Monday, July 27, 2020

Enjoy the Goodness of God...

"Goodness is the only investment that never fails."Henry David Thoreau

The sixth fruit, of Holy Spirit is Goodness. Attributes which, should be possessed by, each individual. The fifth, and sixth fruits are, interlinked. If, you have a gentle, and kind heart automatically, goodness will be filled in you. Goodness, comes when; one is compassionate, kind, forgiving, honest, loving. Anger, should be eliminated if you need to have goodness in life. Our speech, should be pleasing for others to hear.

When, God made this full creation, after making each thing; the sun, moon, stars, plant, the sea, the animals, human after completing each thing, He used to say it is, good. Goodness, can be cultivated in one. Since, God made you and me in His, likeness we can strive for it.

A person, who has this character, will do good to those people also, who does bad to them. Let, me tell a small story of 'goodness'.. Story, goes like this: In a forest, there was a Fig tree, which was lustrous with many branches and green leaves. Next to it, was a mango tree. It did not have, much branches. One, day a swarm of honey bees, wanted to build a nest so, they asked the fig tree if, they can make the nest. But, the fig tree refused, and shunned them saying that; you are insects which bite, and I don't want you, to come and take place in my tree go, and ask the mango tree. Hearing this, the mango tree called, the honey bees, and told them to make hive in her branches. So, the bees happily built their hive, and started staying. Then, one day, 2 woodcutters came, to cut trees. They, saw the mango tree and as, they were about to cut, they noticed, the beehive and left the tree. Soon, they saw the fig tree and, decided  to cut its branches. They took the axe, and started cutting. On hearing the cry, and sob the mango tree asked; the bees to go and attack, the woodcutters. So, the bees went and bit the woodcutter. Both the woodcutters ran off, when they were bitten by  the bees. The fig, tree thanked the bees for helping him. Bees, told don't thank us. Thank the  mango tree who, called us to go and help the fig tree. See, the goodness of the mango tree even though, you behaved badly to the mango tree. It, was good to you. God is good all the time

God, wants our character to be good, then only we will produce the fruit in ourselves. As written in Ps 23:6 " Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever." If we, have good characters Lord, our shepherd will fill our life, with His love and goodness. No one, other then God is good. Because He is good, He is merciful to forgive all our sins. The act of His, goodness can be seen in the parable, of good Samaritan. He had pity on the man, when the man was attacked by thieves. Jesus, portrayed the fruits of goodness and kindness. May, the zeal of Jesus, energize you and me. Let, all be blessed with the fruit of the goodness, of God in their life.

The song..God is good all the time..

I’m just writing a blog post, for your encouragement so as, to have Goodness in you. If, you know this article would help someone or encourage them, please do share with them. I’d also love to hear from you. Please do leave a comment.







Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Gift of Kindness....

                                                            LET US BE KIND

                                "We cannot know the grief

That men may borrow;

We cannot see the souls

Storm-swept by sorrow;

But love can shine upon the way

Today, tomorrow;

Let us be kind."

The situation going around, is not acceptable or soothing to anyone in  the whole world. Pain, distress, tension, agony, suffering, troubles and so on.. Almighty will control all the situations. This, is the correct time to show the fruit inside you. Every person, regardless of the skin color, has a soul inside which is valuable. These, days we should look deep as to the need, the feelings, the eyes of each person. It, is an attitude of tender concern to others.

I have, heard a story of an old man, who carried a can of oil with him wherever he went, and if he passed through a door that squeaked, he poured a little oil on the hinges. If a gate, was hard to open he oiled the latch. And thus, he passed through life lubricating, all hard places  and making it easier for those who came after him. People, called him eccentric, cranky; but the old man went steadily on, refilling his can of oil.

Even in scriptures, we can see in the story of David, when he reigned over Israel, doing what was just, and right for all the people. In 2 Sam  9:1, "David asked, is there anyone still left of the house of Saul to whom I can show kindness for Jonathan's sake?" Even to Ziba the servant of Saul, who was an enemy of  King David with a great concern enquired the whereabouts of Jonathan's heir. But, the kind King wanted to show kindness for Jonathan's sake. We can see in 2 Sam 9:3" The king asked,' Is there no one still left of the house Of Saul to whom I can show God's kindness".

Jesus, also taught the parable of Good Samaritan, to be kind and grateful to everyone. Not only to friends but, stranger's also, and never expect anything in return. Be, a good Samaritan in someone's life. Show kindness, to animals as well. It, is not only God's command, but also His character. The kindness of God, is without limit. It, breaks down the bars and barriers.

We, can see around us lives that creak, and grate harshly, as they live day by day. Nothing, goes right with them. They, need lubricating oil of joy, gentleness, love. Do, carry your jar of oil with you everywhere. Touch the lives of others with; a smile, an encouragement note, a pat on the back, a hello, an appreciation, a help, and so on.

