Wednesday, December 18, 2019

An unquenchable thirst...

All animals and human beings, requires the basic necessity such as; air, water, habitat, food, and shelter. Out of which, air and water is the most important. Man, cannot live without air, but, he can live without food up to 3 weeks and, without water he can live only for maximum 3 days. Thus, we can see the importance of air and water. Have, you seen someone panting? I, have seen dogs panting. If, they are thirsty they will keep their tongue out, and pant. Panting means, to cry out or long for something. Most animals, who pant do it so that; they can throw the heat from their body as they don't have enough sweat glands.
Did, you ever experience any kind of thirst in your life, a longing thirst for something, which you want to have it desperately? Such a moment, came into my life. Last week, when we decided to go out for a short trip. Joining with my dear ones, after a long gap was really exciting. In a view to reach home soon, we didn't carry anything with us, not even a bisleri bottle. But, due to heavy traffic we were struck up in the middle of the road. And I, was so thirsty, that I could not speak a single, my tongue was sticking to the roof of my mouth all my strength had gone. We, had to halt in a nearby shop to get a bottle of water.

This, is how spiritual thirst creeps into our lives. When, we go through trials, problems, difficulties, pressure, stress, pain and struggles of varied forms. That's the moment, we realize an emptiness, or dryness. At times, you might become so engrossed in your lives that, you don't have time to look into yourself, nor have few minutes to sit in solitary with Him. I, saw a video of deer running to get fresh water, the deer was being chased by some hunters, tired after long run it started to search for water to quench his thirst. It, desperately needed water or else it was in a point to die. And, when it finds a stream to quench his thirst, it starts drinking from the fresh streams of flowing water. A new life comes into, full of freshness and energy. Ps 42:1 "As the deer panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God."

So it is with you and me, when we long, to have a fellowship with God. After, you get it you feel, satisfied and happy. The closer we get to God, the more we yearn for Him. He will satisfy our thirst as Jesus, said in Matt 5:6- " Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness; for they shall be filled".
There are times in my life, when I need my Lord desperately, I have an unquenchable thirst for Him. And when I take time to sit quietly, in His presence, He fills me with the living water. "We need to Thirst for God like a drowning man needs air". Just as, the deer thirst for living water we too, should keep on longing Him. I like the Hindi and Eng -'Hirni jaise nadi ke jal ke liye hafti' 'As the deer panteth for the water' .....

Friends, when you thirst for God, and seek Him, you will be filled and empowered by His spirit. If you find value to this blog please, comment your opinions, and don't forget to share with your loved ones. God bless you.

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