Saturday, September 26, 2020



" Whole days and weeks have I spent prostate on the ground, in silent or vocal prayer" -Whitefield

Bridge or mediator acts or stands in the gap of two things, or connects two people, river, stream or anything.

Intercessory prayer, acts as a bridge. A prayer, to support another person. It acts as a mediator, or stands in the gap meaning to  communicate, or talk to God on your behalf. We, can see in the life of Abraham, Jonah, Moses, Nehemiah, Esther many of the prophets who stood in the gap as a bridge for people.

We can take, an example of a bridge, which is used by a traveller to reach from one point to the other. Mostly, they are built over the rivers or streams. It's rather difficult to cross a river without the bridge which, stands in the gap rather closes a gap in life to make a comfortable and easy journey. In fact, we try to provide a direct link to God, for those who are unable to pray for some or the other reason.

If, you relate with the spiritual side, you pray for the people who are not able to pray for themselves; due to sickness, depression, weakness, work and many other personal reasons.

When, we read in the book of Exodus ch 17, where God provided everything for Israelites though they murmured. Later, God fought for them when the Amalekites came to attack, and Moses interceded for the people of Israel though they quarreled, and murmured against God. Ex 17:11 " As long as Moses held up his hands, the Israelites were winning, but whenever he lowered his hands, the Amalekites were wining."

Another example came in my mind, in most of the houses I, have seen mothers acting as a bridge, between the child and the father, may be the father is strict, or non approachable the children then stimulates the mother to intervene for their problem. It's the way Jesus, intervenes for you and me to God the Father. The mediator, solves the problem by being a bridge.    In Heb 7:25 "Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always live to intercede for them."Yes, even now He intercedes for you and me. To plead, on behalf of another this, is what Jesus does for you and me. In the book of Timothy we find in 1Tim 2:1 " I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone-" And that too we have to  intercede with only Jesus who is our mediator as said in 1 Tim 2:5 "For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus,"

In Rom 8:34 "Who is He that condemns? Christ Jesus, who died-more than that, who was raised to life- is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us." Jesus Christ, cannot condemn and intercede at the same time rather, He prayed earnestly to God the Father, for us to strengthen us, in our challenges and trials.

In the same way, we ought to pray for our brothers, and sisters, and be a bridge between God and them. Pray, for someone who might, not have requested you. God, is looking or those who are willing to stand in  the gap.

God, is seeing as to who will stand as a bridge; for the family, friends, city, state, world. When God, touches your heart you will cry, and pray for the people who are unable to pray for themselves, due to various circumstances. Payer, has the power to change your situation when, you pray  for others God, will work in your life.

Friends, God wants us to be perfect, and grow in every aspect like, His Son. Hope, this blog will enlighten your thoughts regarding, your prayer  life. Please, share comment and like. God bless you.





Saturday, September 19, 2020

Abide In His Shelter

Dwell in His Shelter

 Nowadays if you go around , you can see people with tensions, and stress because, of the pandemic we are facing. It's a topic of concern as, our Government, and Health Authorities understand the concern behind it. Other areas of concern is too much violence, and crime going around the world especially, too much in India. Many people are nowadays, going in wrong directions least bothered that; God hates crime, violence, rape, sexual immorality. God, will pour out His wrath if, the people won't refrain from wrong in their lives. We can see, in Gal 5:19 "The acts of flesh like sexual immorality, impurity, and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft, hared discord, jealousy, fit of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions".

Leaving the problem aside let us concentrate on God and Abide in Him. When we read Ps 91:1 "He who dwells in the shelter of the most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty". This verse is so true in our lives to abide in the shelter of the Most High.

 Let, me tell you the example of the way God, provides to those who dwell in His shelter. Today, morning I heard chirping sounds, coming from the bedroom window. Some, the humming birds had laid their young ones in the nest. 2 tiny little birds peeping out from the broken shell with wide open mouth was a  wonderful sight. Waiting for few seconds, a mother bird came hopping. She started digging inside the mouth, as if she was putting something deep inside. Later, the mother bird flew away to search for food. I wondered as, too what might have the mother fed, or was she giving a pacifier. Recalling an article, about birds where, the mother feeds glucose from the moist air by, opening the mouth. After a week, starts giving her regurgitated food. Then starts with insects, and other feeds.

I paused for a moment, if the mother bird feeds her young ones with such care how much more God, the father will provide for us. We are under the shelter, of His protection. He, will not only feed us but, will cover us with His wings.

 A story, flashed my mind little I don't know, if it's true or not.  It's about a farmer, who had a fire in his barn. After, the fire was put out the farmer, walked in his farm, and found a hen burned to death. He slightly kicked, it with his foot and to his surprise there was movement. The movement did not come from the dead hen but, from the chicks under her body. She, had spread her wings to cover her chicks, and gave her life for them to live.

Just as the chicks got shelter from the mother same way our God protects you and me from all evil harm and danger. Such; is the love of our God, who protects us from all evil, harm and danger. Not only that as, the chicks got a new life. Christ died for you and me. As, 1Pet 3:18 says" For Christ died for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. He was put to death in the body but made alive by the spirit," Only thing is, we have to be closer, more closer to him. As, a parent takes care to feed her young ones, protect them and give them everything, same and much much more our God does to you and me.

Friends, God wants us to abide in His shelter. Take refuge under His wings. He will protect you and me from the snares of this world. Hope this blog will encourage you and remove all the fears as God is the dwelling place for you. Please share comment and be encouraged. God bless you.





Wednesday, September 9, 2020

A Remedy for All...

