Thursday, November 26, 2020

House on the Rock


" When my plans are in the dust,

When my dearest hopes are crushed,

When is passed each foolish whim,

Then, my soul," consider Him."

When I track my weary way,

When fresh trials come each day,

When my faith and hope are dim,

Then, my soul," consider Him."


When we see the news of pandemic; everyone everywhere is facing fear and a big question mark on their faces. As; there is Economic crisis, decline in stock market, tourism down, small business down, education system down. Life may be, sailing along with you with these thoughts as to what, when and how. Leaving it all aside, people still builds a house, for their shelter.

Who doesn't, like the idea to build a big house? If, the weather is good the house looks good. If, the weather is bad and stormy the house too looks bad. Before; laying the plan to build a house, one selects the place, where water doesn't enter into the house if there is storm. Place which is; quiet, away from noise pollution, air pollution, water pollution.

My, thoughts ran to the parable 'Jesus' spoke of two builders, in Matt 7: 24-28. " Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock." Jesus, explains that, the life of each man is hard work. It takes effort to attach your house on strong base.

Each, house faces a storm. Storm of Finance, Relationship, Marriage, Children, Sickness. The storm, will reveal how strong is your house, and how solid is the foundation of your house.

 It is just, like the man who built on the sand. Even when you stand in the beach and waves, touch your feet you won't feel the grip and for a second, you feel as, if you will fall down. The sand, here shows the pleasure of this world, wealth, beauty, reputation in life. When, a storm creeps inside the house of beauty, with disease and sickness; it falls down if, it is build on sand.

But, if you stand on a solid ground and the foundation that is on the word, though; any storm of sickness, finance, relationship, children  anything may invade it won't fall. Our foundation should  be on Christ which is a strong foundation. Our foundation should, be laid with a precious corner stone of Christ so that even though overwhelming scourge sweeps by, you will not be beaten down. Just, trust Him and no storm can unsettle you.

One, should live a life which is pleasing to the Father. They should be doers of the word, and not just hearers. The, one who listens to the word should understand it, and apply in your life.

So, friends where will you build your house ? On the rock, or on the sand. Decision is yours.

Friends, God wants us to lay our foundation on Him. The starting point of our lives should be on Him. As he will take care of us when flood waves or storm attack our life houses. Hope this blog will encourage you and if you are encouraged please do encourage others, share and comment. God bless you.




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