Sunday, May 19, 2019

Leap of faith.

Have, you ever felt from inside that your faith is weak, and sometimes you waver in two boats of "Can I" "I can't." If this is you, then the following blog is perfectly for you.

A few days back, my niece and nephew were playing in the sand. In front of our house, work of a building construction was going on.  Heaps of sand was in a place. The children started playing on it. Now I, saw my nephew climbing on the small heap of sand and taking a leap from, there to the ground. Seeing this my niece came to me and said Aunt, I think, "I can't" isn't it ?"Can I"? No, I can't. I told her if you doubt, then you won't be able to jump from the sand, my dear.
Without any doubt in your mind, can we take a leap of faith or run through a troop? When faith diminishes, courage vanishes and fear surrounds. All things are possible, to him who believes. God has given us, enough faith in ourselves. Only thing is we have to believe, that God will do the work for us. We have to practice this faith.
We can see in Matt 14: 22-23 in the story of Peter, how he took a leap out of the boat to the water on seeing Jesus. That, was a leap of faith he did, same thing happens with us nowadays, we might be enjoying a luxurious, comfortable life with soundness and a danger free life. But, problems happen when the focus wavers, we start to sink in deep waters. Like Peter, we too can fail if our focus weakens..Even though Peter's faith, tossed in the start but at the end, when he fixed onto his focus, we can see he made the crippled man walk, he raised a dead woman, he cast out demons ,healed the sick; All these he performed by the spirit of God , in the name of Jesus with a strong faith.
Faith is never constant, it comes and goes in different situations. You might sometimes; have a valley dark and deep in your life, sometimes a calm water, sometimes a rough storm, and someday you might be on a mountain top. But, in all these situations, the word of God says, "by my God I can" do many things that would be possible only through the will of, God and with a strong faith. Climbing a mountain, leaping a wall, running through a troop all these are impossible with man because of his limitations but with God all things are possible.
The word of God says in Heb 12:2 " Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand at the throne of God".
One, most important thing to be kept in mind is you have to practice faith, as it does not comes by hearing, we have to experience it in or daily life. 

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