Life is thickly sown with thorns, and I know no other remedy than to pass quickly through them. The longer we dwell on our misfortunes, the greater is their power to harm us.- Voltaire

Life, has come to a standstill as we all are experiencing the greatest pandemic, eagerly waiting for a remedy to bloom so as to; pass quickly from the pricking thorn. A cure, a treatment, a remedy for Covid-19.

For most of our problems; starting from headache to all the aches and pain in each part of the body, we get 101 remedies. Home cure, natural cure, granny's cure, Ayurveda cure, Homeopathic cure, Allopathy cure etc

A remedy, for a problem is what all of us seek. When, different sorts of problem creeps in. Be, it a remedy for your brokenness, remedy for emptiness, remedy for loneliness, remedy for jealousy, remedy for sickness, remedy for hopelessness, remedy for stress, remedy for sinful life, and now, a remedy for the ongoing Covid-19. Everyone is waiting and wanting a cure, or remedy to burst open as a vaccine, which will save lives.

When, this Covid-19 is spreading like a bush fire everyone, including doctors, scientist and, experts in pharma, are; on their toes and struggling to get a remedy. God, alone has a remedy for this.
Who, doesn't have a problem? I, am having so and so problem? What should I do??

Let, me just narrate a small incident, which happened lately. One, of my friend had a sprain in the neck, the pain was quite severe so, she started asking me how, to get a remedy for my problem; the excruciating pain which was intolerable. Please, give me some remedy she, said. I gave, few, which she said, she already applied and, didn't get any relief. At, the end I told to look on to 'Jesus' and pray in His name. This is only the name, to deliver us from all problems. She, got relief the next day. As, we can read in Ps 34:7, "The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them. This is His promises to us that he will deliver them all. A cure for one and all.

Many, such pains comes in your and my life. The, pain is crushing me, the loneliness is cramping me, the stress is eating me.

God's, plan always has a remedy to all our problems. Only thing, put your hope in Him, and trust Him.You, can overcome all the obstacles and difficulties coming in your way.

Whenever, we use a medicine their are specific instructions which should be used with wisdom, and knowledge.

As, the promise in Jere 30:17" But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds, 'because you are called an outcast Zion for whom no one cares'.

In Num 21:8, The Lord said to Moses," Make a snake and put it up on a pole; anyone who is bitten can look at it and live".

Whatever, may be your problem follow His instructions; God, will heal just look on to Jesus, confess your sins, Praise Him, Worship Him, Thank Him, and see for yourself how He, cures. He, will extend His cure, if you eat the 9 fruits of Holy Spirit, and see the wonders in your life. 'Jesus' extends His, hand to all; who need grace, love and power. This is the remedy, for all those who need.

1 Pet 2:24" He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed."

I’m just writing a blog post, for your encouragement to increase your faith and stay firm in God, look on to Him, follow His instructions and extend your hands to Him. If you know this article would help someone or give a remedy to them, please do share with them. I’d also love to hear from you. Please do leave a comment.







Saturday, September 5, 2020

Limitless God...

 Little is enough when God is in it.

We become perplexed, baffled, tensed, worried when our source of money, food, clothes, or whatever possessions, we have starts declining. We start to worry, as how will we now survive without it. Because, we don't look on to the one who, gives the source but; often look on to the source itself. Don't, look on anywhere and everywhere.

Usually, in the time of crisis, as now, most of us, run here and there with a long face as if, life has ended. Life, is not only a bed of roses it is, a bed of thorns as well. Perform, or go on doing your work, assigned by God. Do not make, the audience happy, and prove your work to them. Instead, please God in your lives. In struggles, often we forget God, and think He, is not much interested in weaving your life. But, you will only understand when the tapestry is complete that He, was there in all your ups, and downs.

Don't waste; time, money, things you possess, food etc etc. God, does not like anything to be wasted. The, leftover food should be kept safely and can be reused. Sometimes, we just  store the left over in the fridge after the party or after a dinner in restaurant. We, store for 2days then that food is thrown in the bin.

Without, having a compassionate heart, and reaching out to the need of others around cannot, solve the problem of poverty in our country.

You can see, the miracle of Jesus, feeding 5000 people with 2 fish and 5 loaves, the demand was high, and many mouth wanting to eat but; supply was limited. But, after the miracle when all were satisfied, a huge left over was there, because the miracle was done by the one who had no limits. Unlimited God. Then Jesus, said to gather the left over pieces and not to waste. John 6:12" When they had all had enough to eat, he said to his disciples, "Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted.""

Jesus, wanted to feed those who, were hungry He, did it 2000yrs ago. Now, He has given us the responsibility, to feed the hungry souls with the Spiritual Manna. His words, should win souls for salvation.

Eph :19 "And to know this love that surpasses knowledge -that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God."

The Lord, loves to supply our needs. Whatever limited things we have, look on to Jesus with faith, who will increase your limits to maximum, and whatever is empty He, will restore and make it full. God, will test our faith with challenges in life. God, is not limited by our resources but, He is a limitless God.

You, should be governed by His providence, trust Him that your resources will never be empty.  Your, faith should not pessimistic. Believe, and trust Him fully. He, is able to change your situations; and all your impossibilities into possibilities, hopelessness into hopeful. See, to God's ability in each situation you face. Sometimes, we run off with resources, that is the time we should put our trust on Him. Gather all the left over and start working for the limitless God with faith. He, will fill all your empty space.

Friends, I am just writing a blog post for your knowledge to move one step forward to attain the kingdom of God. Trust and obey Him. Leave the result in God's hand. He is in control. Please, do leave a comment and try to share with others also. God bless you.





True Christmas

Life is good, and we are bestowed with numerous mercies by Him. But, the people don't get time to thank God. Especially during the seaso...