Monday, June 10, 2019

Value everything which God gave.

There is a proverb "You only know what you’ve got, when it’s gone".
Every moment, that passes in our life is of a great opportunity.  Many people, only realize the importance, of a thing when they lose that thing. Whatever God has given in our lives should be valued. Unfortunately, people take the blessings, God gave in our daily lives for granted. Whether, it is a big thing or a small thing, it's God who has given; each one valuable gifts in their life. Value, the thing which you have. Instead of that, everyone’s keeps an eye on the things other people have, but they don't have; take it to be a physical thing, or material thing. Like, some complain that God, didn't give beautiful hands or legs, they don't value, that at least they have hands and legs to work, or do their activities, but complain of it to be less beautiful.

 I, recently went through a very nice, motivational story of an orphan blind boy. A blind boy, used to beg near a crowded roadside. He, had a board in front of him " I am blind  please help" . Many passerby used to just see, him begging and go away. One day, a young man came to him looked over his board dropped a few coins in his bowl and did some corrections on his board and went his way. The boy noticed a change, all the passerby stopped, and used to put money on his begging bowl. The blind boy, was very happy. After, few days the blind boy could recognize, the footsteps of the same young man, who had changed his board. He, thanked the young man and asked, Sir what did you write on the board, as after you wrote the money came pouring in. The young man, said I just wrote "This is a beautiful day but I can't see".

 That was the moment, people recognized the importance of eyes in their lives. They came to know the value, of their own eyes. Such, is the case of many of us nowadays. We, forget the value of things God has given, we do not realize the true blessings in our lives. God, has told us in many places in the bible that "you are of more value than many sparrows", Matt 10:31. We are made in God's own image. You and me, are precious in His eyes. In, Ps 139:14 David says, "I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well".

I’m just, writing a blog post, for your encouragement. If you know this article would help someone or encourage them, please do share with them. I’d also love to hear from you. Please do leave a comment.

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