  for an elephant, a log of wood is heavy for the elephant". Thus, everyone carries their burden according to their limits.  I remembered a verse from the bible which says,
"Cast your burden on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken". Ps 55:22. Sometimes in our daily life, our burdens feel so heavy that we feel like quitting. This heaviness of our burden causes pain in our whole body. First of all we need to pray and have faith that God will deliver us from the troubles and burdens from our life. There, are times when God will not deliver us from the pain of burden we are carrying, but will give the grace to go on smoothly. He knows how much load you and me can carry, He will not give beyond our limits. One thing is that God does not like you to be burdened always so whatever your trials and afflictions be just remember to cast away all your burdens and walk freely. The Lord is very near to you and me. We should just kneel down and pray about our burden and for sure He will cast away our burdens. A song which I like to sing, when I cast all my burdens on to Lord, goes like this "Rolled away, rolled away, rolled away, every burden of my heart rolled away.".....
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Friday, July 5, 2019

It had to happen....

During my school days and college days, I was active, energetic and an average child. It happened to me, as God wanted in His plan. I completed my schooling in a reputed school. As soon as I finished my Higher  secondary, I got admission in B.Sc Nursing.  Things turned for me after my 2 yr of experience period in the same institution. Someone, was waiting for me at the doorstep of my home. I am glad it happened, according to my father's will. My heavenly father knows; when, where, what, and how things should happen in my life. A killer disease, Multiple Sclerosis grabbed me at my house. had to happen, in my life.

I used to question, a lot many times those days, why did it happen to me? All my friends, colleagues, relatives and neighbors are leading a happy life..Why only to me?? Why?? series of question..revolving around my head. When I was busy, searching the answers to my question...I heard an inner voice, speaking to me in the stillness..."It has to be fulfilled" Matt 26:54. Like Jesus Christ, when He was being arrested, by some of the men, one of Jesus companion, drew out a sword and stuck one of the ear of a servant, of high priest. Suddenly Jesus, said to him to put  your sword back in its place,” Jesus said to him, “for all who draw the sword will die by the sword.  Do you think I cannot call on my Father, and he will at once put at my disposal more than twelve legions of angels?  But how then would the Scriptures be fulfilled that say it must happen in this way?” Whatever God has planned needs to be fulfilled. There is a reason for it to happen in our lives, we cannot avoid it nor remove it or delete it. It has to be fulfilled. Sometimes, things doesn't go as our plans, and what,  we think. All negative things  whatever happens is only His will. Not of D, as devil does not have any role to play in your, or my life. We may think it is all negativism that is happening in my life, but, Whatever happens, is for our good as written in Romans 8:28 "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those  who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose".
 1 Cor : 15:10 "But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace to me was not without effect. No, I worked harder than all of them—yet not I, but the grace of God that was with me".

In other words, you can't go down in this battle, without the grace of God. To me he has given me abundant grace  and will give. It is past, present and future tense. To me, He is good was good and will be good, He will never leave me or forsake me. Sometimes, some situation brings new revelation in our lives. That, is my revelation regarding Him. I am glad for the past 17 years He had been leading me wonderfully in every way. I thank my God for whatever happened in my life.
I’m just writing a blog post, for your encouragement. If you know this article would help someone or encourage them, please do share with them. I’d also love to hear from you. Please do leave a comment.

True Christmas

Life is good, and we are bestowed with numerous mercies by Him. But, the people don't get time to thank God. Especially during the seaso...