Life, is a short stay here. The time,
spent here should be used cautiously because, whatever we do here will be
counted. Live a life which, is pleasing to God, and others. If, we submit to
others all; our actions, our doings, thinking, our thought, to others, then
only we can be humble. You, should be clothed with humility, or humbleness.
Quit focusing on yourselves, and look on to the things of others, especially;
during this lockdown time we should find, ways to help the people in need. Pride, is a sin which; was
committed by Adam and Eve, by Lucifer. Their eyes were focused on; themselves, their
beauty, their mind, their strength, and not on God. So, they fell from humility
and grace.
It is even written in 1 pet 5:5,"God opposes
the proud but gives grace to the humble". You should be humble under
God's mighty hand so, that He may lift
you in the correct time. It, is a sign of strength not of weakness. There, is a
Chinese proverb which says, 'the higher you grow the deeper you bow'.
I, was reading my portion from
scriptures, in 2 Chronicles 12: 5-12, when
the character of Rehoboam, came into my mind. He, was an arrogant, and high
thinking king, who rejected the advice of the elders. He, was not like his forefathers.
A ruler, by name Shishak captured the cities of Judah, and Jerusalem. Then, a
prophet by name Shemiah, came and said to Rehoboam, and those assembled. "This
is what the Lord says,' You have abandoned me; therefore I now abandon you to
Shishak'." The leaders of Israel, and the king humbled themselves and said, "The Lord is just". 2 Chr 12:12 "Because Rehobam
humbled himself, the LORD's anger turned from him, and he was not totally
destroyed." God, likes those who humble themselves, as; pride always
leads to destruction. If, you are humble God, will use you. If, you remain
arrogant, He knows how to break you. The next moment is not yours, your health,
wealth, position, status, family everything is temporary.
Jesus, shows us the best example of
humility, He, existed in the form of God. But; did not consider Him, to be high
in position. Instead, He took on the form of a servant. As, written in Phil 2:8 " And being found in
appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to death- even the
death of the cross!" We, should have a humble mindset, and a desire
to; do His will. He, even washed the feet of His disciples, to show them to be humble to each other.
Song.. Humble thyself in the sight of
the Lord...
I’m just writing a blog post, for
your encouragement and new insight towards living a life with Humility. Hope,
it will create some changes in your way. If, you find value to it please do
share with your family and friends. I’d also love to hear from you. Please do
leave a comment.