Thursday, June 4, 2020

Unshakable hope...

Do you feel down, and tired by the present ongoing situation? Is your hope shaking?
"Trials make the promise sweet; Trials give new life to prayer; Trials bring me to His feet, Lay me low, and keep me there." As, a small virus has made a havoc globally, and everyone is facing one or other type of trial; mentally, emotionally, or physically. God, will test your faith and hope by different measures. He, will remove the comfort zones and check, but He won't leave you in the midst of suffering. Like an eagle He, will teach you how to fly through the difficult storms, or carry you then will He fill your, hope by His grace preparing you for the eternity. Pray, when you fall into diverse trials and temptation. Remember, the promises of God as, His promises are unbreakable so your hope should be unshakable.
We, can see it in the lives of many great men in bible who were not shaken, and desolate when they faced many dark and grave situations. In the life of Job, Daniel, Abraham, Paul are a few. Once, you go through the path of trouble, pain, afflictions, despair then only will you go through the process to forgive others, pray earnestly waiting for the answers, motivate others through your incidents etc.
I, want you all to be encouraged in your lives. Trials, sorrows, difficulties, afflictions, pain are part and parcel of life. The steadfast hope of the Lord never fails. As its written in Heb 10:23 " Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering;( for he is faithful who promised;)"

 Like Daniel, when he was put in the lion's den because of his prayer life. Three times a day he gave, thanks to the Sovereign God. He had to face trials and persecutions from the administrators and advisers who set a trap for him. But, Daniel knew one thing that, the God whom He serves will rescue him. Dan 6:22 " My God sent His angel, and he shut the mouths of the lions". Daniel had a strong hope that God will rescue him. In the life of Job, when he was faced with pain, grief, hurting words from wife, and friends, yet he said in Job 13:15 " Though he slay me, yet will I hope in him; I will surely defend my ways to his face". These both characters had a strong hope without doubt.
At times, I feel awkward, and desperate when I face uncertain situations in life. My confidence staggers, or shakes when people watch me doing something. Sometimes, I shake in my boot, when I need to walk, or climb steps and someone is watching me, all the more my movement ceases. My concentration, gets diverted easily. All, this is because of  my disease condition. But; even though I have to shake or stagger in my walking, the hope inside me should not shake, like Job, I too will say, though he slay me, yet will I hope in Him. This, is only my prayer. It's God's, grace that he keeps me going without shaking.

Famous Verse: Titus 2:13 "Looking for the blessed hope and appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Christ Jesus."
Friends,  When, we are in this world we will have problems, sickness, troubles, difficulties, & much more all; this is momentary. ..Keep on living a good life with hope, patience, endurance and hardships...I, am writing a blog post for your encouragement. If you find value please do share it.


  1. Praise the Lord
    Thank you for the blessed blog.
    May God bless you

    1. Thanks for your encouragement. Glory and praise to Lord for His grace. Thanks for your prayers.


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