Wednesday, February 19, 2020

The Master Weaver's Hand.

When I was drawing a peacock, the beauty of the bird, made me to praise the Almighty. God, put the exact blend of colors and made it a wonderful creature, the National Bird. Winters have finished, and summers have started with early dawn birds chirping, and echoing of cuckoo, with its sweetest voice woke me. God, of the universe is really, a 'great artist' making everything perfect. His wonderful creation mesmerizes me often. What a beauty!
Sometimes, in life self unworthiness creeps in, feeling, that life is a mess with mountains and valleys, ups and downs, and life is of no good use to anyone. It's only a journey of struggles and  pain, I too felt the same, but, that time my mind flashed on to the beautiful artwork of tapestry in my brother in law's house.

Have, you observed the front and the back portions in tapestry? The back side looks a big mess. It is an art made with weaving of different colored threads, on the image or design which is already printed.
Observing, my  brother in law making amazing tapestry, left me spell bound. While he was doing it, the dedication and concentration, on the work could be seen. This, made me think that, I too am precious as God made me patiently and wonderfully.

I recalled Ps 139, and  I praised the Almighty for strengthening me through verse 13,"For you  created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb." His eyes saw my unformed body. " "When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body".  He, made each one of us like that. God, sees the upper side and for us we see the underside with knots, and jumbled up threadwork dangling here and there.
He’s making you valuable and priceless, so that when others see you, all they see is the work of the Master.  Let your life show who the Artist is, and how wonderful is his handiwork. From, our life we should do good deeds so that His, name might be glorified, through your good works. Our lives, are like the cross stitch work, or puzzles, or tapestries. It's, difficult for us to see, the next step of our life's journey but, God is working in our lives, and He gives us a hope, that the end result of our life's tapestry, will be indeed amazing and people will marvel at the amazing art of God in our lives.
Underside of the tapestry
So, do not be anxious, panic, troubled, imaginative as to, what is happening to your life. Leave it all in the Master Weaver's hand. As, He is weaving your life according to His plan and image. Trust Him.
A poem by Corrie Ten Boom
"My life is but a weaving
Between my God and me.
I cannot choose the colors
He weaveth steadily.
Oft' times He weaveth sorrow;
And I in foolish pride
Forget He sees the upper
And I the underside."

Top portion of the tapestry
Friends, God loves each one of us. His love is totally, about who He is, and not about who we are. Hope this blog will enlighten your thoughts, regarding the 'Love of God'.. Please share comment and like. God bless you.

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