Monday, June 29, 2020

In the Fullness of Joy...

How does one see you? As, we all are undergoing a different situation. Does everyone see you as a worried, tensed, and anxious person, or a joyful person?

Happiness, and joy are almost the same but, have slight difference. Happiness, is an emotion a feeling, in which one experiences contentment, gratitude, fulfillment or satisfaction, in one’s life; no tensions, and worry of the future but; having tremendous inner joy. 

Illustration:. The happiness can come out through various, circumstances. Like, you will be happy on seeing and eating the pizza first time. The same, pizza if given forcefully, in a full stomach will, make you sad. The outcome, of eating it in full stomach will make you, angry when your stomach gets upset. So, eating a pizza will make you happy, it won't create joy. As, joy is an inner feeling, which comes from your inside.

Joy, is divine and comes from deep within ones heart, which is unwavering. It won't be able, to shake you. Real, or true joy in a person comes when, he has surrendered his life to God, and he knows that; all his sins have been forgiven, and that a place is being prepared for him in eternity. So, he will have a continuous fellowship with Him by; singing, clapping, and praising Him. Thus, it is clear that joy comes from God.

Amazing beauty; of birds, flowers, trees, animals, river, mountains God has created. The nature, teaches important spiritual lessons. I am excited to see, the bird with magnificent colours, feathers, and sweet song. I was awe struck! by, the beautiful humming bird in my sister's house. Near, to my window is a flowery tree. Usually I do wake up with the chirp and hum of the birds. One day I, woke up early to see, the beauty of the humming birds, as soon as it was dawn all came out from the nest and perches, together they started making different sounds as if they are praising and thanking the Creator. This is the joy which we need to have which God expects from you and me. Then I noticed them, flying down, backward, up, forward all; directions as if they were dancing. Fascinating, thing was that they started flying slowly then to full speed. You, can see a joy overflowing in them.

 Certain things can happen, it can cause heartache, make you worn out, make you insecure, fear can grip in, and so on. But; all these should not cancel your inner joy. Like, the story of Paul and Silas in Book of Acts(16:16-34) 2 men of God who were arrested, falsely accused, shackles put, beaten, and imprisoned. But all these horrific situations did not dampen their joy. Instead, they praised God, thanked Him, prayed and sang. God, did a miracle by, releasing them from the chains. Call unto Him, and He will answer and all the tangled threads will be free.

When, I was reading from Book of Nehemiah, I could see how Nehemiah strengthened in the Lord, in his times of fear, frustration anger. Not only did he ask God to fulfill his needs, but also strengthened his fellowmen. Nehemiah 8:10 " Nehemiah said, " Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is sacred to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength."

When, there is that joy which is inside, you can do everything in life. As the fullness of  joy is your strength.

Famous Quotes:

Ps 16:11 " You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand."

"We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves".- Gautama Buddha

I’m just writing a blog post, for your encouragement. Don't let the peace, and joy depart from you these days. Keep singing like the birds. If you know this article would help someone or encourage them, please do share with them. I’d also love to hear from you. Please do leave a comment.




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