you ever experienced any type of loss in your life?
There are people, who sometimes lose
their near and dear ones, lose their job, lose other material things, lose
their health and so on. Loss is the experience of missing someone or something,
which was valuable or had a close bond, or had a great attachment; their arises
an emotional response to the one who lost the thing or person, in the form of
Something like this happened, one of
my friends who had a close bond with her pet, a tiny squirrel which she had
taken care since baby for 3 long years was lost. She was very attached to it, she
would spend her time talking, playing, giving her food. Few days before, in the
morning the pet as usual went out at 10 am but; didn’t return in the afternoon.
My friend was so attached to it that she was broken down; anxiously she searched
for it but could not find. She had a close bond with the squirrel, the loss of
the squirrel brought a momentary grief to her heart. Grief is a natural
response to loss. It is the emotional suffering one feels when something or
someone the individual loves is taken away. All, these things that happened,
opened my insight to a verse, God is
faithful, who has called you into fellowship with his Son, Jesus Christ our
If, my friend became so much upset
with the loss of her squirrel, how much more will our God be sad, if you lose His fellowship. God created
this earth only because He loves you and me and wants us to have fellowship
with Him. He created Adam and Eve, so that every day at the cool of the day, He
would have a fellowship, a communion, an intimacy with them. They used to walk
close to God daily. But, when they did the sin of not obeying God’s command, their
glory was destroyed, and they were driven out from the Eden garden. God, longs
for our presence as He loves us. When we fall into sin, we get away from His
presence. The worldly sin brings a detachment with God in our lives. The people
who keep on doing wrong, do not walk in His will, keep on sinning; all this
makes our God sad. If we daily read his scriptures, talk to Him, take time to
hear His voice, be close to Him, love Him, worship Him and glorify Him; you
will indeed have a fellowship with Him.
I’m just writing a blog post, to let
everyone know the love of God. To let everyone, understand to have a fellowship
and closeness with God. If you know this
article would help someone or encourage them, please do share with them. I’d
also love to hear from you. Please do leave a comment.
Well written Ann it is when you lose only can you realize how deep the pain can be...makes you a stronger person though 🙂