"Goodness is the only investment that never fails."Henry David Thoreau
The sixth fruit, of Holy Spirit is Goodness. Attributes which, should be possessed by, each individual. The fifth, and sixth fruits are, interlinked. If, you have a gentle, and kind heart automatically, goodness will be filled in you. Goodness, comes when; one is compassionate, kind, forgiving, honest, loving. Anger, should be eliminated if you need to have goodness in life. Our speech, should be pleasing for others to hear.
When, God made this full creation, after making each thing; the sun, moon, stars, plant, the sea, the animals, human after completing each thing, He used to say it is, good. Goodness, can be cultivated in one. Since, God made you and me in His, likeness we can strive for it.
A person, who has this character, will do good to those people also, who does bad to them. Let, me tell a small story of 'goodness'.. Story, goes like this: In a forest, there was a Fig tree, which was lustrous with many branches and green leaves. Next to it, was a mango tree. It did not have, much branches. One, day a swarm of honey bees, wanted to build a nest so, they asked the fig tree if, they can make the nest. But, the fig tree refused, and shunned them saying that; you are insects which bite, and I don't want you, to come and take place in my tree go, and ask the mango tree. Hearing this, the mango tree called, the honey bees, and told them to make hive in her branches. So, the bees happily built their hive, and started staying. Then, one day, 2 woodcutters came, to cut trees. They, saw the mango tree and as, they were about to cut, they noticed, the beehive and left the tree. Soon, they saw the fig tree and, decided to cut its branches. They took the axe, and started cutting. On hearing the cry, and sob the mango tree asked; the bees to go and attack, the woodcutters. So, the bees went and bit the woodcutter. Both the woodcutters ran off, when they were bitten by the bees. The fig, tree thanked the bees for helping him. Bees, told don't thank us. Thank the mango tree who, called us to go and help the fig tree. See, the goodness of the mango tree even though, you behaved badly to the mango tree. It, was good to you. God is good all the time
God, wants our character to be good,
then only we will produce the fruit in ourselves. As written in Ps 23:6 " Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days
of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever." If
we, have good characters Lord, our shepherd will fill our life, with His love
and goodness. No one, other then God
is good. Because He is good, He is merciful to forgive all our sins. The act of
His, goodness can be seen in the parable, of good Samaritan. He had pity on the
man, when the man was attacked by thieves. Jesus, portrayed the fruits of
goodness and kindness. May, the zeal of Jesus, energize you and me. Let, all be
blessed with the fruit of the goodness, of God in their life.
The song..God is good all the time..
I’m just writing a blog post, for
your encouragement so as, to have Goodness
in you. If, you know this article would help someone or encourage them,
please do share with them. I’d also love to hear from you. Please do leave a
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