It, is the kindness of God that, we have been saved and have the hope of eternal life dwelling in us. Each day, we should be more like 'Jesus' to get His qualities, embedded in our lives.

I’m just writing a blog post, for your encouragement so as, to have kindness in you. If, you know this article would help someone or encourage them, please do share with them. I’d also love to hear from you. Please do leave a comment.



Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Enduring Fruit Of Patience In Our Lives


      Have you seen someone losing patience, in their life easily?

Everyone and everything, is moving at a fast pace. No one wants to slow down a bit, or reduce speed. God, wants all of us to have this fruit in our lives.

No one likes to wait for their turn in a line may it be a bus line, appointment to doctor in a clinic, or buying things from a grocery shop, check in counter of any flight etc..We want, good things to happen in our lives soon, not later. And, when things do not work, the way we want, we happen to get little impatient, and sometimes start grumbling. We keep asking God, 'When will it happen or why it is taking time, God?'

I remember, a story of my nephew, when he was small. One day, after dinner when he, was about to sleep he asked, me Aunty, can I have some water? I told him, to sleep. After, 10 min he asked me again, can I get one sip? I told him, now if you won't I sleep, I will bring a scale, and beat you. He said, "when you will bring a scale, bring  glass of water also...please.." Ha..Ha.. see, children are like that. They, can't wait. But, we adults should adapt the style of waiting. Most of us, need to grow in this, area of trusting God. God, causes things to happen at exactly the right time. Instead; of questioning God, you should pray to God, and submit for His will to happen in our lives. We should, wait for His answer with patience.

God is patient, and His Spirit produces fruit of patience in us. When we are patient God works in our heart and when we lay down our schedule and trust Him, He gives fruit of patience in our lives.

You, will hardly see, 'Jesus' being in a hurry. He is patient, slow to anger, and plentiful in mercy. Whenever Jesus, taught He used to teach with examples of living things which; we see daily like, vine, tree, seed, branches, crops, fruits etc.

In James 5:7, " Be patient, then ,brothers, until the Lord's coming". Like, a farmer waits for the land then, sows the seed, ploughs the field, labors hard day and night, and waits patiently till the time of harvest. If at all; he becomes impatient then, he will lose his harvest. So, are many people who lose patience, when their labor does not give immediate results. Patience, will surely lead to prosperity and success.

If, we become impatient; we are angry, restless, fearful, and anxious. Thus: it is wise to be patient, and enjoy peace, and joy in our lives. All the fruits are interlinked.

Nowadays, you will hear from many people asking, "Why doesn't God, do something, about the evil going around the world?

If God, was to judge the world right now, there will be only few to reach heaven thus He, is patiently waiting and giving time. As written in 2 Pet 3:9 "The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing any should perish but that all should come to repentance."

Patience is the first thing that proves our trust to God.  If you trust on God, you will mount up with wings like eagle.  So, stop trying to figure out everything with your mind, but patiently wait on God. Patience from God will help you from all troubles and live a successful life.

Famous Quotes: "Patience is not simply the ability to wait - it's how we behave while we're waiting". - Joyce Meyer

So, friends keep thanking God and have the fruit of patience in your life so that; you remain fruitful for Him, and can honor Him . If you, find value to this blog share with your friends for an encouragement. God bless you.







Saturday, July 11, 2020

A Love With No Limits.......

Everyone, wants to be loved from a baby to an old. Not only human beings, even animals, too. In fact, God has made the creation in His likeness and image.

LOVE is the shape of heart because, it happens from heart But; according to me, the shape should be round, as love Has to be done to all, around us. As written, in 1 John 4:7 "Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God and knows God. It, is a complex word having different meanings. Love, is something if you give it away, you end up having more. There are, 4 basic types of love:-

 Storge love: Love of a parent to child,

 Phileo love: Friendship love,

 Eros love: Romantic or Physical love,

Agape love: God's love. The love which is divine, unique, pure, and perfect. Only Agape love, is a real action love not an emotion.

Today, let us concentrate on the first fruit of Holy Spirit 'Love'. Apostle Paul, has written a full chapter on Love. '1 Cor 13' which is a revelation,, for an the excellent way of love.

I just like, to share a story of sacrificial love. Once, there was a mom who, had one eye. Her son, hated her because of one eye. She, did menial jobs and raised him up. One day, his mother went to his school. His friends, made fun of him, and tauntingly asked " Your mom only has one eye?!" 

