Friday, June 21, 2019

Spreading the fragrance

When we smell something, it not only involves our sense organ the nose, but our  body, and mind and we start to act on it. If we sense a sweet fragrance we start looking from where it is coming? Is it from a nice flower, a perfume or if it's a tempting food? If the smell stinks then we look around, if an animal is dead somewhere, or if some food is rotten and stinking or if any drainage pipe is broken? The smell leads us to do the action.
Being, summer the seasonal vegetables and fruits are very cheap especially in north India. I, remember an incident of my childhood; when the price of Onions and potatoes used to go down in the market, my father used to buy them in a bulk amount and spread the onion and used to keep it underneath the cot as, in those times our houses were small with no store rooms, like that of today. Every week one of the children had the duty to check the spoiled onions, so as to remove them and keep others tidily. Now, it  so happened that an onion was rotten and it was my duty to check which I  did not do. This brought a stinking smell in our house as if some animal had been dead, everyone started searching whether it is a rat or some other thing. The smell was disgusting. In a fear of getting scolding from my parents, I did not utter a thing. That is how the sense of smell comes in action. Action was taken the whole house was cleaned ,mopped, rotten onion was taken out. A sweet smelling incense was lit to remove the odour from the room. As we read in the scriptures in 2 Cor 2:15 " For we are to God a sweet fragrance of Christ in them that are saved  and in them that perish".
Jasmine flower
God uses weak, fragile, cracked, broken vessels for His glory. We should spread the fragrance where we live. A broken pot or a cracked pot, leaks the thing stored in it, thus our fragrance should leak from us and be spread to others. Your odour comes from where you dwell just like, a jasmine flower or a rose flower ;the place where it grows and buds and blooms, that place is filled with its, sweet fragrance. When, we smell the fragrance of God everywhere, that shows we have a close and intimate relation with our creator. Sometimes, we like to be totally lost in that smell. Like a person whom we love wears a sweet fragrance, whenever we smell the same scent we are lost in that smell, and think our loving person is close to us. Same thing happens when we are intimate to God we are just lost in his love. We have a sense of joy and peace and fullness of love for God when we smell God's fragrance. This fragrance, leads us to discern that God is present in all things. When we worship God, it produces a sweet smelling fragrance of God's nature in our lives. We should be spreading this sweet fragrance to the world around us.
I’m just writing a blog post, for your encouragement. If you know this article would help someone or encourage them, please do share with them. I’d also love to hear from you. Please do leave a comment.

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