Monday, June 3, 2019

Splendid creation

I, carefully observed how wonderfully my, 4 year old niece was coloring a picture, in her picture book. With great caution she was coloring the right colors keenly and patiently to complete her picture with no mistakes. So, that at the end I can put a remark; it's good, splendid. I wondered, on to the creation which God made, indeed so wonderfully and carefully that no one can say there was a mistake. Everything in it's proper place, everything good. How beautiful and magnificent nature is; infact God who is the original architect and creator, made everything splendid in the places they should be. Sun to rule by day and moon to rule at night. Both have it's importance in it's place. He has made the beautiful valleys, mountains, flowers, fields, trees. The forest made so wonderfully with different types of trees in it. Trees with different flowers, leaves and fruits which are so pretty to see. When we look at the ocean the vast sky, it is God alone who created the heavens, fashioned and made the earth in such a marvelous and splendid way. It's written wonderfully in the Bible in Ps 19:1 "The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork."

I, just happened to stand outside my house in the night time, as it was summer, good to be on the terrace, when cool breeze blows saying just one message that: God is glorious! God is glorious! God is glorious!, I started singing an old song,...
" My God is so big,  so strong and so mighty there's nothing that He cannot do.
 He made the mountains, He made the rivers the stars are His handiwork too".

In the dark, when we see countless number of stars, lit up on the sky it seems as if, somebody has sprinkled the stars on the sky; to illuminate the earth. Day and night the flowers, the stars, the wind, the rivers, the mountains; keep telling about God and his splendid work.  How splendid the work of our God. I paused for a while to peep into myself and just could not stop praising Him when I realized my importance. This human body which he formed with a brain, a heart, kidneys, lungs, liver to function the full structure. Our small brain having so many blood vessels, neurons, white and grey matter, which regulates our body and brings the temperature under control, coordination and so many other functions. Splendid in deed... I marvel at the majestic work of God's creation, the more we magnify God the more we amaze the beautiful and splendid creation He made. When we see God's invisible qualities His characters the nature of His love we understand one thing, because He loved us so much, He made this universe and all the things in it for you and me to enjoy. As written in the scriptures Rom 1:20 we ought to glorify God for this wonderful and splendid creation.

1 comment:

True Christmas

Life is good, and we are bestowed with numerous mercies by Him. But, the people don't get time to thank God. Especially during the seaso...