He, felt embarrassed and often wished that his mother would just disappear. He began to say bad words to her. But, never did she punish, or scold him. Due to desperate poverty, and hatred towards his mother. He studied hard so, that he becomes successful. Once, he got admission in a famous University. Later, got married had kids, got all the luxuries. In short, he was a happy successful man. He never, remembered his mom. One day, someone unexpected came to his house, and his child ran away with fear. He pretended, to identify his mother, and shunned her away from his house. After a long time, his school reunion was there and, he thought to go to his old house. He saw, his mother fallen on the cold ground. Not, a drop of tear fell from his eyes. She, had a piece of paper in her hand which, was a letter  to his son.

 She wrote: "I think, my life is enough now. You, had to feel embarrass many times because, of me.. You, see when you were small you got an accident, and lost one eye. As, a mother I couldn't watch you, growing with one, I gave you mine. Couple of times, when you were angry with me, I pardoned  you because, I knew you loved me. I, was very happy that now you can see the whole world for me, in my place."

Moral: Never disrespect your parents. Their is no way to repay, what they have done for you. The time, energy, love, and whole life for you. A sacrificial, and an unconditional love.

 Think, if parents do so much for their children. How, much more the Heavenly Father will do for you and me? 1 John 4:9,10 " This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins."

 A limitless gift given by my lover God. Humanly love may say, that he or she loves me and die for me. But; there is a limit, a condition, for everyone. No one will die for me, there is one and only one Jesus, who died for me and you. A love without limit and boundary. As, said in Jerm 31:3 " I have loved you with an everlasting love..."

Famous Quotes: "The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt with the heart."- Helen Keller

Friends, God loves each one of us. He is a compassionate God, slow to anger, and gracious in mercy. His love is totally, about who He is, and not about who we are. Hope, this blog will enlighten your thoughts, regarding the 'Limitless God'.. Please share comment and like. God bless you.



Monday, July 6, 2020

Inner Peace even in Turmoil's...

"When winds are raging o'er the upper ocean,

And billows wild contend with angry roar

'Tis said, far down beneath the wild commotion,

That peaceful stillness reigneth evermore."

By--Harriet Beecher Stowe.

Life has rolled every heart, in a roller coaster during the present condition of Covid-19. Not only terminal illness, jobs, economy, education, everything and everyone's heart is beating thinking what is next. The desire to be at peace with God, others and ourselves had been; the longing for all the souls through ages. Pursuing peace, is the need of all the human beings. It, is a continuous journey. Inner peace, comes when you fully trust God.

When, a person loses his near and dear ones, or there's a familial dispute, or losing a job, or having fought with your friend, can easily take away; your peace of mind. Peace, is not the absence of external conflict. It is something related to inner, it's the power of internal security. Our God is the 'Prince of Peace'. Never does He want, or likes a person with a disturbed mind. He, has given His Spirit, and when our mind is guided by His Spirit, it brings peace.

You, can see Daniel in the Bible, when he was put in the den of lions, he trusted God, that God will deliver him. So, he was at  inner peace of mind. As written in Isaiah 26:3 "You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trust in you".

Illustration: There was once, a King who offered a prize to the artist who would paint, the best picture of perfect peace. Many artist, tried but, only 2 were selected. Out of the two King, had to choose the winner. One picture, was a calm lake, with peaceful towering mountains all around and nearby a girl sitting. Overhead a blue sky with fluffy clouds. All over, a picture of perfect peace.

The other picture, had mountains too.  Overhead, an angry sky from which, rain fell. Downside, of the mountain there was a foaming waterfall. This, did not have a look of perfect peace. But, when the King looked minutely, he saw behind the waterfalls, on a birch tree sat a bird brooding in her nest.

The king, saw the first painting and said this, is a stagnant peace. When, he saw the second painting, he was very happy with the artist and awarded him, the best painter. The king, explained "peace does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. Peace, means to be in the midst of all those things and still be calm in your heart. That is, the real meaning of peace."

'An inner peace'. This, is the peace Jesus, wants you and me to have. As now everywhere, when a stressful and chaotic environment is going on. God, wants you to be filled with the peace that surpasses understanding and time.  Problems and difficulties can come in every life. His promises  in John 14:27 " Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." God doesn't want you and me to be troubled and fearful.

When, I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, it was my Lord who lead me in the stormy and raging winds. He, held me and lead me thus far. His, hand was gracious to give me the inner peace. As said, in Phil 4:7 " And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

Friends, I want to share my experience it is true if you choose to trust God, with those blind corners in your life, He will lead you to the road of inner peace. You, will experience the peace that passeth all understanding in every circumstance. If this article has been a blessing to you and enlightened you, and you would like to help someone, please do share with them. I love to hear your comments too. God bless you all.







True Christmas

Life is good, and we are bestowed with numerous mercies by Him. But, the people don't get time to thank God. Especially during the seaso...